Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Is there a limitation on how small (i.e., thermal output power) eCat technology can produce? For instance, a series of 10W output eCats sewn into an electric blanket?
Dear Silvio Caggia:
Thank you for your kind words,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
If you exclude Barak Obama and the ex Pope Benedetto XVI, only a handful of persons in the world have the “honour” to have an entire internet domain dedicated against them and their ideas (i.e. shutdownrossi.com).
I think that when someone arrives to create an internet domain to spread shit against you, you have really touched a nerve of our world, and you deserve the best attention and interest from mankind.
Wikipedia affair is only a confirmation.
Giovanni Guerrini:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Silvio Caggia:
E-Cat low temperature
Hot Cats
Both as modules of 1 MW plants (so far).
Warm Regards,
Silvio Caggia:
E-Cat low temperature
Hot Cats
Both as modules of 1 MW plants.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You say your Partner is preparing automated lines for mass production…
But mass production of what modules? Warm e-cat? E-cat HT? E-cat HT2? E-tiger? Onion-cat? Else?
Personally I don’t care of people’s opinions who think that Wiki is the Holy Bible.
Intelligent persons get information from right sources.
I care only of the intelligent people’s opinion,so I don’t worry.
Regards G G
Tom Conover:
Thank you very much. Sorry, I supposed you were an affiliated to Wiki. Too bad you are not!!!
Too bad you are not.
Warm Regards,
Michael Schneider:
Yes, you are right. We made a website
to make clear all, but I want not to put it on the JoNP, because I want the JoNP to be indipendent from my personal issues.
Thank you anyway for your analisys.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
this Wikipédia battle for reputation is very though – but don’t get overexcited about it, as this is classic propaganda/misinformation. If I can permit myself I would suggest to have your correct Cv inclusive off all judiciary happenings posted at the beginning of Jonp as well as ecat commercial websites + a neutral reserve about wikipedia information indicating that considering the things at stake, and the animosity towards ecat technology/phenomenon, the content in Wikipedia is constantly being reedited by antagonistic parties and therefore non reliable. You could also ad a few links to key articles from people like Brian Josephson (his last interview mentioned in coldfusion now “validating” ecat) and Hagelstein, that have impeccable scientific curriculum and confirm Lenr existence,
By the way, every thing excessive is irrelevant as they say. So just continue your work and let the propaganda battle be handled by somebody dispassionate on a day to day basis.
All the best to you and your team,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The wikipedia article is changed as you say again. I copied and pasted what was online, I meant no trouble. ( and I am NOT affiliated with Wikipedia. ).
I too hate to see your name defamed !!!!!
I sent the independent report to an engineer friend of mine to keep him up to date, and instead of saying FRINGE again, to my great pleasure he initiated speculative discussion about the makeup of your NI+H=MC2 formula.
You ARE having many people open their minds.
Dear Herb Gillis:
I cannot give information regarding what we do and what we don’t inside the reactor.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Have you considered mixing the powdered nickel fuel of the Ecat with a phosphor?
If some of the lattice excitations in the burning fuel can be captured by a phosphor then it may be possible to make electricity directly- – from the light (or UV) emitted by the phosphor [using a high-temperature photovoltaic material as reactor lining]. Since many common phosphors emit at relatively low temperatures, perhaps even the “warm” Cat would be suitable for electricity production?
Regards; HRG.
Yes, we are working on that too.
Warm Regards,
dear Mr Rossi,I’m sure that your work will be able to change the world but I dream to see quite soon an hot cat and a steam turbine and a alternator so a part of power used for self sustained mode and the rest to be sold..are you working for this? and if it is yes, how many time will we have to wait ?
Thank you,
Warm Regards
Koen Vandewalle:
I am working personally in that factory. We are a Team ( actually, a Dream Team).
Warm Regards,
Silvio Caggia:
1- he,he,he,he…yes, I meant the glorious air carrier Enterprise: also Julius Caesar id dead, but his glory remained integer for centuries, and still remains! The glory of the Enterprise will bring good luck to all the ones that are grateful to the service that She gave to the Mankind, defending the freedom of the World.
2- About PCE: very funny! It is just a coincidence, but ,actually, PCE 830 was the measurement instrument of the Professors that made the third party indipendent test, nothing to do with our Partner at all.
3- Everybody is free think what he wants.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
When you say, about the Partner, that he is a Carrier, like Enterprise, I hope you don’t mean the US airplane carrier Enterprise, because it was dismissed on 1st of December 2012, and this is not good for your image… 🙂
Some enigmistic addicts could look at your use of capital letters in Partner Carrier Enterprise and think you mean PCE Instruments… 🙂
Pay attention that someone could think you are letterally talking about Carrier Enterprise HVAC, owned by Watso Inc. 60% and UTC 40%. 😉
Dear Andrea,
You always write the truth.
The trustworthy part of the world appreciates that.
It makes your words far more important than al independent tests and proof together.
When we invert this logic, this also explains everything about the opposite.
Opinions can change. Strategies can change. Events and insights can trigger change. Truth, therefore, is something instantaneous and circumstantial. I cannot give a correct definition in English. A book might be needed. Those who are familiar with truth will understand. Others cannot.
As I know you, and as an important part of the world knows you by your writings and actions, we could be sure that everything possible would be done to bring this new fire to the world as it was in your hands.
But, we cannot know your Partner. Which is very logic in the circumstances you write about. For the moment it seems not to be an aircraft carrier but a nuclear submarine. I live next to the sea, so I hope to spot it soon.
From the important questions of other readers (and good writers), I sense a certain fear that E-Cat might get lost (for a too long time). This is also a feeling of my own.
Therefore I have to ask you: Have you seen with your own eyes, which are the eyes of an experienced engineer and entrepreneur, the setup needed for a factory that will be fit to do a mass production (millions) of your invention ?
Kind Regards,
Congratulations, Dr. Andrea Rossi.
Gian Luca:
Gentile A.R.
naturally, my last statement was just a joke!
Thanks, in any case, for the explanation.
Have Good job and week end
Dear Gian Luca:
The necessity to stay behind the curtain of secrecy is due to the necessity to work without disturbments from the enemies until the plants are operating.
We want not to be disturbed during the initial period during which technological problems have to be adjusted. You can imagine what will happen after it will be known where our plants are operating, and we need to be prepared also under the security point of view, with a consolidated operation of the plants. Only after this the USA Partner will make a press conference.
This is why here are spammed all the comments that ask us ” why your Partner wants not be known?”, again, and again, and again…..
Warm Regards,
Dear A.R.
1 milion home ECAT preorder = (about) 1.500 ML €
This is a very big sum of money. Now I understand the necessity of your partner
to stay anonymus.
1- about 1 million. without any engagement, to be confirmed when we will send the offers with the price
2- this is a question to which is not easy to answer, but I can tell you that we are already preparing the robotized lines.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Gillis
I do not think that A.R. make a geographical question responding to guests of JONP.
he is too intelligent to stop these considerations.
Sometimes it is necessary, for the sake of discussion, omit some questions. Also happened to me in previous articles. I did not make a drama and I continued to love both the JONP that all his commentators, including Mr. Gillis.
Gian Luca
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Two questions:
1) Can you tell us how many pre-orders for the home ecat have been placed ?
2) After obtaining all certifications, how long is it necessary to your partner(s) to produce and deliver these orders ?
Dear eernie1:
The process you are talking of has nothing to do with us.
Thank you very much for your kind words,
Warm Regards,
Dear Herb Gills:
Your comment made mention to snakes and imbeciles that are trying to contrast us: I think all our Readers have understood that our policy is ignore the snakes. We have not time to lose with the imbeciles ( from the latin “imbacula”, not an offense) that write stupidities in some blogs ( always the same) . Our policy is make facts, turning a blind eye to the biased sceptics with an agenda. I answered to the core of your comment, though. For the rest, we will bury the imbeciles with our working plants, not with chatters.
Warm Regards,
Dear Frank Acland:
1- our US Partner is a Carrier, like the Enterprise, we are a small warship. Now we can fight to win a world war. Without the help of our US Partner we could not survive. Maybe also physically.
2- choosing the right Partner, enthusiast and on the same wavelength of us
3- yes, but they just tried to turn a tiger into a vegetarian. But this made necessary to find a strong Partner: you know what they say: if you cannot buy an enemy, kill him. There are many ways to kill a person.
Thanks to you,
Warm Regards,
Dear John:
Send your request to
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I think some of your readers may be interested in this bit of information.Just like Nickel,all decay mechanisms of Palladium result in either Beta+,Beta- emission or involve isomeric transitions and also an electron capture event.Perhaps more chemo-nuclear indication.
You dont need more public testing.Keep your efforts going towards perfecting your device.Dont be diverted by skeptics.
All the best luck.
Dear Mr. Rossi,
How exactly does one get to work for you? We know from your comments that you have many employees, but what is the application process like? How do you deem who are trustworthy?
Best Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I think more people are becoming convinced of the reality of your technology in light of the recent test report and I am sure that many are looking forward to seeing the E-Cat in the marketplace.
1. What are the advantages for your technology in entering to a partnership with a US partner rather than staying independent?
2. How have you been able to ensure that your technology will not be buried or surpressed?
3. Have there been any attempts by outside interests to bury your invention?
Many thanks!
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Thank you for responding to my question. I respectfully request your input regarding why my question was not allowed to publish on the Site, since it was not exactly the same as that of Mr. Gian Luca. His questions were published. If I perhaps strayed into territory that is sensitive then please feel free to respond to me directly at my e-mail address (which you already have). I would just like to know the reason why my observations were (selectively) held back. I will endeavor to stay away from sensitive business issues in future, if I know what they are.
Kind Regards; HRG.
Redazione NextMe.it:
1- COP depends from temperature and many other factors. The Examiners also considered all the margin of errors in the worst situation against us, to be conservative at maximum. They wanted to be sure beyond any possible and reasonable doubt. For example: they wanted a wood table to put on all the electric and electronic devices, they wanted to use their own cables of their own measurement devices, they wanted to lift and seat themselves any component to be sure no other cables or any kind of contact was there…combining all the margin of error against us we lost a lot of efficiency, but it is fine, since the scope of the test was not commercial, it was merely scientific: the Professors wanted to know beyond any reasonable doubt if there was an excess of energy or not
2- Yes, I substantially agree. The differences are described in the report
3- Because of the 1st principle of thermodynamic. See also the Ragone diagram
4- We are under NDA
5- No, I do not see any nexus. The certification for the industrial plants has been granted, though
6- We delivered to our US Partner. He will deliver to his Customers
7- Wrong: the test of the Indipendent Third Party, made in March, has nothing to do with the test made by the US Partner on April 30 and May 1. The test made by the Customer has made possible for us to continue to work for the Customer. It has been better than expected, we got results better that what we has guaranteed.
Good Luck to your magazine!
Andrea Rossi
Dear Gian Luca and Mr Gillis:
I answer to both for the same question: what will do our US Partner regarding the communication does not depend on me.
The sole thing I can say is that a 1 MW plant is going soon in operation.
Warm Regards,
Dear dr Rossi,
we are interested to ask you a short interview. We leave here the questions. Thank you in advance for your readiness
Kind regards
Roberta De Carolis on behalf of NextMe.it
The independent test results confirm the scientific validity of the Hot E-cat equipment. As it has been reported on the publication report, the performance has been verified successfully. But how could you explain the difference between the COP you stated in the past (11.6) and the results obtained on E-cat HT (5.6) and E-cat HT 2 (2.9)?
Which are the main differences between E-cat HT and E-cat HT 2? Are you agree with the explanations provided by the researchers about the difference observed in the COP values?
The tests are essentially based on the measurement of the incoming and the outcoming energy, so they could not prove the reaction mechanism. Why should we be sure that this is a nuclear reaction?
Hot E-cat is co-generation thermal-electric system, and you stated that production of electricity has been committed to Siemens AG, developing a suitable turbine to be coupled to the reactor. Could you confirm this collaboration?
Do you believe that this important result could speed up the certification procedures for security? Could you estimate the timings?
The delivery of three plants of 1 MW E-Cat in the U.S. is now official. However, in an earlier statement you mentioned customers, but now we came to know that they are industrial partners. Could you tell us if this delivery is just preliminary to the real one and when this will happen?
We know that that a US client representative attended the test. Could you tell us whether he is the client buying the plant? Could you communicate to our readers the satisfaction degree expressed by him about the testing?
Gentile A.R.
then you can hope for in a press conference by your partner in the short term?
It would be a great benefit for the community LENR and all of the world.
The doubt of mr. Salvarani is the same of mine. With out Mr. Rossi of the “great game” what is the realy future of the ECAT/HCAT for the people?
Grazie per il suo lavoro e la sua amicizia.
Gian Luca:
I thank you for your enthusiasm ( a vintage enthusiasm!), but our Partner will decide when to make a press conference and his choice does not depend on me.
Warm Regards,
Gentile A.R.
Why can not know the name of your partner even though it enthusiastic about ECAT?
I think that, after the report of the third party, the LENR are a reality for the future and therefore no longer a problem!
Thanks for all
theoretically it could be possible, but I think the stakes would be very high: cars are the pillars of a logistic system very complex to integrate, let alone to change. I do not think this will be a priority for long time. Now we have to manufacture plants to make heat , diffuse them, overcome with facts the words. It takes a tremendous effort, difficult to understand from outside, that does not leave space for fantasies. Fantasies are the food of the future, though.
Warm Regards,
dear ing. rossi
i’m not in my shoes, my professional shoes:):)
making you this question.
An engineer, friend of mine( every one has his fault:)) told me that, in his opinion ,e-cat could be used to renovate and bring into vogue steam-car (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_car).
What do you think about it.
Warm regards
Dear Harold:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dear All,
Pathological skeptics will never ever admit that the Ecat is working properly, and to prove they are right they come up with all kinds of completely ridicule and extraordinary suggestions which don’t make any sense.
But the thoroughness of the third party reports reminds me of the following (By A.C. Doyle):
“When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
The truth is out there and it’s called Ecat.
Thank you Andrea Rossi!
We have still to decide it for the different branches of R&D, but our effort in R&D in 2013 and 2014 will be huge, not less than the 30% of our yearly income.
Warm Regards,
Dear Ing. Rossi
another question for you , always if you can.
How much is the amount of R&D’s budget in 2013 ?
warm regards
Dear Dr Renato Estri:
Thank you, very interesting,
Warm Regards,