Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.
Wlad, can you briefly summarize if and where that 1999 theory fits (or differs from) your model? And which are exactly the interesting passages in respect to the recent experimental evidences? thanks.
Dear Giovanni Guerrini:
You are right,
Warm Regards,
Dear Gherardo:
I know you know I can’t answer.
Warm Regards,
Dear Gherardo:
Our attorneys are working on this, and, in any case, lately have been granted patents on the LENRS that not only do not allow the expert of the art to replicate the phenomenon, but THE INVENTORS THEMSELVES HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO OBTAIN AN EFFECT WHATSOEVER !!!
Warm Regards,
Dear Neri B.
Thank you very much for your attention: yes, we have to return on the Sterling Engine issue with the Hot Cat,
Warm Regards,
Dear Giovanni Guerrini:
Dear Francesco Toro:
Thank you for your kind words and for thr insight. We have resolved the problem with the configuration Activator-E-Cat, as explained in former comments.
Warm Regards,
Obviously “the person”is not referred to Mr Gerard,but to who wrote it.
Dear Andrea
I would like to raise two questions:
1° the message shocking that you have communicated to all readers.
It is no wonder, i had written on several occasions that your invention would have unleashed a hornet’s nest!
You know that the great serpent’ in the Book of Revelation Giovanni represents Satan and that the apostle Paolo prophesied that at the end of the times ‘the world will lie in the power of Evil’.
I hope that the time warding is not this and that you can continue your valuable work for the whole of humanity but …
Reminds us that we are always close and try to inform you on what circulates on the web.
However you should reinforce the maximum possible your safety, surrounding you with faithful friends and honest.
Another way to kill the serpent, which at the time i think it’s a share of the financial world in the field of energy, would be to launch the product on a large scale.
So the snake can be beaten on time because industries and families would be already a strong and clear testimony intangible of what you made.
2) I would like to comment on the technical message of GIAN, even within the limits of my knowledge of your invention.
Dear Gian i believe that the main problem is not so much the strict temperature control with digital systems.
I am convinced of this because if Andrea has made a working version with gas central heating and, as we all know, does not allow corrections centesimal temperature!
I believe that the main problem, (correct me Andrea if i am wrong), is to indefinitely extend the nuclear reaction without further contributions of energy from the outside.
That is, the auto support until the exhaustion of the ‘upload’ without assistance from external sources. View the ‘discontinuity’ of the process it would be useful for the supply of energy in the process of ‘no support’ happen with other reactor ‘parallel’, perhaps in the process of ‘auto support’.
But the problems that arise from such a solution does not know them perfectly, because they rightly Andrea keeps secrets all the special ‘sensitive’ of the system.
But I do not doubt that these problems will be overcome because the staff of Andrea seems to be strong and prepared.
We hope all good!
A cordial greeting to you and all the readers of the blog.
Caro Andrea
Intervengo per due questioni:
1° il messaggio sconcertante che hai comunicato a tutti i lettori.
Non c’è da meravigliarsi, te lo avevo scritto in parecchie occasioni che la tua invenzione avrebbe scatenato un vespaio!
Tu sai che il ” grande serpente” nell’Apocalisse di Giovanni rappresenta Satana e che l’apostolo Paolo aveva profetizzato che alla fine dei tempi “Tutto il mondo giacerà nel potere del Malvagio”.
Spero che il tempo funesto non sia questo e che tu possa continuare nel tuo prezioso lavoro per l’umanità intera ma… ricorda che noi ti siamo sempre accanto e proviamo ad informarti su ciò che circola sul web.
Comunque tu dovresti rinforzare il massimo possibile la tua sicurezza, circondandoti con amici fedeli e sinceri.
Un altro modo per abbattere il serpente, che al momento penso sia una quota del mondo finanziario nel campo dell’energia, sarebbe di lanciare il prodotto su larga scala. Così il serpente può essere battuto sul tempo perchè industrie e famiglie costituirebbero già una forte ed evidente testimonianza intangibile di ciò che hai realizzato.
2) Mi permetto di commentare il messaggio tecnico di Gian, pur nei limiti delle mie conoscenze del tuo ritrovato.
Caro Gian credo che il problema principale non sia tanto il controllo rigoroso della temperatura con sistemi digitali. Sono convinto di questo perchè se Andrea ha realizzato una versione funzionante con riscaldamento a gas che, come sappiamo, non consente correzioni di temperatura centesimali!
Credo che il problema principale, (correggimi Andrea se sbaglio), sia quello di prolungare indefinitamente la reazione nucleare senza ulteriori apporti di energia dall’esterno. Cioè l’auto sostegno fino all’esaurimento della “carica” senza interventi da sorgenti esterne. Vista la “discontinuità” del processo sarebbe utile che l’apporto di energia in fase di “no sostegno” avvenisse con altro reattore “parallelo”, magari in fase di “auto sostegno”. Ma i problemi che nascono da una simile soluzione non li conosco perfettamente, perchè giustamente Andrea mantiene segreti tutti i particolari “sensibili” del sistema.
Ma non dubito che questi problemi saranno superati perchè lo staff di Andrea sembra forte e preparato.
Speriamo tutto in bene!
Un cordiale saluto a te e a tutti i lettori del blog.
Questa battuta forse non è il massimo del buon gusto,veda Lei se pubblicarla. (Me le dico e me le rido..eh eh)
To the person who spoked about a veterinary,
you are right,sometimes cats need a veterinary,would you recommend your personal doctor?
eh eh G G
Dear Andrea,
over the past year you have been developing the solid-cilindrical Ecat achieving a stable 300-400 °C on the surface.
Have you already or are supposed to try to install the Ecat on the warm head of a Stirling engine? I think now you are able to get a net electric output in the range of few kW. Stirling engines are REALLY simples, get rid of the steam generation and for small power have good efficiency.
I think i could start crying for emotion if i saw this kind of test and you will be compared to Fermi…
I will never stop to congratulate and thank you and your team for the work and the will.
Neri B.
about the patent requests.
The basis for a patent request is to discose how to replicate the invention.
Since you are not willing to disclose the secret catalyst how are your patent lawyers approaching the issue?
One approach could be to patent something that is innovative but almost useless without the secret catalyzer…
Hope this one is not a secret too 😉
Best regards, Gherardo
Conte-Pieralice experiment, published in 1999 by Infinite Energy magazine:
An experiment was performed that indicates that a proton and an electron may fuse at low temperatures and at low energies to form a neutron plus a neutrino. The aim of the experiment was to obtain the nuclear fusion of protons and electrons to neutrons at low energies.
The Experiment
As we shall see, the primary task of the experiments was to have the proton essentially at rest, and the electron having a minimal threshold energy of 0.80 MeV. An electrolitic cell was employed, having a Pt-anode and an Al-cathode with dimensions of 1mm x 1mm x 1mm. (This was a fine aluminium gauze of cubical form suspended by a Pt electrical lead wire.)
The anode was made of pure Pt shaped as a gauze cylinder, having a skeleton made of 1mm diameter wires supporting the spot-welded mesh made of 0.35 mm diameter wire. The mesh dimension was 5 x 4 mm2 and the anode overall size was 48 mm high with a 12 mm inside diameter.
The cell itself was a cube of Pirex glass having an edge dimension of 100 mm. It was open on its top. For the electrolyte, we used an alkali metal suphate, Na2SO4 or Li2SO4 , 1 M in disltilled H2O. The cell dimensions depend upon the size of the aluminium sample, but are not critial otherwise. A d.d.p. of 12 volts and a constant current of 100 mA were utilized.
In this manner, hydrogen entering aluminium existed there as protons, essentially at rest. The diffusion, d, of protons in aluminium was considered to be around 10-15 m2 / s and the depth, L , was estimated on the basis of the simple diffusion law L= (t).
During the electrolytic process, a beam of electrons was forced to hit the aluminium cathode, and so induced a direct interaction of the protons and the electrons. A radioactive source of 90Sr + 90Y was utilized, having activity about 2.39 KBq (overall uncertainty 10%). The radioactive source was a disk having a diameter of 20 mm with implanted 90Sr + 90Y by electrodeposition. It was fixed external to the cell and the electron beam was collimated in order to hit directly the surface of the aluminium cathode with a geometry estimated to be 2 at a good approximation.
Maximum energies E of the electrons were considered to be 0.54 MeV and 2.27 MeV respectively for the two isotopes with Ê of 0.20 MeV and 0.93 MeV respectively. The loss of energy in H2O for the electrons of 1 MeV was considered to be about 200 eV / , and the penetration depth of these electrons in aluminium was calculated to be about 0.4 cm. Bremsstrahlung was also considered in order to estimate the actual energy of the electrons hitting the protons. The electrons were forced to be very close to the cathode. No particular effect was expected for the electrolysis owing to the presence of the electrons.
Concerning the neutron detection, we used a low-level BF3 detector having cylindrical geometry with a 100 mm basic radius and 250 mm height. The BF3 detector was connected to a multichannel analyzer, Canberra S20 assisted by a computer, for recording neutron events only, not energy. In fact, as it is well known, the BF3 counter is sensitive to thermalized neutrons and all information regarding the neutron’s original energy is lost since it utilizes the thermal-neutral capture process
n + 10B5 -> 7Li3 + alpha
The BF3 counters were positioned in direct contact with the external surfaces of the cell and thus with a geometry able to collect all the emitted neutrons. In these conditions, the geometry was considered to be 100%. Sixty neutrons / hour were counted during an active experiment, versus the case in which the experiment was performed without using the radioactive source (two to three neutrons / hour).
Before starting the experimentation, some measurements concerning the neutron background were performed in our laboratories using the instrumentation above. The background controls were executed for several months and a value of two or three neutrons / hour was obtained.
The experiment gave the following results.
a) A mean value of 60 neutrons / hour (overall uncertainty 8% ) was measured during the experimentation by the BF3 detector placed to measure neutron emission from the electrolytic cell; all the measured neutrons were detected by the multichannel analyzer.
b) An anomalous production of heat was observed during the experimentation so that the aluminium cathode melted entirely after one hour of experimentation.
c) This melting did not occur during control experiments with no radioactive source present.
The experiments giving the results (a) and (b) were repeated in our laboratories thirty times, and they always gave reproducible results.
We should add that the aim of the experiment was to measure the possible synthesis of a proton and an electron into a neutron. It was not our purpose to effect calorimetric measurements. It was an unexpected result that we discovered that the aluminium cathode melted in the water during the experiment.
All previous calculations that we performed, accounting for the radioactive source at such low activity, excluded the possibility of the melting of the cathode. The aluminium cathode melted only when we used the radioactive source and not in the course of the same experiment but without the beta source.
We were not equiped to follow and measure the temperature rise in the cell. In a repetition of the experiment we are considering measuring parameters to investigate the melting of the cathode.
We are convinced that we observed the cold fusion of protons and electrons into neutrons. In 1920, E. Rutherford1 introduced the historical hypothesis of the neutron viewed as a compressed hydrogen atom, and we developed a theory2 in which the proton can be made to interact with the electron via a non-local, non-potential interaction due to the mutual overlap of the wavepackets.
In the experiment we used an electrolytic cell for a target. The aim was to have a deliberate combination of protons and electrons in a physical situation that promoted wavefunction overlap. It is such overlap of the wave functions between the electron and the target that , we believe, causes the process. Considering the formation of the neutron, we have to exclude here the possibility that the process was due to free electron capture decay of a proton creating a neutron and a neutrino in the final state. The Q-value for this process is -781 KeV, so the electron cannot be captured from a bound state, but must have a threshold kinetic energy greater than 781 KeV. The cross-section for free electron capture decay is extremely small. We do not have knowledge of previous calculations of this cross-section, but we may expect it to be similar to the cross section for the reverse process, neutrino capture by a nuclear target with emission of an electron. In fact, at this threshold value of the energy, the Coulomb potential may be ignored. Neutrino capture cross-section at about 1 MeV above the threshold are less than 10-20 barns3.
We may attempt to state what the measured cross-section for our process was. A 2.4 KBq beta source was used. Considering that the solid angle of the 1 mm3 target from the source was 2 , the electron flux was 2.4 x 105 cm-2s-1. As hydrogen concentration in the target we may assume that of the water, NH = 6.7 x 1022 . Also assuming the detection efficiency of recoil neutrons was 100%, then the obtained neutron rate of 60 per hour corresponds to a cross-section of roughly
T = [ ( 1.7 x 10-2 ) neutrons / s ] / [
(2.4x105cm-2s-1)(6.7x1022cm-3)(10-3cm3)] = 1.4mb
which is more than seventeen orders of magnitude higher than expected. Thus, the explanation that we have given for such process seems correct. A neutron is formed by the cold fusion of a proton and an electron.
1. Rutherford, E. Proc. Roy. Soc. A97, 374, 1920
2. Conte, E. Physics Essays 1, 70, 1992; 6, 532, 1993, 7, 429, 1994; 8, 51, 1995; 8,605, 1995; 9, 4, 1996; 10, 511, 1997; Hadronic J., 16 4, 261, 1993
3. J. Bahcall, Neutrino Astrophysics, 209, Springer-Verlag 1996.
in those years many things changed in the e-cat but the 6 months refueling need that is like a manthra.
I tought about that and the slight permutation of elements inside the reactor that you observer (copper, helium) and think the two are linked.
It could be that either the reactor becomes unsecure (overpressure? that’s my best guess) or the reaction mechanism is hindered by the new elements.
I know you can’t answer.
Best regards, Gherardo
Dear Mr Rossi,
the our’s enemies attack is their death rattle, facts are talking for you and if this is the God’s plan it is the most powerful force in the universe.
united regards G G
Hank Mills wrote in May 23rd, 2013 at 9:11 PM
Hello Steven N. Karels,
“There is a lot we do not understand about how the ECAT works. I, for one, have been trying to wrap my brain around it for a long time now. But since so much has changed — transmutation no longer being the main energy source — it is even more of a mystery than it used to be. For all we know, due to the very real need for confidentiality, there may be no nuclear processes happening at all. The true enrgy source could be something totally different.”
In Peswiki Hank wrote:
One of these questions is how can the E-Cat melt ceramic — with a melting point of 2000 degrees C — when the fuel of the E-Cat, nickel, has a much lower melting point? ”
I think it occurs a secondary reaction (this secondary reaction is a similar phenomenon as occurs in Conte-Pieralice experiment) as follows:
1- First it takes place the principal reactions thanks to Ni transmutation
2- Electrons are emitted against the ceramic, in which inside the lattice there are hydrogen atoms. The proton and electron have fusion and they form a neutron, and heat is produced.
In Conte-Pieralice experiment the fusion proton-electron melts the Al-cathode, in spite of the energy of the electrons are not able to do it (because they have low energy). So, the Al-cathode is melted due to heat created by the fusion proton-electron.
In the next comment I will post the Conte-Pieralice experiment.
Dear gian 2nd:
Thank you for the insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Herb Gillis:
I am sorry, this is confidential information.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
A few years ago, if I recall correctly, you said that you tried deuterium instead of hydrogen and that it did not work. Did you perhaps look at any mixtures of hydrogen with deuterium in the neighborhood of 1:1 (molar basis)?
It would be really interesting if the peak energy output turned out to be somewhere in the middle, instead of 100% H. That might give us some more clues about the nature of the reaction.
Kind regards; HRG.
I’m not an expert in the field of process control.
however I communicate my opinion in the hope that real experts would
partecipate on this issue contributing with their ideas,
their knowledge, their experience.
It seems clear that the control of the E-Cat is essential for
A) the continuity of its operations (possible ssm) and
B)its performance as a heat engine (high values of the COP).
I believe that supply the resistance with a PWM modulated current
could be a viable solution, acting on the duty cycle and changing it
in function of a signal proportional to the temperature of the heart of the E-Cat
(the cylinder containing Ni and its catalyst).
Ing Rossi what do you think? Someone among the frequenters of these pages
wants to speak about it?
Confesso umilmente di non essere un esperto in materia di controlli
Comunico comunque la mia opinione nella speranza che i veri esperti
intervengano sul tema contribuendo con le loro idee, la loro conoscenza, le loro idee.
Appare chiaro che il controllo dell’E-Cat è fondamentale alla
continuità del suo funzionamento (possibile ssm) e al suo rendimento
come macchina termica (alti valori del COP).
Io ritengo che l’alimentazione della resistenza con una corrente modulata
PWM possa essere una valida soluzione, intervenendo sul duty cycle variandolo
in funzione con un segnale proporzionale alla temperatura del cuore dell’E-Cat
(il cilindretto contenente il Ni e il suo catalizzatore).
(forse una termocopia a contatto del cilindretto?)
Ing. Rossi che cosa ne pensa? Qualcuno fra i frequentatori di queste pagine
vuol esprimersi in proposito?
Dear Wladimir Guglinski:
You know me, when I say something will happen it always happens. As soon as possible.
Warm regards,
Dear gian:
Thank you, very useful comment.
Warm Regards.
Dear Gian Luca:
All I have to do is work at the best of my possibilities.
All the rest is up to God.
Warm Regards,
Carissimo A.R.
ora che il serpente tenta anche la strada non solo teorica per distruggere il sogno
e le opere di Leonardo, non è forse il caso che il “partner USA” si faccia sentire con tutta
la sua autorevole potenza (scientifica, politica ed economica)?
Questo basterebbe a calmare le acque e dare un impulso decisivo alla nuova fonte di energia che, in ogni caso, non sarà in grado di sostituire la civiltà petrolifera prima di 10/15 anni da oggi!!!
Grazie e stai “con le spalle al muro”.
This is the Google translation of the Elforsk AB public announcement:
“Researchers from Uppsala University and Stockholm UNIVERSITY have carried out measurements of the produced heat energy from a device called the E-cat. It is a so-called energy catalyst invented by the Italian researcher Andrea Rossi. The measurements show that the catalyst produces significantly more energy than can be explained by ordinary chemical reactions. The results are very notable. What lies behind the extraordinary heat production can not be explained today. It has been speculated over whether there can be any form of nuclear transformation. However, this is strongly challenged. To get more knowledge about what is going on you have to gain knowledge about what happens to the fuel and which residues are formed. The measurements have been funded by, among other things. Elforsk.”
No comment.
Andrea Rossi wrote in May 25th, 2013 at 10:19 AM
Dear Ecco Liberation:
The US Partner will not disclose himself until the public presentation of the 1 MW plant in operation.
Dear Andrea
when do you expect will the public presentation occur ?
Dear Dr Estri:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
the raised threats and attacks against your person have a sole evident meaning:
you are on the right way.
Don’t underestimate threats, but remember that you are not alone:
an huge number of friends will help you if you need.
Renato Estri
Dear Gerard:
Really there is an imbecile that said that one of the professors is a veterinarian ??? Ha,ha,ha! This is evidence of the fact that they cannot find anything serious, and this is the best possible “peer reviewing”! Obviously all the examiners are Physic Professors or Physic Researchers, all of them are Doctors in Physics. Same thing the reviewers listed in the “Acknowledgements”.
Thank you.
I agree with your point.
Warm Regards,
Dear Gherardo:
Your comment is very important, mainly for the reference of CERN.
Thank you very much, very appreciated.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi,
anyone could find a reason and have anyone investigated so that doesn’t bother me even if will happen.
Your work speaks for you and that is not going to change. there is so much at stake that would be strange not to be attacked somehow.
I asked a friend that worked at CERN to review the test paper and he said that as it had the goal to measure a new kind of generator without trying to understand “why”, it was well performed, they stayed on the safe side in every decision taken so underestimating whatever measure they were getting. He said that with the assumptions that the numbers are real that is a breakthrough of some kind.
BTW, I hate snakes but someone says they are good on the barbeque 😉
Best regards, Gherardo
Dear Andrea,
When skepticism becomes irrational, coercive and pathological it descends to the level of requiring serious corrective action. As I have read some of the commentary regarding the 3rd party report, I have to admit to a chuckle or two. One critique actually misinterpreted the credentials of one of the Swedish scientists, and claimed he was a veterinarian! After successful validation, we here in Brooklyn are very happy for your E-Cat success and its progress in aiding the world. I hope that the goon(s) which have been unable to adequately critique the test results, and have resorted to physical threats, find their way to the nearest mental institution to receive the care they are desperately in need of!
Best wishes,
Brooklyn, NYC
Dear Martin Aubrey:
Thank you for the suggestion.
Warm Regards,
We are, obviously, under attack, as usually after a successful test, but this time the level of threat has been raised: not being able to attack under a scientific and/or technological point of view the Third Party Indipendent Test, some are clearly inviting to kill me ( if so, at last I will be able to rest, after working 16 hours per day!), others insulting, but there is one that is very disturbing: a blog, which our intelligence has discovered to be of the same snake that is gently inviting to kill ( sic) me, has written that there are actions pending upon me in Court: this is totally false. Our attorneys tried to sue the author of this false statement, but it turned out that the author is anonimous, just a false address of a nickname, strangely originated from the same source of the website that invites to kill me and suggests how to. In any case, I declare and swear that it is totally false that there are any actions in Court pending against me. Of course we will search the evidence to make a REAL action in Court against the snake that has put in the web this false information.
To know exactly what happened to me in past ( I mean 15- 20 years ago) please go to
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi
Heat Flow through the Heat Exchanger – continued
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thinking again about getting the maximum power out of an E-Cat and through the heat exchanger:
If the heat exchanger could be made with a variable heat transfer rate, then it could be adjusted for maximum output when connected to the load.
If this was done on a working E-Cat, the output could be actively “tuned” or matched to the load at the start of, or during, normal working operation. If the load changed during normal operation, the heat exchanger could even be re-tuned to adjust to the new conditions.
Kind regards,
Martyn Aubrey
Dear Ecco Liberation:
The US Partner will not disclose himself until the public presentation of the 1 MW plant in operation.
By the way: thank you for the important link: I did not know Elforsk AB, never knew about them, and I am very glad to read what they write, very honoured. At last I know who paid for the ( high) expenses of the test: air return tickets, hotel, restaurant, car rents for 7 days , instrumentation etc… not a small sum. The Professors refused for us to pay even a taxi…
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
In light of the recently released third party report and full endorsement and support by Elforsk AB (see here, in Swedish) which funded this investigation, do you think that your US partner will also issue a statement soon?
Dear Prof. Alex Passi:
Thank you, actually the physics of the storms are extremely interesting for us.
Warm Regards,
Hello. Perhaps someone will be interested in this link:
Dear Lucio Martini:
The Carnot cycle has an efficiency up to 40%, the Rankine cycle up to 20%.
Warm Regards,
Stimatissimo Dr. Rossi
Not to argue, but I think it is impossible to make a Carnot cycle with steam because it is difficult to stop the condensation during cooling and even worse pumping steam with the low title to high temperature and its pressure (ruinous for the pump). I believe that by adopting both the Rankine cycle that low-temperature condensation completely and then is easy bring the water to the pressure (and temperature) high for vaporization.
Warm regards.
Lucio Martini
Dear Paul Jaszi:
Thank you for your kind words, but I knew in the USA many persons like me and many better than me too considering the characteristics you described.
Warm Regards,
Dear Martyn Aubrey:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Ron:
Sometime I have to spam a comment of a friend when the comment contains issues that could force me to an aggressive answer, and I want not to do this with friends. I like boxing with enemies, not with friends..so sometimes a friend finds his comment spammed. Sometimes, also a normal comment gets spammed for a mistake of the robot, and this is probably your case.
Now the answer: the US Partner owns also the R&D.
Warm Regards,
Hello, again, Dr. Rossi. I sent you a congratulation note a few days ago, guess it got spammed, I seem to attract that for some reason. Anyway, belatedly, congratulations.
Out of curiousity, is your American partner going to be doing R&D as well as manufacturing, or the R&D still all yours?
Best wishes. – Ron
Heat Flow through the Heat Exchanger
Dear Dr. Rossi,
A few more thoughts on getting the best amount of heat out of the E-Cat, through the heat exchanger, and into the load.
1. If the heat flow through the heat exchanger is less than the heat generated in the E-Cat, then the E-Cat will overheat and the heat will be wasted.
2. If the heat flow through the heat exchanger is equal to the heat generated in the E-Cat, then the heat will transfer effectively from the E-Cat into the load.
3. If the heat flow through the heat exchanger is greater than the heat generated in the E-Cat, then the output temperature of the E-Cat will be dragged down and you will not achieve the best output. (Just like feeding the output into a heat sink)
So, it is definitely best to match the heat flow rate from the E-Cat output into the load.
Kind regards,
Martyn Aubrey
In the thousands of interesting comments and responses I have read in these last fascinating few seasons, one I would like to add is my gratitude that Dr Rossi is not only a scientist but also one educated in the classics and a humanitarian. I appreciate his references to the great human beings of antiquity. Many ultra educated ones, especially here in the USA (or so it seems to me) do not possess Dr. Rossi’s humility and morality and will and knowledge of humanity’s strivings, coupled with unique vision and I wish to state this and my thankfulness for this.
Hermano Tobia:
Does not depend on us,
Warm Regards,
Neri B.:
Working on this, premature to give data,
Warm Regards,
Herb Gills:
Warm Regards,