Dear Dr Rossi:
What a beautiful website your team made! I navigated through it for two hours, it contains infinite information about the E-Cat.
Thank you, thank you Andrea. Obviously I pre-ordered a domestic E-Cat!
Pekka Janhunen:
Yes, I think you and Svein Henrik are right and I was wrong.
This issue is worth to be studied and I have been stupid to give an answer without the necessary information.
Warm Regards,
I have followed you since 5 years now with very very great fascination. I have also ordered 2 e-cats the first day of possibility. Wish you all success in your work.
A comment to the answer to Svein Henrik about the electrical car: I own an electrical car with the weight of 1550 kg and it consumes roughly 20 kW at the speed of 100 kph, (no hills)
Hello Andrea.
The new TESLA-X weights nearly 2,3 tons. It has a battery capacity of 90kWh, witch gives it a range of 450km. This makes a average power consumption of 18kw at a average speed of 90km/h for 5 hours. Then it needs a night with recharging from the grid.
The new ROSSE-CAT-X, with a 20kW E-Cat-X power pack and a smaller battery will be much lighter and may be cheaper. After the tour it does not need recharging and may go on for a far longer trip. Connected to the grid for 20 hour a day it will deliver 400kwh. This will be 12000kwh a month and may make money enough to pay for the lease of the car and the electric bill of the owners house.
The recharge of the TESLA produce 90kg CO2 within a coal fired powerplant. The drive had then made about the same emission of CO2 as a Cadillac CTS will do.
The ROSSE-CAT-X will reduce the emission from the same plant by 400kg a day, 144 tons of CO2 a year. This makes Rossi to an inventor equal to Tesla.
Best regards Svein Henrik
Dear Andrea,
Frank Acland gave a link to slides of Norman Cook (53 slides). It seems to me that the idea presented in the slides is wrong, because it would break energy conservation. Consider page 25 of the slides. The gamma photon can indeed excite nucleus 2 from state E5 to state E6 if the frequencies match, but only if the nucleus originally exists in state E5. This is not the case here because E5 is a short-lived excited state. While it is true that nucleus 2 can be thought to exist in all states virtually, thus also in state E5, by invoking the virtuality argument, also its excitement into E6 would be virtual, not real.
The same thing can be seen in atomic physics. For example, the hydrogen atom has a large number of excited states, labelled by n, which lie closer to closer together as n increases. If a hydrogen atom originally exists in its ground state, one cannot produce a high n excited state by illuminating it with photons whose wavelength matches the transition between n-1 and n, say. Doing so would create energy out of nothing.
regards, /pekka
It seems to me that Svein Henrik’s numbers (20 kW power, 5 kWh battery) are correct and relevant. The average power consumption of a car is surprisingly low and it is much less than the peak power of the engine.
For example, if a car consumes 6 litres of gasoline per 100 km, if it drives at constant 100 km/h speed and if one assumes that the efficiency of the gasoline engine is 30% (efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy), then the mechanical power of the engine is 0.3*0.77*6*45e6/3600=17.3 kW. Here 0.77 is gasoline density (g/cm3), 45e6 is gasoline’s energy density (J/kg) and 3600 is number of seconds in hour.
Battery size 5 kWh is enough to climb a hill of about 1 km high: the potential energy of the 1500 kg car at the top of the hill is 1500*9.81*1e3=15 MJ=4 kWh.
In conclusion, it seems to me that a 20 kW_el E-cat plus 5 kWh battery would be an adequate power system for a normal family car.
Frank Acland:
We will conserve the videorecords.
About the preparation paper published by Prof. Norman Cook: it is an introduction to the heavy theoretical work we are working upon together. We have to reconcile the experimental data with a solid structure of advanced mathematical models.
Warm Regards,
All that video would make an interesting year-long movie — please consider releasing it as a DVD set!
Btw, I have received from Norman Cook the slideshow titled: “A Hypothesis Concerning the Connection Between the “Mössbauer Effect” and the “Rossi Effect” from a presentation he gave in December in Kyoto, Japan.
Lawrence H. LaFond:
All what happens inside the plant is recorded by cameras; maybe this material will be declassified in future; now it is confidential and employed to perform safety and security tasks. Everything happens inside the plant is videorecorded 24/7, without interruptions.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
I was just curious if you have a video archive of your work at the plant and or lab to show your Eureka moments? For the future documentaries on your work and historical perspective of your discoveries. If you do, would you be willing to show them in the future?
Svein Henrik:
Waiting for a cristal ball, just review your numbers, considering that they are meaningless if you do not refer them to the mass you have to move. For the mass od a regular average car, which is about 1.5 tons, 20 kW of power are enough to go barely at a speed of 10 mph ( 16 km/h). Moreless.
Warm Regards,
In a nutshell, you are asking if it is possible extract higher temperature from room temperature recycling the water in the loop of a heat pump or a thermoelectric heater.
Obviously not: in a heat exchanger you cannot have in the secondary loop a T superior to the primary loop, whatever the retention time along the heat exchange surface. Naturally you could increase the T in the secondary circuit by an increase of its pressure, but this would happen at a high cost and in this case the primary becomes a coolant instead of a heater.
Warm Regards,
The concept of getting the domestic certification completed, and then possibly providing a core product to licencees who can provide new dimensions to the uses for your technology, sounds like a fabulous option for your company! Leveraging distribution channels and collecting royalties could help to overcome some of the challenges down the road for you. So many products are possible that I am sure that at least 2000 items could be listed … more than any single company could possibly handle!
With only 48 or 49 days on the countdown remaining, do you have more than 10 or less than 10 days available for down time left to use?
Did the E-Cat X regain stability this afternoon I hope? (I can’t wait to see one in my home next year perhaps!)
Hello Andrea
A electrical E-cat-x-car need 20kW to drive at a speed of 100km/h and a battery of 5kWh to acceleration and uphill. I look forward to see such a car possible to be connected to the grid at my house and by my workshop for electricity production when not in use on the road. When do you anticipate it may be on the marked?
Best regards
Svein Henrik
Salve, probabilmente il mio quesito avrà ragione di essere preso per una barzelletta, se è così mi scuso.
L’efficienza delle pompe di calore ha tranquillamente raggiunto livelli attorno al 4, ma anche 6, generatori termoelettrici credo possano avere efficienze superiori a 0,3 (forse sbaglio?) io ne deduco, ma sono ignorante e certamente avrò sparato una stupidaggine, che si può estrarre energia elettrica dalla temperatura ambientale, e che la quantità dipende solo dal numero dei passaggi e dalle dimensioni degli apparecchi e dello scambio termico, che lei sappia esistono sperimentazioni a riguardo?
Grazie, Andrea.
To answer it is necessary a distinction: while Italy is the Country I have been born in, got my doctorate and worked in during the first half of my life, USA is the Country I have chosen to work and live in. Italy made what I became, USA made what I am.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your US Patent.
I read today that ENI has launched a new diesel fuel with a high percentage of organic waste derivated oil. I also read on the beautiful book of Vessela Nikolova “Ecat, the new fire” that ENI has used the heritage of your patent issued on 1978 to make oil from organic wastes. Practically, ENI is using a technology that has been born by your ( now expired) patent you filed in 1978, granted in 1979, expired in 1998.
Auguri, Andrea,
Dear Andrea:
Based on your life experience, you prefer to live in Italy or in the USA?
I am asking this to think about my future: I am 18 years old.
Perhaps you are already aware of “photonic crystal” technology. It seems to me that this tech could play an important future role with your e-cats. Here is a link to explain:
I do not know when and in which measure the results of the test on course will be published, also because this issue does not depend only on me and it is conditioned to when the test will be completed. The results, anyway, in some measure will be published, positive or negative as they might be.
Warm Regards,
You have in the past been somewhat unclear on whether the results of the 1 MW test (F9) would be published for the general public. However, Mats Lewan looks to be quite confident that they will, as his whole New Energy World Symposium seems predicated on this ‘fact’. Any comment?
Dr. Rossi, in your response to TYY you said, your comment is the number
27,000 of this blog.
A staggering amount of Posts.
I believe you respond to every one in a very nice way, even to the very nasty ones.
Robert Curto
Ft Lauderdale Florida
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations for your important US Patent.
Question: can the wafer described in your patent be a cylinder instead of a parallelepiped ?
Presently I work 18 hours per day, so I can find the time to answer to our Readers. It takes about half an hour per day, while it is not rare that from our Readers arrive ideas that take hours to think about, but that enters in the field of the R&D. The time spent to read and answer to our Readers is enormously worth: this blog for me is an antenna, a multipurpose antenna.
By the way, to remain on the subject: your comment is the number 27 000 of this blog. Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers:
Please find on the comments published today on the other posts.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
What a beautiful website your team made! I navigated through it for two hours, it contains infinite information about the E-Cat.
Thank you, thank you Andrea. Obviously I pre-ordered a domestic E-Cat!
Pekka Janhunen:
Yes, I think you and Svein Henrik are right and I was wrong.
This issue is worth to be studied and I have been stupid to give an answer without the necessary information.
Warm Regards,
Svein Henrik:
Thak you for your insight. I clearly was wrong in my former answer to you.
Warm Regards,
Mats Heijkenskjold:
Interesting, then I was wrong, thinking in terms of a Diesel or gas engine.
I apologise for my mistake.
Warm Regards,
Hello Andrea,
I have followed you since 5 years now with very very great fascination. I have also ordered 2 e-cats the first day of possibility. Wish you all success in your work.
A comment to the answer to Svein Henrik about the electrical car: I own an electrical car with the weight of 1550 kg and it consumes roughly 20 kW at the speed of 100 kph, (no hills)
Mats Heijkenskjold
Hello Andrea.
The new TESLA-X weights nearly 2,3 tons. It has a battery capacity of 90kWh, witch gives it a range of 450km. This makes a average power consumption of 18kw at a average speed of 90km/h for 5 hours. Then it needs a night with recharging from the grid.
The new ROSSE-CAT-X, with a 20kW E-Cat-X power pack and a smaller battery will be much lighter and may be cheaper. After the tour it does not need recharging and may go on for a far longer trip. Connected to the grid for 20 hour a day it will deliver 400kwh. This will be 12000kwh a month and may make money enough to pay for the lease of the car and the electric bill of the owners house.
The recharge of the TESLA produce 90kg CO2 within a coal fired powerplant. The drive had then made about the same emission of CO2 as a Cadillac CTS will do.
The ROSSE-CAT-X will reduce the emission from the same plant by 400kg a day, 144 tons of CO2 a year. This makes Rossi to an inventor equal to Tesla.
Best regards Svein Henrik
Dear Andrea,
Frank Acland gave a link to slides of Norman Cook (53 slides). It seems to me that the idea presented in the slides is wrong, because it would break energy conservation. Consider page 25 of the slides. The gamma photon can indeed excite nucleus 2 from state E5 to state E6 if the frequencies match, but only if the nucleus originally exists in state E5. This is not the case here because E5 is a short-lived excited state. While it is true that nucleus 2 can be thought to exist in all states virtually, thus also in state E5, by invoking the virtuality argument, also its excitement into E6 would be virtual, not real.
The same thing can be seen in atomic physics. For example, the hydrogen atom has a large number of excited states, labelled by n, which lie closer to closer together as n increases. If a hydrogen atom originally exists in its ground state, one cannot produce a high n excited state by illuminating it with photons whose wavelength matches the transition between n-1 and n, say. Doing so would create energy out of nothing.
regards, /pekka
Dear Svein Henrik, Andrea Rossi,
It seems to me that Svein Henrik’s numbers (20 kW power, 5 kWh battery) are correct and relevant. The average power consumption of a car is surprisingly low and it is much less than the peak power of the engine.
For example, if a car consumes 6 litres of gasoline per 100 km, if it drives at constant 100 km/h speed and if one assumes that the efficiency of the gasoline engine is 30% (efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy), then the mechanical power of the engine is 0.3*0.77*6*45e6/3600=17.3 kW. Here 0.77 is gasoline density (g/cm3), 45e6 is gasoline’s energy density (J/kg) and 3600 is number of seconds in hour.
Battery size 5 kWh is enough to climb a hill of about 1 km high: the potential energy of the 1500 kg car at the top of the hill is 1500*9.81*1e3=15 MJ=4 kWh.
In conclusion, it seems to me that a 20 kW_el E-cat plus 5 kWh battery would be an adequate power system for a normal family car.
regards, /pekka
Frank Acland:
We will conserve the videorecords.
About the preparation paper published by Prof. Norman Cook: it is an introduction to the heavy theoretical work we are working upon together. We have to reconcile the experimental data with a solid structure of advanced mathematical models.
Warm Regards,
JIM Verble:
I pass it along to the Team that has made it ( not my merit: informatically speaking, I am analphabete).
Warm Regards,
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I enjoyed the navigation of Leonardo’s new website
It is very complete and really interesting: thank you!
Dear Andrea,
The website is a must. Great!
Jim Verble
Dear Andrea,
All that video would make an interesting year-long movie — please consider releasing it as a DVD set!
Btw, I have received from Norman Cook the slideshow titled: “A Hypothesis Concerning the Connection Between the “Mössbauer Effect” and the “Rossi Effect” from a presentation he gave in December in Kyoto, Japan.
You can read it here:
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Lawrence H. LaFond:
All what happens inside the plant is recorded by cameras; maybe this material will be declassified in future; now it is confidential and employed to perform safety and security tasks. Everything happens inside the plant is videorecorded 24/7, without interruptions.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
I was just curious if you have a video archive of your work at the plant and or lab to show your Eureka moments? For the future documentaries on your work and historical perspective of your discoveries. If you do, would you be willing to show them in the future?
Tom Conover:
The X-Cat has recovered. About the count-down, let me keep the fingers crossed.
Warm Regards,
Svein Henrik:
Waiting for a cristal ball, just review your numbers, considering that they are meaningless if you do not refer them to the mass you have to move. For the mass od a regular average car, which is about 1.5 tons, 20 kW of power are enough to go barely at a speed of 10 mph ( 16 km/h). Moreless.
Warm Regards,
In a nutshell, you are asking if it is possible extract higher temperature from room temperature recycling the water in the loop of a heat pump or a thermoelectric heater.
Obviously not: in a heat exchanger you cannot have in the secondary loop a T superior to the primary loop, whatever the retention time along the heat exchange surface. Naturally you could increase the T in the secondary circuit by an increase of its pressure, but this would happen at a high cost and in this case the primary becomes a coolant instead of a heater.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Hello Andrea,
The concept of getting the domestic certification completed, and then possibly providing a core product to licencees who can provide new dimensions to the uses for your technology, sounds like a fabulous option for your company! Leveraging distribution channels and collecting royalties could help to overcome some of the challenges down the road for you. So many products are possible that I am sure that at least 2000 items could be listed … more than any single company could possibly handle!
With only 48 or 49 days on the countdown remaining, do you have more than 10 or less than 10 days available for down time left to use?
Did the E-Cat X regain stability this afternoon I hope? (I can’t wait to see one in my home next year perhaps!)
Thank you
Hello Andrea
A electrical E-cat-x-car need 20kW to drive at a speed of 100km/h and a battery of 5kWh to acceleration and uphill. I look forward to see such a car possible to be connected to the grid at my house and by my workshop for electricity production when not in use on the road. When do you anticipate it may be on the marked?
Best regards
Svein Henrik
Andrea Rossi,
Do any of your licensees own a share in Leonardo Corp?
Many thanks.
Salve, probabilmente il mio quesito avrà ragione di essere preso per una barzelletta, se è così mi scuso.
L’efficienza delle pompe di calore ha tranquillamente raggiunto livelli attorno al 4, ma anche 6, generatori termoelettrici credo possano avere efficienze superiori a 0,3 (forse sbaglio?) io ne deduco, ma sono ignorante e certamente avrò sparato una stupidaggine, che si può estrarre energia elettrica dalla temperatura ambientale, e che la quantità dipende solo dal numero dei passaggi e dalle dimensioni degli apparecchi e dello scambio termico, che lei sappia esistono sperimentazioni a riguardo?
Grazie, Andrea.
Dear Readers:
Please go to http://www.rossilivecat to read the comments published on other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
To answer it is necessary a distinction: while Italy is the Country I have been born in, got my doctorate and worked in during the first half of my life, USA is the Country I have chosen to work and live in. Italy made what I became, USA made what I am.
Warm Regards,
Giorgia Bensi:
My patent of 1979 si at disposal of all.
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your US Patent.
I read today that ENI has launched a new diesel fuel with a high percentage of organic waste derivated oil. I also read on the beautiful book of Vessela Nikolova “Ecat, the new fire” that ENI has used the heritage of your patent issued on 1978 to make oil from organic wastes. Practically, ENI is using a technology that has been born by your ( now expired) patent you filed in 1978, granted in 1979, expired in 1998.
Auguri, Andrea,
Dear Andrea:
Based on your life experience, you prefer to live in Italy or in the USA?
I am asking this to think about my future: I am 18 years old.
Neil Taylor:
Thank you: very interesting.
Warm Regards
Dear Mr. Rossi,
Perhaps you are already aware of “photonic crystal” technology. It seems to me that this tech could play an important future role with your e-cats. Here is a link to explain:
Wishing you and yours the best for 2016…
Neil Taylor
The proper contact is:
Industrial Heat,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations for your US Patent.
For any initiative in the USA regarding the E-Cat which is the proper contact ?
Thank you,
Robert Curto:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Until the ownership will deem it opportune.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
1MW E-Cat stable, no troubles today
E-Cat X still in good standing operation.
Warm Regards,
I do not know when and in which measure the results of the test on course will be published, also because this issue does not depend only on me and it is conditioned to when the test will be completed. The results, anyway, in some measure will be published, positive or negative as they might be.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You have in the past been somewhat unclear on whether the results of the 1 MW test (F9) would be published for the general public. However, Mats Lewan looks to be quite confident that they will, as his whole New Energy World Symposium seems predicated on this ‘fact’. Any comment?
Best Regards,
Thomas Florek:
Thank you for the commemoration and the link. He is one of my favourite rock artists.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi
Can we have an update ?
Dr. Rossi, in your response to TYY you said, your comment is the number
27,000 of this blog.
A staggering amount of Posts.
I believe you respond to every one in a very nice way, even to the very nasty ones.
Robert Curto
Ft Lauderdale Florida
Hi Andrea,
David Bowie passed away yesterday after a secret bout with cancer. Do you enjoy his music?
Here is one of my Ragtime-flavored renditions of one of David Bowie’s songs.
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations for your important US Patent.
Question: can the wafer described in your patent be a cylinder instead of a parallelepiped ?
Dear Andrea:
Can you foresee up to when you will remain the CEO of Leonardo Corporation ?
In Leonardo Corporation I am the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). So far.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your very kind words and important attention.
We pass it on to our Licensee for Canada ( Industrial Heat ).
Warm Regards,
My car is a 2016 Cadillac CTS. I am very fond of it: it is a magnificence for the engine and for the body-design.
Warm Regards,
Presently I work 18 hours per day, so I can find the time to answer to our Readers. It takes about half an hour per day, while it is not rare that from our Readers arrive ideas that take hours to think about, but that enters in the field of the R&D. The time spent to read and answer to our Readers is enormously worth: this blog for me is an antenna, a multipurpose antenna.
By the way, to remain on the subject: your comment is the number 27 000 of this blog. Thank you!
Warm Regards,