Pekka Janhunen:
I understand, but still the evolution is subject to the laws of thermodynamic.
About the quantum events, I cast som doubt: they are based on the concept of the electron as a puntiform particle, but the assumption of point-like shaped elementary particles with intrinsic properties as mass, charge, angolar momentum, magnetic moment and spin is a contradiction in terms. A point-like particle cannot have these characteristics. A magnetic moment must be generatedby a current loop, and a point-like particle cannot have it, not to mention the fact that the electric field generated by a point-like charged particle should have an infinite energy.
It appears to me that in some occasions becomes a sort of deus ex machina” , like a search of a pagan entity not to say that God exists.
Still away from the 1000 $ prize.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
Your paper on Researchgate
has reached the stunning numbers of 35000 full readings and over 240 recommendations, and counting, all of their authors putting their face as per every publication on Researchgate.
These numbers put your paper at the first place of all the publications in the field of nuclear Physics of the last 2 years.
The majority of the readings is in the USA and Europe, as well as the recommendations, but they come from the whole world.
Stunning, isn’t it?
All the best,
“E debbasi considerare come non è cosa
più difficile a trattare, né più bubbia a riuscire,
né più periculosa a maneggiare, che farsi capo
ad introdurre nuovi ordini.
Perché lo introduttore ha per nimici
tutti quelli che delli ordini vecchi
fanno bene, et ha tepidi defensori tutti quelli
che delli ordini nuovi farebbono bene.”
From your recent answers, it seems that the SKL module runs best as a switchable constant current source. For all applications not requiring constant power, this would mean adding a battery buffer.
When the battery voltage is below X, SKL would switch on for charging, when more than Y, SKL switches off. For electric cars, most things already in place, just downsize the battery capacity, connect SKL and press start. To cut the grid at home, in addition to an SKL(X kW), a battery (24V/Y Ah) I also would need at least one inverter (Z W/24V/230AC). Power data for my house is low for the North, yearly average around 4 kW with some shorter peaks up to 10 kW (geothermal heat pump + household)
Could a 10 kW SKL-module (7kW electric)be a good fit with some margin?
I also need advice for optimal battery capacity and a suitable inverter(now very costly).
After your demonstration, I expect you will get many questions on the layout of a local grid using SKL.
I then suggest you already now start preparing to be able to offer a complete and very cost-effective local grid package.
Best of luck with your presentation and the big work ahead.
Sven B
Dear Andrea,
First, congratulations for your achievement thus far.
Then a thought about the nature of life (not its origin, because the origin is open question). It seems to me that a distinctive feature of life is to derive macroscopic consequences from microscopic quantum events. For example, mutations. Or when people play lotto. Or when AR gets an idea in his head which leads to some macroscopic consequences.
In the Copenhagen interpretation, the quantum events are random. The future of a living planet is not possible to predict, because it depends on the random ideas that its inhabitants get. In the Everettian multiverse interpretation, each quantum event causes branching of the universe so that all possible outcomes are real for some conscious observers. A living planet’s worldline is thick in the multiverse, comprising a full spectrum of all possible life-forms, individuals, their fates, etc. If one could view the Everettian multiverse from the outside, living planets would stand out as the main branching hubs of the universe.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
possibly many scientists also withhold information and insights. Maybe even unintentionally.
You should use that 1000 to go on vacation. By the way, I don’t even qualify, because I am a believer and, moreover, not a scientist. At most an ever curious observer and thinker.
Kind regards, Koen
Hi Andrea, if the percentage of electric energy produce can reach an enough high value, probably the direct heat production will be useless, and could be more useful waste it instead of transmit water or steam with pipes.
The transmission of electric energy and locally generation of heat by joule effect probably will be the best choice.
Koen Vandewalle:
As a matter of fact, also the so called “Higgs Boson” is for the time “imperceptible to us”: what have been observed are virtual fossils, that they presume are the leftover of that particle, that anyway is a virtual particle, which means a resonance. The definition “particle of God” is a nonsense, but a genial advertising trade mark that helped political funding.
About Black Holes, I am not an expert of them, but they seem to me to be the triumph of entropy, with the total annihilation of any organized form.
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize.
Warm Regards,
I think that ignorance, lies and a few other human habits are capable of turning entire civilizations back into entropy.
In addition, I do not know whether a black hole causes more or less entropy. In the end … no more entropy, I believe.
Having said that, I think the so-called Higgs Bosons really deserve their name “God Particle”. Unless of course on the other side of that particle there are entities that control these bosons – for the time being imperceptibly to us – or send information through them.
Dear Andrea,
Some remarks an questions, if I may:
1. Heat verses electricity is indeed very useful, but can also the output power of the ECat Leonardo be modulated? I know that you van put them in series and in parallel, but it would also be flexible if the Ecat output power can be modulated to some extend.
2. Will the verification test in January also include safety tests? If that is done it might be put on the market more easily, perhaps.
3. Can the single module of the Leonardo be built to any power, do you think?
4. A 20 kWe/h unit might be the right size for many applications (domestic, cars and building bock for larger applications). I would recommend that size. Is that feasible?
I wish you many success with the further tests and the preparation for the verification test.
Thanks and kind regards, Gerard
Dear Dr Rossi,
I am following your work for many years.
I am in awe for your and your Team’s dedication and hard work for the betterment and benefit of mankind.
This towering and titanic achievement could have been accomplished only with the guidance and the help of the Holy Spirit.
Peter Palmieri
Before this news of your latest work breaks the mainstream media barrier very soon…
please give Mr. Elon Musk a call and invite him to your facility to see the energy platform that he may be using for the planned mission to mars.
I think you will enjoy his enthusiasm and support.
Again, you have made my Thanksgiving even more blessed and thankful to God for people like you.
Paul Di Anno:
The function to modulate heat vs electricity could be added.
The efficiency? Paul: all the energy necessary to sustain the Ecat SKL is entirely supplied by the same Ecat. The ratio Energy generated/Energy consumed has a zero at the denominator.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, you said that the new ecat produces heat and electricity. Both energies interact simultaneously? I mean, if the owner of the ecat will need more electricity for his needs, will the ecat produce even more heat? or can one or the other energy be obtained separately? What is the efficiency of heat production and electricity? thank you very much
Marcello Gianferrari:
In your universe may happen all things you desire, but in the objective universe your projections are wrong:
1- the system is closed because it includes also the list of particles you are naming and since in none of them there is anythink as complex as what is necessary to compose , for example, mankind, to put them in order ( decreasing the entropy ) and “create” the conditions for them combine in a way togenerate a man, as an example, you need reverse the entropy. All the particles poured from the universe on the earth are just like the ink of the example poured casually on a floorhoping to compose Romeo and Juliet
2- same as in 1
3- yes, but entropy still increases
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize
Warm Regards,
Marcello Gianferrari:
Sorry, but you missed the point: in your food compartment fungi grow up for two reasons:
1- there are the seeds of them, otherwise they could not grow up: this is related to DNA, not to entropy
2- you don’t clean it well : this too has nothing to do with entropy ( joking, like you did, I suppose )
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize
Warm Regards,
Thjis will depend on the specific algorythm we will put in the control system: it is a possible function, though. Good suggestion.
Warm Regards,
Wrong, let us consider just Earth, to avoid more complicated explanations, it is a closed system and the fact that the sun pours on it energy in a basically constant quantity and quality is equal to the ink poured on a floor.
Still no 100 $ prize, but strong gratitude for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
You told me, 70 to 80% of electricity. Taking 70% is a performance never reached by an electric generator. What a performance!
Can you tell us what is the temperature of the Leonardo reactor plasma? 1eV like thermal SK?
All my sympathy to the whole team, not to mention the workers who are also doing a lot of important work.
Best regards
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most misunderstood aspects of physics, but it need not be. If we think of thermodynamic systems as poker hands, entropy is a measure of how well the cards are shuffled. This dispels the wrongheaded idea that the second law mandates increasing disorder because poker players playing with fair decks will sometimes get dealt very good—that is, very well-ordered—hands. What the law does say is that energy exchanges, like currency exchanges, come with a service fee, and we pay this fee in terms of increased entropy.
But the increase in entropy is only to be expected in thermally isolated systems; those in which energy is neither added nor removed. We do not live in such a system because the Sun is constantly adding energy. We can use the Sun’s energy to overcome this increase in entropy just as an eight-year-old uses energy to increase the order in a formerly untidy room.
Living organisms and the cells that make them up are like machines that maintain much lower amounts of entropy than their surroundings and like a country; they come with borders, in this case cell membranes, to distinguish the region of decreased entropy. To survive, all living things must eat and after eating, must poop. Just as we ingest and expel chemicals, so too we ingest free energy and flush out entropy. When we die, we stop eating (and pooping), and the increase in entropy is evident in the rotting of our corpse.
But entropy plays a role, not only in the continuance of individuals and their parts but also in the evolutionary development of species and thereby in speciation. Advantageous mutations are ones that increase the efficiency of energy transfers within an ecosystem. When we calculate the amount of energy needed to push evolution thermodynamically “uphill,” it is clear that, like a powerful river, the Sun provides more than sufficient “flow” to not only turn the “hydroelectric turbines” of life’s foundation (the primary producers) but to distribute “electricity” with incrementally increasing efficiency over time.
This story in all of its gory details involves complex aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology, but with these metaphors can be employed to make the situation clear to non-technicians. It is not enough to know that the anti-evolutionists’ claim that speciation is incompatible with our best understanding of thermodynamics is flawed; we must be able to explain the errors clearly to those with no scientific background. These images ought to become part of an increasing cache that scientists and philosophers develop to communicate scientific results in order to be more effective members of the wider popular conversation.
end qoute ”
To sum up yes I believe in entropy but it doesn’t say complex life can’t exist because in the end all things will be disorganized…..entropy doesn’t say things can look organized in between… look at the planets orbits they seem organized , same as atoms but everything is in decay….
In the end we do not need to believe in a creator to explain the universe…and even then there are a million gods people believed which one to believe upon? And who or what is giving a god ,certain attributes?
Clearly the christian bible is made up of more nonsense and mythology then creationist claiming entropy must exclude evolution.
Still very much success , bringing the ECAT to the market!
Dear Andrea,
I celebrated the liberating E-Cat SKL with one of your favorite — peach schnapps, the official drink of celebration for SKL — Dom Perignon, fresh-n-local hefeweizen, liquified St-Germain Elderflowers, and the answer you are looking for … nutmeg-almond-milk. A cup of whole milk (~450 ml), a few super-sun-dried almonds (not roasted), crushed in a molcajete, and a whole, small nutmeg, powdered in the molcajete, plus a few strands of saffron. (You could add jager.. or any green-fairy thing but basic nutmeg-milk is better and healthier!) (Saffron is optional.) Just make sue that the nutmeg is small and dense and preferably inside its pod. Use the red threads inside the pod, too! Large, buttery nutmegs taste smooth but do not give the intense, happy, and creative dreams.
(For the lazy ones out there — Trader Joe’s hefeweizen is the only beer that will impart consistently happy dreams and occasionally creative dreams.)
Celebrations aside, this is a monumental event in history, wherein the good Dr. has reset the World for the age of abundance. E-Cat SKL will eliminate wars sooner or later. Prosperity brought on by the tally-sticks will look amateurish compared to what the SKL will deliver. E-Cat SKL is miraculous enough to put Dr. Rossi in the category of a saint but his humility will always require him to stay as a humble servant of the Lord. (Everything I write is imaginary, I do not know Dr. Rossi personally, so forgive my spirit of writing with liberty.) The lives of the poor will be improved not by numerous micro-charities, but by forthcoming abundance ushered by dear Andrea. Making material abundance blasé, Andrea is bringing upon a spiritual revolution as well.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! What am I especially thankful for this year? For Andrea’s Mom & Dad who brought us the good Dr. Rossi to save humanity from itself.
Dear Andrea,
Is the output of 20-30% heat always linear and independent of the use or not of the output of 70-80% of current? I mean, if you don’t use the output current, automatically will the power turn into heat? Or you can modulate the two outputs, current and heat, independently of each other without turning off the system.
Regards, Giuseppe
Dear Andrea!
Will the E-catSK blue box still be produced or will it be an E-catSKL in a totally new construction?
It will be a pleasure to see when all long distance high voltage lines with switchgears, nuclear plants and big windturbines will be scrapped.
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
In my universe The Earth is an open system because:
1. allows exchanges of matter (continuously receives from space: cosmic rays, particles, meteorites, interstellar dust; and emits atoms, particles, from time to time some satellite and some spaceship (space shuttle)
2. allows energy exchanges: it receives all kinds of radiation from space; and emits radiation into space in turn
3. does not have any barrier to prevent the change of material and energy.
But don’t worry, I don’t want your money.
Warm Regards
Italo R.:
It happens what it would happen in any electric circuit. There are the normal protections against shorts and the Ecat, obviously, can sustain loads that do not overcome its power. If you lower the resistance beyond this limit, the amperage goes to zero and the Ecat shuts down.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
I understand, but still the evolution is subject to the laws of thermodynamic.
About the quantum events, I cast som doubt: they are based on the concept of the electron as a puntiform particle, but the assumption of point-like shaped elementary particles with intrinsic properties as mass, charge, angolar momentum, magnetic moment and spin is a contradiction in terms. A point-like particle cannot have these characteristics. A magnetic moment must be generatedby a current loop, and a point-like particle cannot have it, not to mention the fact that the electric field generated by a point-like charged particle should have an infinite energy.
It appears to me that in some occasions becomes a sort of deus ex machina” , like a search of a pagan entity not to say that God exists.
Still away from the 1000 $ prize.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Sven B:
Thank you for your insight and suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Salvatore Boi:
Right, but somebody has to break the cage. Machiavelli was a man of the system, not a revolutionary.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the (stunning) information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
Your paper on Researchgate
has reached the stunning numbers of 35000 full readings and over 240 recommendations, and counting, all of their authors putting their face as per every publication on Researchgate.
These numbers put your paper at the first place of all the publications in the field of nuclear Physics of the last 2 years.
The majority of the readings is in the USA and Europe, as well as the recommendations, but they come from the whole world.
Stunning, isn’t it?
All the best,
“E debbasi considerare come non è cosa
più difficile a trattare, né più bubbia a riuscire,
né più periculosa a maneggiare, che farsi capo
ad introdurre nuovi ordini.
Perché lo introduttore ha per nimici
tutti quelli che delli ordini vecchi
fanno bene, et ha tepidi defensori tutti quelli
che delli ordini nuovi farebbono bene.”
(Il Principe, cap VI)
Dear Andrea Rossi,
From your recent answers, it seems that the SKL module runs best as a switchable constant current source. For all applications not requiring constant power, this would mean adding a battery buffer.
When the battery voltage is below X, SKL would switch on for charging, when more than Y, SKL switches off. For electric cars, most things already in place, just downsize the battery capacity, connect SKL and press start. To cut the grid at home, in addition to an SKL(X kW), a battery (24V/Y Ah) I also would need at least one inverter (Z W/24V/230AC). Power data for my house is low for the North, yearly average around 4 kW with some shorter peaks up to 10 kW (geothermal heat pump + household)
Could a 10 kW SKL-module (7kW electric)be a good fit with some margin?
I also need advice for optimal battery capacity and a suitable inverter(now very costly).
After your demonstration, I expect you will get many questions on the layout of a local grid using SKL.
I then suggest you already now start preparing to be able to offer a complete and very cost-effective local grid package.
Best of luck with your presentation and the big work ahead.
Sven B
Dear Andrea,
First, congratulations for your achievement thus far.
Then a thought about the nature of life (not its origin, because the origin is open question). It seems to me that a distinctive feature of life is to derive macroscopic consequences from microscopic quantum events. For example, mutations. Or when people play lotto. Or when AR gets an idea in his head which leads to some macroscopic consequences.
In the Copenhagen interpretation, the quantum events are random. The future of a living planet is not possible to predict, because it depends on the random ideas that its inhabitants get. In the Everettian multiverse interpretation, each quantum event causes branching of the universe so that all possible outcomes are real for some conscious observers. A living planet’s worldline is thick in the multiverse, comprising a full spectrum of all possible life-forms, individuals, their fates, etc. If one could view the Everettian multiverse from the outside, living planets would stand out as the main branching hubs of the universe.
regards, /pekka
Congratulations on the great work, but I’m sure everyone will agree that what is most important is the music associated with the Ecat.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
possibly many scientists also withhold information and insights. Maybe even unintentionally.
You should use that 1000 to go on vacation. By the way, I don’t even qualify, because I am a believer and, moreover, not a scientist. At most an ever curious observer and thinker.
Kind regards, Koen
Hi Andrea, if the percentage of electric energy produce can reach an enough high value, probably the direct heat production will be useless, and could be more useful waste it instead of transmit water or steam with pipes.
The transmission of electric energy and locally generation of heat by joule effect probably will be the best choice.
Best regards
Alessandro Coppi
Koen Vandewalle:
As a matter of fact, also the so called “Higgs Boson” is for the time “imperceptible to us”: what have been observed are virtual fossils, that they presume are the leftover of that particle, that anyway is a virtual particle, which means a resonance. The definition “particle of God” is a nonsense, but a genial advertising trade mark that helped political funding.
About Black Holes, I am not an expert of them, but they seem to me to be the triumph of entropy, with the total annihilation of any organized form.
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize.
Warm Regards,
About entropy
I think that ignorance, lies and a few other human habits are capable of turning entire civilizations back into entropy.
In addition, I do not know whether a black hole causes more or less entropy. In the end … no more entropy, I believe.
Having said that, I think the so-called Higgs Bosons really deserve their name “God Particle”. Unless of course on the other side of that particle there are entities that control these bosons – for the time being imperceptibly to us – or send information through them.
Jeff Smathers:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Some remarks an questions, if I may:
1. Heat verses electricity is indeed very useful, but can also the output power of the ECat Leonardo be modulated? I know that you van put them in series and in parallel, but it would also be flexible if the Ecat output power can be modulated to some extend.
2. Will the verification test in January also include safety tests? If that is done it might be put on the market more easily, perhaps.
3. Can the single module of the Leonardo be built to any power, do you think?
4. A 20 kWe/h unit might be the right size for many applications (domestic, cars and building bock for larger applications). I would recommend that size. Is that feasible?
I wish you many success with the further tests and the preparation for the verification test.
Thanks and kind regards, Gerard
Peter Palmieri:
Thank you for your sustain. I agree with what you say.
Warm Regards
Dear Dr Rossi,
I am following your work for many years.
I am in awe for your and your Team’s dedication and hard work for the betterment and benefit of mankind.
This towering and titanic achievement could have been accomplished only with the guidance and the help of the Holy Spirit.
Peter Palmieri
Before this news of your latest work breaks the mainstream media barrier very soon…
please give Mr. Elon Musk a call and invite him to your facility to see the energy platform that he may be using for the planned mission to mars.
I think you will enjoy his enthusiasm and support.
Again, you have made my Thanksgiving even more blessed and thankful to God for people like you.
Gods Peace and Solace
Paul Di Anno:
The function to modulate heat vs electricity could be added.
The efficiency? Paul: all the energy necessary to sustain the Ecat SKL is entirely supplied by the same Ecat. The ratio Energy generated/Energy consumed has a zero at the denominator.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, you said that the new ecat produces heat and electricity. Both energies interact simultaneously? I mean, if the owner of the ecat will need more electricity for his needs, will the ecat produce even more heat? or can one or the other energy be obtained separately? What is the efficiency of heat production and electricity? thank you very much
Carlen Young:
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
Marcello Gianferrari:
In your universe may happen all things you desire, but in the objective universe your projections are wrong:
1- the system is closed because it includes also the list of particles you are naming and since in none of them there is anythink as complex as what is necessary to compose , for example, mankind, to put them in order ( decreasing the entropy ) and “create” the conditions for them combine in a way togenerate a man, as an example, you need reverse the entropy. All the particles poured from the universe on the earth are just like the ink of the example poured casually on a floorhoping to compose Romeo and Juliet
2- same as in 1
3- yes, but entropy still increases
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize
Warm Regards,
Marcello Gianferrari:
Sorry, but you missed the point: in your food compartment fungi grow up for two reasons:
1- there are the seeds of them, otherwise they could not grow up: this is related to DNA, not to entropy
2- you don’t clean it well : this too has nothing to do with entropy ( joking, like you did, I suppose )
Sorry, still no 1000 $ prize
Warm Regards,
Nils Fryklund,
It still will be produced, with modifications.
Warm Regards,
Sorry, these data will be given at the presentation of the product.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Happy thanksgiving Day to you and all the readers of E-Catworld, the undisputed best blog of the sector,
Warm Regards,
Thjis will depend on the specific algorythm we will put in the control system: it is a possible function, though. Good suggestion.
Warm Regards,
If you get more heat you get less current and vice-versa. The total amount of energy generated is constant.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your kind sustain,
Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and Yours too!
Warm Regards,
Wrong, let us consider just Earth, to avoid more complicated explanations, it is a closed system and the fact that the sun pours on it energy in a basically constant quantity and quality is equal to the ink poured on a floor.
Still no 100 $ prize, but strong gratitude for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
The T at the coore is 2 eV
and thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
Tyrone Featherly:
Thank you for your sustain!
Warm Regards,
Mike Casbon:
The basic module is a cube with a side of 10 cm ( 4″)
Warm Regards,
Happy Thanksgivings!
I am grateful for your hard work, creativity and ingenuity, and commitment to solving the issues of unsustainable means of energy production.
~ Carlen
Congratulations for this earth shattering development.
Theoretically which is the smallest possible dimension of the Ecat SKL?
Mike Casbon
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Today I am thankful for…Andrea Rossi.
Sustain is exactly what I have for you,
Tyrone Featherly
Hello A. Rossi
You told me, 70 to 80% of electricity. Taking 70% is a performance never reached by an electric generator. What a performance!
Can you tell us what is the temperature of the Leonardo reactor plasma? 1eV like thermal SK?
All my sympathy to the whole team, not to mention the workers who are also doing a lot of important work.
Best regards
Dear Rossi
to contribute and have a refreshing look at entropy
Just a quote from
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most misunderstood aspects of physics, but it need not be. If we think of thermodynamic systems as poker hands, entropy is a measure of how well the cards are shuffled. This dispels the wrongheaded idea that the second law mandates increasing disorder because poker players playing with fair decks will sometimes get dealt very good—that is, very well-ordered—hands. What the law does say is that energy exchanges, like currency exchanges, come with a service fee, and we pay this fee in terms of increased entropy.
But the increase in entropy is only to be expected in thermally isolated systems; those in which energy is neither added nor removed. We do not live in such a system because the Sun is constantly adding energy. We can use the Sun’s energy to overcome this increase in entropy just as an eight-year-old uses energy to increase the order in a formerly untidy room.
Living organisms and the cells that make them up are like machines that maintain much lower amounts of entropy than their surroundings and like a country; they come with borders, in this case cell membranes, to distinguish the region of decreased entropy. To survive, all living things must eat and after eating, must poop. Just as we ingest and expel chemicals, so too we ingest free energy and flush out entropy. When we die, we stop eating (and pooping), and the increase in entropy is evident in the rotting of our corpse.
But entropy plays a role, not only in the continuance of individuals and their parts but also in the evolutionary development of species and thereby in speciation. Advantageous mutations are ones that increase the efficiency of energy transfers within an ecosystem. When we calculate the amount of energy needed to push evolution thermodynamically “uphill,” it is clear that, like a powerful river, the Sun provides more than sufficient “flow” to not only turn the “hydroelectric turbines” of life’s foundation (the primary producers) but to distribute “electricity” with incrementally increasing efficiency over time.
This story in all of its gory details involves complex aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology, but with these metaphors can be employed to make the situation clear to non-technicians. It is not enough to know that the anti-evolutionists’ claim that speciation is incompatible with our best understanding of thermodynamics is flawed; we must be able to explain the errors clearly to those with no scientific background. These images ought to become part of an increasing cache that scientists and philosophers develop to communicate scientific results in order to be more effective members of the wider popular conversation.
end qoute ”
To sum up yes I believe in entropy but it doesn’t say complex life can’t exist because in the end all things will be disorganized…..entropy doesn’t say things can look organized in between… look at the planets orbits they seem organized , same as atoms but everything is in decay….
In the end we do not need to believe in a creator to explain the universe…and even then there are a million gods people believed which one to believe upon? And who or what is giving a god ,certain attributes?
Clearly the christian bible is made up of more nonsense and mythology then creationist claiming entropy must exclude evolution.
Still very much success , bringing the ECAT to the market!
Dear Andrea,
I celebrated the liberating E-Cat SKL with one of your favorite — peach schnapps, the official drink of celebration for SKL — Dom Perignon, fresh-n-local hefeweizen, liquified St-Germain Elderflowers, and the answer you are looking for … nutmeg-almond-milk. A cup of whole milk (~450 ml), a few super-sun-dried almonds (not roasted), crushed in a molcajete, and a whole, small nutmeg, powdered in the molcajete, plus a few strands of saffron. (You could add jager.. or any green-fairy thing but basic nutmeg-milk is better and healthier!) (Saffron is optional.) Just make sue that the nutmeg is small and dense and preferably inside its pod. Use the red threads inside the pod, too! Large, buttery nutmegs taste smooth but do not give the intense, happy, and creative dreams.
(For the lazy ones out there — Trader Joe’s hefeweizen is the only beer that will impart consistently happy dreams and occasionally creative dreams.)
Celebrations aside, this is a monumental event in history, wherein the good Dr. has reset the World for the age of abundance. E-Cat SKL will eliminate wars sooner or later. Prosperity brought on by the tally-sticks will look amateurish compared to what the SKL will deliver. E-Cat SKL is miraculous enough to put Dr. Rossi in the category of a saint but his humility will always require him to stay as a humble servant of the Lord. (Everything I write is imaginary, I do not know Dr. Rossi personally, so forgive my spirit of writing with liberty.) The lives of the poor will be improved not by numerous micro-charities, but by forthcoming abundance ushered by dear Andrea. Making material abundance blasé, Andrea is bringing upon a spiritual revolution as well.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! What am I especially thankful for this year? For Andrea’s Mom & Dad who brought us the good Dr. Rossi to save humanity from itself.
Dear Andrea,
Is the output of 20-30% heat always linear and independent of the use or not of the output of 70-80% of current? I mean, if you don’t use the output current, automatically will the power turn into heat? Or you can modulate the two outputs, current and heat, independently of each other without turning off the system.
Regards, Giuseppe
Dear Andrea
You say “If the load drops to zero the Ecat SK Leonardo will stop to operate.”
Will it restart automatically if a load is requested(will it be in a quiescent mode)?
Best regards
Dear Andrea,
Is the verifying entity that will be testing the SKL known for providing independent evaluation of products?
Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
in your answer to Toussaints Francois you say only 38 Watts are needed to control the Ecat.
In the past, if I remember properly, you were talking of about 800 Watts…
Does this mean the Ecat SKL output has been scaled down to 1 KW compared to the 21 KW of the previous Ecat SK (800 / 21 almost equal to 38) ?
If so, is this power reduction due to the necessity to keep the magnets cool enough to insure good performances during the Ecat operation ?
Thanks a lot if you can respond.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea!
Will the E-catSK blue box still be produced or will it be an E-catSKL in a totally new construction?
It will be a pleasure to see when all long distance high voltage lines with switchgears, nuclear plants and big windturbines will be scrapped.
Best regards
Nils Fryklund
“Whichever system you define Entropy increases”
Se fosse vero, nella mia dispensa non crescerebbero funghi 😀
In my universe The Earth is an open system because:
1. allows exchanges of matter (continuously receives from space: cosmic rays, particles, meteorites, interstellar dust; and emits atoms, particles, from time to time some satellite and some spaceship (space shuttle)
2. allows energy exchanges: it receives all kinds of radiation from space; and emits radiation into space in turn
3. does not have any barrier to prevent the change of material and energy.
But don’t worry, I don’t want your money.
Warm Regards
Italo R.:
It happens what it would happen in any electric circuit. There are the normal protections against shorts and the Ecat, obviously, can sustain loads that do not overcome its power. If you lower the resistance beyond this limit, the amperage goes to zero and the Ecat shuts down.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Yes, we expect for 4-5000 hours
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight
Warm Regards,