Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Erwin Hergen:
    2- By october we will make a joint press conference
    3- Maybe, yes, but the issue in this case is Authorizations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hergen

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    I have several questions:
    1) You told us that you have signed a contract with a new US partner with whom you want to sell energy in the US. Do you want to sell heat, electricity, or both?

    2)Is your new partner a public traded company so that I can buy shares of them?

    3)You told us that you made your modules smaller (10 kw to 4.5 kw) because of safety. Now for your modules are safer, can we expect that heating systems for heating normal houses are sooner available than before?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Göran Crafte

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    Do you think the process in your reactor can be a simultaneous fission and fusion where nickel is transformed to copper and iron in such a way that very little radioactive emissions happens?
    Do you think electromigration from the outer parts of the reactor could have any role in the nuclear process?
    Do you think the heavier elements in our world can have been formed by low energy nuclear reactions, possibly in our own solar system, rather than in old supernovas?

    Warm Regards
    Göran Crafte

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Bill Conley:
    Conductivity is not an issue, since the system after a while goes in thermal equilibrium and stays there 24 hours per day. It takes just some tens of minutes nore to get the equilibrium, but it is not relevant. The reason of the choice of the AISI 316 L is chemical.
    My idea is that Fe comes from the steel by a sort of a sputtering effect.
    Warmest Regards,

  • Bill C


    Congrats on your great progress on this very important work and best wishes as you proceed with the Athens project. I am very excited overall and very interested in the forthcoming announcement of you major U.S. Client.

    A couple of questions.

    (1) I’m curious why you chose stainless steel for the reactor body when it has such low thermal conductivity (7-26) as compared with other options; say copper at 200+?

    (2) Also, all the reports (and patent application) mention the transmutation of Ni to Cu as a result of the E-Cat process, yet in the March 29th demonstration, slightly more Iron than copper was observed. Is the Iron also the result of a transmutation, the result of impurities in the Ni powder (fuel) or some other process?
    Again, best wishes going forward.

    Bill C

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear “Random” Friend:
    Yes, I apologize, our Italian expression “Toccare…ferro” is the equivalent of the English “to knock the wood”.
    I was just joking.
    Warm Regards,

  • random

    >”Credo che questa battuta la possa capire solo un italiano!”

    Eh… loro usano l’espressione “knock on wood” in luogo della nostra “toccar ferro” (che tuttavia, va ammesso, non rende come quell’altra più pittoresca).

    Con una forte stretta di mano al team Rossi-Focardi, che ha avuto la forza e le capacità per nuotare con successo controcorrente: credo che stiamo avendo il privilegio di vedere sotto il nostro sguardo, giorno per giorno, anche dalle righe del “Journal”, fare la Storia.
    Ci sono immense inerzie con cui ci si dovrà confrontare, ma ho l’impressione che sia stata applicata una inversione definitiva alla polarità in ingresso, e che d’ora in poi “gutta cavabit lapidem”.

  • Ivan Moho

    >> […]You want not to know what I did touch when[…]
    Credo che questa battuta la possa capire solo un italiano!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Robert T.:
    My Friend, I confirm: statues are dedicated to dead men ( if they have been winners during the life, since History is written only by the winners). I prefer to be alive than to be a statue. You want not to know what I did touch when I read of your wish me to get statues…(he,he,he…just joking: is an Italian expression that stays for “knock on wood”).
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert T.

    I didn’t realize that statues were only for dead people. May you be the exception.

  • Robert T.

    Please forgive me for leaving out Dr. Focardi. Rossi-Focardi cars and home fusion reactors will be wonderful, as well as the Focardi statues.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Robert T.:
    About the statues: since statues are dedicated to dead people, I really hope to get statues as late as possible.
    It will take tiome before arriving in a backyard with this tech, but from November we will be able to distribute heat from centralized heat systems.
    As for Fleischman: he and Pons, indipendently fro their apparatus, which did not work, they gave us a dream which has led us to the present results.
    Warm regards,

  • Robert T.

    Dr. Rossi,
    I’m telling my friends about this, as well as some of the professors here at the university where I work. No one seems optimistic about it so far but myself (it does seem a bit too good to be true). I can only hope it all works out as it should. If so, I certainly plan to contribute to one or more of the multitude of statues that would certainly go up in your honor. I’m also looking forward to driving my first Rossi fusion powered car, and plugging my house appliances into Rossi fusion powered outlets. I hope Fleischman will also get significant praise, as he has endured much grief from this.

    All the Best

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Michele:
    1- no
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Shiv Singh:
    Thank you for the suggestion, but it is not that simple.
    Warm Regards,

  • Shiv K Singh

    Mr Rossi,
    If the device produces 550 degree centigrade, then it is very easy to convert that to 750 or more by simply using concave lens in reactor or outside and concentrate the heat radiation to central tube.

    I am very happy that you are getting close to a electrical production solution.
    If that is done, then it also means we are ready for automotive solutions, atleast the big engine ones.

    Let the march of intellect go ahead at full pace.

  • Michele

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I would ask you two questions, obviously if you are allowed to answer them:

    – does the catalyzer works in a homogeneous phase with nickel powder?

    – is it possible to integrate your reactor in a closed hydrogen turbo gas cycle? It could be an idea to exploit your device in a power plant

    Best regards

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Regarding to Mr. Mikael Lundell suggestion, I also have a very good experience with hire-purchase or installment-purchase systems.

    Imho the motivation of the potential customers doubles again if they own your device in the end.

    It is also possible to participate in the consumed energy or operating hours over the contract time period mentioned above.

    Surprise: I would be very proud if I would also get involved with you and to get licensing for your product.
    I will contact you in November, when you will unleash your commercial attack! 🙂

    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iam strongly indebted with the Japanese research, so I am very proud of the fact that the National Japanese TV is following, in this difficult moment for that Great Country, find the time to observe our job. Great People of Japan, you overcame more difficult moments than this in your glorious History: you will recover and grow stronger than before also this time.

  • Watch NHK World free live tv online.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Mikael Lundell:
    Good suggestion. Very good suggestion.
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We cannot overcome the limit of 550 C degrees for technological reasons. But we are very advanced in the application of an electric power generator. Very advanced. We are close to the solution.
    Warm regards,

  • […] is asked a question about commercialization from a Canadian reader: I am in Canada and after your showing this Oct/Nov […]

  • Rémi André

    Dear M.Rossi

    I do not understand why it would not be possible to reach 700°C with your device. Isn’t it possible to change/modify the pump so that water could be gradually replaced by the steam already produced by the Ecat during some previous cycle ? Wouldn’t it be possible, otherwise, to put Ecats devices in a serial circuit in order to heat gradually the steam to 700°C ? I can not see thermodynamic reasons why there should be a limit to heat the steam…

    Thank you for your explanations.

    Rémi André

  • Mikael Lundell

    Will it be possible to rent the e-cats and pay per produced kwh?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Ravin:
    1- Not convenient
    2- We are working also on this for the future
    3- I think an integration will be necessary
    4-heat and power production
    5- no
    6- no comment
    7- no comment
    8- ok
    9- we are dealing with these issues properly
    10-contact me in November, when we will unleash the commercial attack.
    Warm regards,

  • Mr Ravin

    Mr Rossi

    I have been following your journal and your research for over a year and have seen your research and profile go from the obscure fringes to near spotlight. I simply cannot wait for the world to see your brilliant contributions come October 2011.

    I am pleased to witness your transparency and near full disclosure

    I applaud you and your colleagues work in thinking out of the box and seeking to write new chapters in new model for the quantam theory and LENR.

    And I also thank you for being both so open and responsive to your public and questions on this site.

    Couple questions.

    1. Given the article today – you’ve moved to the 50cc unit for stablility and stringing 300 units vs 100 in the new plant.
    Could the 1000cc unit not be scaled similarily with input/output etc. to allow for the same stability yet providing a higher yield and thereby requiring less in your factory builds?

    2. Could you speak to the idea of building larger single units for larger industrial capacity as a means to speed up distribution in the near future.

    3. What vision do you have for the capacity produce to distribute this technology quickly in the near future to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

    4. What will be your next application for this technology after you have rolled out the industrial 1MW plant?

    5. Do you envision working with other elements to validate thier viability as a primary component to the E-Cat?

    6. Some scholoars as published in other articles in the USA have said they would further believe your claims if given the opportunity to view and test your unit for radiation which would further validate your invention without having to disclose your proprietary portions of your unit. They also claim that it could be done without comprimising the ‘footprint’ which could detail further inner workings. Could you comment?

    7. A gentleman in the Ukraine is claiming to be selling patents to his similar version of LENR Ecat using Zirconium- can you comment on his unit or his model for commercial viability as it relates to your own model.

    8.Given the Quantam theories Ive recently read on this site – how would you theorize they should be using the CERN collider to seek a basis for creating and proving a single string – unified theory or to drive specific research better mankind.

    9. You once mentioned that some have attempted to blackmail you – are these attempts ongoing and what other obstacles have been posed to thwart your invention.

    10. I am in Canada and after your showing this Oct/Nov I would like to get involved with you to get licensing for your product in Canada – or work to secure your system in Canada in some capacity in commercial or agricultural applications. How can we further discuss?

    I thank you for your time and I wish you much success in getting this implemented to help change the world.


  • Thank you, I am following this closely now and am telling everyone I know.

    Thanks good luck,
    Richard Mills

  • Shiv K Singh

    Mr Rossi,
    I have a suggestion on how to service your LENR devices. Each device can come with two modules, one as primary and one as backup. I am referring to devices installed in households. Once the primary is consumed, it can automatically switch to backup ( or device can switch to backup module in case of any other faults with primary module), and automatically dial home to LENR central support line, that a replacement is needed, at which time, the local LENR support team, can go and replace the primary module.

  • Shiv K Singh

    Mr Rossi,
    Please do not give license to manufacture your device to large companies.
    I would recommend that you give it to coops.
    Probably, you can give franchises to small groups to maintain, sell and market the LENR devices.
    Today, when you need support, it is the small groups that are behind you, while the big companies demand proof.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr. Mats Heijkenskjold:
    To change the charge we change the whole module, then the change of the charge is made from us in our factory. The 1 MW plant has more modules than necessary, so that they are changed in turn when it is time.
    Good question,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Bernd Rohbeck:
    All the organizations are sustaining us: they are just waiting the proof of facts, which means the operation of an industrial plant. This is a realistic approach I share.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gent. Sig. Germano,
    La risposta alle domande e’ SI.
    Il tempo di attivazione e’ di circa 20 minuti primi.
    Cordiali saluti,

  • Germano Z.

    Gentile Ing. Rossi,
    innanzi tutto colgo l’occasione per complimentarmi per la sua invenzione , ha tutta la mia stima ed ammirazione , in modo speciale perché anch’io nel mio piccolo sono un inventore (isolamento termico) e posso immaginare quante difficoltà avrà dovuto e dovrà superare per arrivare alla consegna del primo impianto senza trascurare l’impegno economico.
    Ho provato ad immaginare come realizzerà l’impianto utilizzando circa 300 E-Cat da 2,5Kw montati in serie e in parallelo e mi chiedevo come verrà effettuato il caricamento delle polveri nel reattore e come si svolgerà la prima accensione dell’impianto. In particolare le polveri dovranno essere caricate manualmente o sarà possibile impiegare un certo automatismo? Una volta che l’impianto sarà messo in funzione si avrà la possibilità di rifornire i reattori di nuove polveri disattivandoli singolarmente permettendo all’impianto di rimanere in funzione ? La prima accensione dell’impianto immagino avvenga gradualmente , quanto tempo può stimare necessario per andare a regime?
    Grazie e ancora tanti complimenti
    Germano Z.

  • Bernd Rohbeck

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I keep my fingers crossed that everything works out and your plant will start in October. It will mark a milestone in human history.
    To me it is a shame that environmental organizations like Greenpeace or Robin Hood to name the most popular ones are not supporting you so far. I am sure that all people commenting here are more than willing to help you. So in case you need any support let us know!

    Best Regards,

    Bernd Rohbeck

  • Mats Heijkenskjold

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    I have studied the report of Kullander and Essen. Now I have a question regarding loading of the small unit with nickel.
    On the pictures it seems not so easy to load. May be you have to dismantle the whole unit? Or is this a question of future development? Could you please explain a little?

    At home we really appreciate your work!

    Best regards

    Mats Heijkenskjold

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr William:
    The answer is yes to both questions.
    Warm regards,

  • William

    Hello Mr. Rossi,

    Could you please confirm one issue that I am trying to settle with some friends of mine who are interested in your technology?

    My understanding is that the reactor volume in the original E-CAT was around 1 liter or 1000cc and that the new smaller module has a volume of about 1/20th of a liter or 50cc. Is this correct?

    Also, what is the standard power rating of this smaller module? Is it officially 2.5 kW?

    Thank you for all of your efforts on this technology.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Randy:
    Please contact me in November after the start up of our 1 MW plant, when we will organize our commercial network.
    In any case, we will not give manufacturing licenses in the USA,since we will manufacture directly in the USA.
    Warm Regards,

  • Randy

    I have a light manufacturing building of about 15,000 sq/ft on the bank of the Mississippi river in Iowa. Is that going to be large enough for a start when you grant me the Iowa manufacturing license? 🙂

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Goran Crafte:
    We all have been honoured from the attention to our work of Prof. Sven Kullander and Prof. Hanno Essen. They displayed a strong knowledge of the matter and we learnt from them: there was really much to learn, and we did.
    Their report is very interesting, I repeat the link:


    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Göran Crafte

    Dear Mr Rossi and all interested: Here is a new article in Swedish tech magazine Ny Teknik: Swedish physicists on the E-cat:
    “It’s a nuclear reaction”


  • Ivan Moho

    New article from Ny Teknik:

    Swedish physicists on the E-cat:
    “It’s a nuclear reaction”

    In a detailed report, two Swedish physicists exclude chemical reactions as the energy source in the Italian ‘energy catalyzer’. The two physicists recently supervised a new test of the device in Bologna, Italy.

    The used powder contains
    ten percent copper

    Analyses of the nickel powder used in Rossi’s energy catalyzer show that a large amount of copper is formed. Sven Kullander considers this to be evidence of a nuclear reaction.

    Ny Teknik detailed technical report: here

  • A new article in Ny Teknik by Mats Lewan reports a new test supervised by swedish scientists (Kullander and Essén):
    http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3144827.ece (english)
    http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3144772.ece (swedish)
    http://22passi.blogspot.com/2011/04/i-fisici-svedesi-sulle-cat-e-una.html (italian… translated by me)

  • Hergen

    Brayton Cycle turbines seem to be the ideal turbines for converting heat with a low temperature efficiently in electricity.


  • Rick

    “Instead, the team found the collision yields two high-energy alphas, which shoot off at an angle of 155 degrees, along with one lower-energy alpha. The existence of this second high-energy alpha could mean these kinds of fusion systems are able to produce much more electricity than expected, says Duke nuclear physicist and study co-author Mohammad Ahmed. The results appear online in Physics Letters B.”

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Alessandro Coppi:
    Unfortunately the Stirling engine has good efficiency above 700 C degrees, and we can’t reach those temperatures.
    Warm regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi everybody, this is only to understand how much the E-CAT would be useful: the cogeneration (heat and electric power) is already developed in industrial range using an engine based on stirling technology.
    What amazing improvement, replace the gas powered heat generator with the E-CAT !

    Avanti tutta!

  • malcolm


    It was mentioned a few posts back about the possibility of a suitable modern steam engine. Well the Cyclone engine would seem quite compatible with the 12kW reactor in terms of water temperature and offer a quick to market solution. It’s nice that it requires no oil for lubrication.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Antonio Di Stefano:
    Thank you for your suggestions. The minimum size is a module of 2.5 kW of power, so far.
    Warm regards,

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