Novel Cold Fusion Reactors based on the real Cold Fusion Mechanism

Noriyuki Kodama
Independent Researcher
Tokyo, 206-0011 Japan, 81-90-6164-9203,

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I review my Cold fusion theory as described below, and I also propose the experiment to prove hydride bond compression theory based on the currently available reactors and propose the conceptualized Cold fusion reactors based on the cold fusion mechanism.
(1) Cold fusion occurs at the metal surface T site by the compression of D2 from the surrounding lattice atoms.
(2) Compression of D-D bond can create the small D2 based on the electron orbit theory, which has been proved experimentally and theoretically.
(3) Bond compression is the common mechanism for the successful cold fusion reactors.
(4) The reactors of Buffer energy nuclear fusion and E-CAT with Li-H utilize the bond compression of Li-H and created small hydrogen (tightly bound proton-electron pair) and Lattice Confinement Fusion utilize the bond compression of Er-D and create small D (tightly bound d and electron pair).
(5) Because both E-CAT with Li-H nuclear reaction and Lattice Confinement fusion of Er-D have no mechanism of bond compression, their reactions can be unstable and irreproducible.
(6) I propose that Lattice Confinement Fusion reactor will be used to prove the mechanism of bond compression to produce excess heat because it seems to be designed to prove the lattice confinement fusion because the transmuted element seems to be stable and it is easy to compress Er-d films by mechanical stress.
(7) I propose the conceptualized Cold Fusion Reactor with nano-metal particles which potential is controlled by the metal 2 parallel electrode, and location of nano-particles can be mixed by ultrasonic oscillator to vibrate nano-metal particle in D2O to get the uniform reaction of D absorption and cold fusion.
(8) Li-H bond can be compressed effectively by the collision of nano Li-H particle by ultrasonic oscillator vibration of Nano-Li-H particle, and can be compressed by 2 parallel metal plates directly This direct compression can be applicable to Lattice Confinement Fusion, however the efficiency is low due to the reaction of D to Er.
I also propose the conceptualized Cold fusion reactor for transmutation with metal surface for Cold fusion to create small H2 and backside potential control for H absorption with H2 gas in place of D2 gas to prevent the heat generation because small D2 can be reduced by D+D fusion.

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7 comments to Novel Cold Fusion Reactors based on the real Cold Fusion Mechanism

  • Andrea Rossi

    You should find the answers during the presentation. Questions not answered will find answer in the Q&A section.
    I already visited for several weeks your wonderful Country and, yes, I will return.
    God bless you too and all our Faithful Readers, whatever their religion, and However they call Him.
    Warm Regards,

  • Albert

    I like the sequence of names that you have chosen: Ecat SKLed and the Ecat SKLep, the first one provides light and the second one provides electrical power, both having I presume a very high CoP.

    Going through your replies to several followers of the ECat developments, I could not pick up the power output of the *Lep version. Have you already revealed this value, or will it be revealed on the 09-12-12? Will it be a DC or AC output? If AC, can it be matched to both the US and EU frequencies, 60Hz and 50 Hz respectively?

    Waiting eagerly for 09-12-12 which I believe will be a great success after so many years of hard work from your end, and anticipation from us. God be with you.

    Would you ship to Australia?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comment published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    9 A.M. Miami Time
    Warm regards,

  • Albert

    Have you already fixed the time at which your much expected presentation will commence on the 9th of December? Apologies if you have already announced it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Roland

    Dr Rossi,
    from the paper
    it appears to me that you are distancing from LENR theories, am I correct ?
    All the best,

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