Power-independent cooling system for a high-power research reactor

.byVitaly Uzikov, Lead Ingeeneer, JSC “SSC RIAR” (Russian Federation)Irina Uzikova, Nuclear Safety Engineer, Assystem E&OS (France).

Read the whole articleDownload the ZIP file.AbstractThis paper presents the results of the analysis of a universal system for cooling of the research reactors core. The cooling system based on the passive principle of natural convection of […]

Low-power modular lead-cooled nuclear reactor

.byVitaly Uzikov, Lead Ingeeneer, JSC “SSC RIAR” (Russian Federation)Irina Uzikova, Nuclear Safety Engineer, Assystem E&OS (France).

Read the whole articleDownload the ZIP file.

IntroductionOne of the main directions of modern development of nuclear energy is the creation of small modular reactors. Small modular reactors installed in single or multi-unit power plants make it […]