Tertyshnik E.G.
E-mail: edtertysh23@yandex.ru
Epifanova I. E.
Epifanov A.O.
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Based on the test report of the heat generator by A. Rossi (2011, Lugano), the authors calculated that the summa of nuclear energy had been generated by the heat generator for 30 days exeeded 9000 J . To improve the operational characteristics of the device, it is proposed to use a high-frequency generator to heat the reacting mixture. The use of titanium instead of nickel in the heat generator can also be useful. An experiment was carried out in during which a nuclear reaction in a mixture of 5 g of nickel and 0.5 g of lithium aluminum hydride was initiated by heating in a household microwave oven. Gamma analysis of the mixture after it had cooled revealed the presence of a number of short-lived nuclides including 46K (half-life 1.75 min.), 91mMo (half-life 1.077 min.), 168mLu (half-life 6.70 min.). At the moment of start of measurements, the activity of these nuclides ranged from 0.5 to 1 Bq.
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Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
To be decided,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
I suppose you will make a streaming of the Ecat powered EV; will it be live or recorded ?
Dr Rossi,
here are the last stats of your publications on Researchgate:
Total Readings: 129000, of which 119600 only for “Ecat SK and long range particle interactions” (more than 99% of 15 million publications on Researchgate)
Recommendations: 9232
Citations+Mentions: 79
Research Interest Score: 2419 (more than 99% of 15 millions publications on Researchgate)
Most Readers Geographic Areas: North America, Europe
Most Readers Cathegories: A.I., Theoretical Physics, Electronic Engineering, Power Engineering
Most Readers Seniority: Professors, PhD Students, Seniors
And counting…
Jan Srajer:
We are working hard on it and I think we will succeed.
Warm Regards,
Nils Fryklund:
Your pre-order has been received.
We are testing several Ecat SK SSM for the EV application, we are not yet manufacturing them industrially.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea!
Are you going to manufacture, or do you already have a couple of hundred E-cats to the demo-EV-car?
Looking forward to the million-order and my E-cats, that I ordered in december 2021.
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
I would like to ask, how you feel about the implementation of E-catSKLep in an electric car.
Warm Regards J.Š
Marcel Arias:
Thank you for the suggestion
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
I understand from past Q & As that you are currently working on powering an EV with an Ecat system.
Have you considered using an Energica Electric motorcycle as the Vehicle. These motorcycles are more efficient than automobile type EVs.
Energica (Energica Motor Company – The italian electric motorcycle manufacturer ) may be amiable to cooperation in your project.
Futhermore, for proof of concept publicity, arranging a publisised event for example: a ride from Stokholm to Rome without recharging.
Hystorically, a ride by Charly Boorman & Ewan McGregor in their documentary “the long way round” was instrumental in making the BMW GS the most popular adventure motorcycle on the market.
If you give this idea some consideration, you may also approach Charly Boorman to participate/assist/promote this endeavour. He has already done a similar promotion for Harley Davidson when he rode the livewire electric motorcycle, in documentary The long way up, before its release to the public.
Such a public event (followed/scrutineered by the media) would completely dispel any doubt that the Ecat system performs as stated.
Kind regards
Marcel Arias
Lars Olov,
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
What you and your team have done is amazing,
Lars Olov:
We studied and hypothesized connections with this effect in paragraph 1 of
See also in the bibliography of that paper the references 42, 46, 33, 34 ( Fig. 1 ), 4, and 17.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
have you heard of the Casimr light effect that you can produce photons from vibrate plates very close to each other?
This is going to save people’s lives you all please share it https://sites.google.com/view/awakening-of-universe