Here is a book with the black list of all the scientists and researchers that have been subjected to ostracism for violating the commandments of the so called official science:
1) Based on your current theory, do you think that it’s the near-depletion of a single element/isotope within the reactor charge that would ultimately cause the E-Cat SKL to stop working?
2) Or multiple elements/isotopes?
3) Or something else?
4) If it’s a single element/isotope, can you speculate about which one you think it would be?
It discusses how during certain portions of electrical discharges complex space charge configurations (plasma balls) with an exterior membrane of electrons and an interior of positive ions start to form. They end up feeding on the thermal energy in the reactor converting it to electrical energy that they use to sustain themselves. As they self organize even further, they start to exchange energy and matter rythmically with the environment of the reactor. This shows up as ion acoustic oscillations. When certain levels are reached, the plasma ball will become “free floating” and no longer tethered to the electrode. Interestingly, the cavity inside the exterior shell of electrons of the plasma ball is said to be resonant and capable of absorbing RF and other types of electromagnetic energy. Moreover, it’s claimed that as long as there is heat and electrons for these plasma balls to absorb, they will continue to exist.
I think this book explains a great deal about the E-Cat SKL. When thinking about the QX that you demoed in Stockholm, it seems like the initial high voltage pulse was to establish the plasma ball (fireball, macro-EVO, etc). Then, due to having a favorable fuel mixture in the reactor and having everything tuned well to make sure it would detach from the electrode, LENR reactions start occurring. The heat produced sustained the plasma ball even when the input power was almost zero. However, since the plasma ball would have been continually converting heat and ions and then sending them back out again into the circuit, you may have needed active cooling to prevent the power supply from over heating. Back current and spikes that can destroy power supplies are a common occurrence in system that utilize the negative resistance regime and produce self organizing plasmas.
I also find it interesting that according to this book in high pressure (such as atmospheric) the plasma balls produced would be small (perhaps like the tiny plasma ball Frank Acland saw in the QX). I suspect that you are using somewhat lower pressure in the SK and SKL to produce larger plasma balls.
Most interestingly, there’s a comparison of these plasma balls to black holes. In one example provided a plasma ball (in this case created by sub-atomic particles accelerated to near the speed of light which then collided with each other) produced absorbed particles, processed them, and emitted energy. This could be analogous to Hawkings radiation.
I’m very excited after reading this book, because although I’ve read a lot of similar information in the past, this book puts a lot of information. I can now understand how the QX, SK, or SKL could produce a constant electrical output while the input is almost nothing. There would be no need to convert electromagnetic emissions from the reactor into electricity with a pick up coil or to use a thermoelectric device: because the plasma ball itself would be converting the heat energy into electrical energy. A portion of this would be used to sustain the plasma, a portion would be used to produce heat/light, and another portion would produce electrical current that would be sent through the circuit!
I’m super excited!!!!
I can’t wait until the presentation in February.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or comments would be appreciated.
Dear Andrea,
Sorry to hear you are demoted.
Please tell the AI CEO of Leonardo that he must be careful with you and that the LENR community thinks you are too valuable to sack.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Aleksei Savchenko,
In reply to your last communication I can inform you that I refer to the fact that I am an independent researcher as I wish to inform readers that as a researcher I am not constrained by outside control or influence into what I research, as I consider this to be my God given right, of course being independent has required me to finance my own research and raise capital by conventional means i.e. be self sufficient and from what I have gathered I would advise anyone who seeks to understand energy at the level of wave/material interaction to remain independent i.e. free of shackles because this subject definitely upsets certain individuals within institutions and even certain industries but I do not consider this to be a problem, just a life learning experience.
In your country you refer to, I believe, free thinking which I think is healthy and which accounts for a state of all considerations being taken into consideration i.e. proper investigations and not having a dogmatic mind.
Regards 1. Regards matter and anti-matter. I personally do not like the term anti-matter as it conveys thoughts of only two states comprised of complete opposites i.e. an Absolute something and an Absolute nothing whereas I prefer to think of two states, the material and the wave in which within both states, pockets of vacuum energy exist. Your reply to Tom Frazer is without doubt for me the most advanced thoughts on this present topic. Again this is why I like the JONP over other web sites.
Regards 2. Entropy. As you are aware entropy refers to the measure of an amount of energy unavailable to do work. In simple terms for me, this refers to a loss of energy when attempting to extract energy out of a system. In mechanics entropy is easily understood because of friction due to material substance having density. You know this but at the nuclear level, no friction, no material substance with regards the activity until that which is none material from the material strikes some other material and deposits a degree of energy equal to that put into the object that disintegrates i.e. a gain in energy for one object but a loss of energy for the other. This whole subject is bound up in a very deep understanding that is not that difficult to understand when you understand the formation of the material world. This is a direct reference to the God concept i.e. that motivating force throughout nature that involves geometry and maths.
You mention. ‘If you want to cover the wider problem’. I have to inform you that I have no need to cover a problem as I am fully aware of the present problem and know exactly how to overcome it.
This I realize you will find difficult to believe but there is no subject on Earth that cannot be understood, it merely requires a persons forte which is an individuals gift at birth i.e. individual not collective and is recognized by a persons intuition which is nothing unusual.
Regards 3. I agree on most points but as with any article people have their own thoughts which only add to the richness of the topic.
My P,S. referred to the JONP for a very specific reason. It deals with one important topic i.e. it is not generalized . There are simply too many side subjects to get involved in for me. My time is limited like everyones. Your comment regarding being able to separate the ‘seeds from the chaff’ is of major importance, especially in physics where wild imaginations can take hold. I prefer the phrase that ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ because there can be no dispute as to the worth of the pudding. As you must be aware you can rumble around a problem until doomsday and take it as a learning curve or you can join the curve together to form a circle in the same fashion that God joins the energy circle in nature i.e. wave into structure and structure into wave. Regards Eric Ashworth.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am reading
Extremely interesting: a paradigma of resiliency that brought to the most important invention of the century
Dear Andrea,
I thought you might be interested in a program I lead in the 1960s involving the development of a more efficient source of infrared energy. It was to be used in countermeasures against infrared seeking missiles one of which was used by Russia to bring down the U2 spy plane in which the American pilot was taken prisoner.
Previous attempts to provide a countermeasure, used a mercury vapor plasma lamp as an infrared source, but it did not provide enough energy to combat the missile’s course.
We proposed using a mercury lamp encased in an Aluminum oxide chamber which allowed longer wavelengths to pass, with a small amount of Cesium added to the mix. Cesium was chosen because of its low ionization potential which would favor emissions in the longer wavelengths and enhance the plasma density.
When the lamp was ignited, the amount of infrared energy measured was more than the meter used for detection was capable of measuring it because it was overwhelmed. In field tests using a countermeasure device containing the new lamp, it completely destroyed the missiles ability to track the target.
The characteristics of the lamp seems to me to be different from yours in only the material used to create the physical quantum structures(electron clusters resonating with nuclear energy levels) to achieve greater than unity energy outputs. The generated plasma was also subjected to high energy pulses in the kilocycle region corresponding to the frequencies used in the infrared tracking missiles.
Because the further development of the countermeasure devices was subsequently given to the low bidder, I lost contact with its development because of security reasons.
If I was allowed to continue my study of this lamp I would have taken measurements of input energies verses output energies. At this stage of development we were only interested in providing enough energy to accomplish the deviation of the missile track which we showed to be enough to do the job.
I moved on to, for me, more interesting studies.
Coincidental regards.
@Keith T,
I have read about a ubiquitous plasma: I wonder if it could be used as a communication media…the cable companies wouldn’t be so happy, though !
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Keith T:
Thank you for your insight.
I also suggest you the book
“Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor:Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions” ( Amazon, 2019 )
by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso, Francesco celani, Dawei Wang
About your question, I think it is possible.
Warm Regards,
The launch of E-Cats will over time be recognised to have a vast impact on the worldwide provision of energy.
Possibly an understanding of the underlying physics of the E-Cat will also have a large impact, currently physicists understanding of the world around us is based on the many decades old standard model, can the existing known physics accommodate the nuclear fundamentals of the E-Cat, or is just a deeper understanding of the existing physics required, or is a model modification required, or is a new model required. The E-Cat and its technology may provide new tools for probing deeper into the nuclear realm, carefully constructed experiments providing definitive conformation or rejection of currently untestable theories.
In October 2019, David Hestenes published a paper “Zitterbewegung Structure in Electrons and Photons”, based on a reinterpretation of the Dirac equation, this gives a similar description of the electron as in the Tommaso and Vassallo paper in JCMNS Vol29, within the discussion in these non-standard model papers is often clues that give indication of potential technology, Hestenes identifies a possibility of “a universal vector potential permeating the vacuum of all spacetime, much as proposed by Dirac”, what if a device can be built with electromagnetics that can interact with this universal vector potential to produce even a small level of thrust, a new thruster for space, (or Roger Shawyer’s EmDrive explained). Hestenes views all fundamentals as being electromagnetic in nature and is investigating the linking of gravity to electromagnetics.
A new model of physics may lead to new un-dreamed of technology and new products, who knows, hopefully new science and technology will fire the imagination and dreams of a younger generation.
Have you found any indicators in the physics you are studying that may possibly lead to new technology beyond the E-Cat?
Thank you for your comments regarding the status of your experiments with the E-Cat SK. You are obviously sailing in uncharted waters and learning as you go along
What do you think the biggest obstacles in the way of having the SKL working in a satisfactory way?
1) Imperfect theoretical understanding
2) Lack of technical expertise on your Team
3) Insufficient materials for the EC SKL
4) Lack of time
5) Or something else ?
Many thanks and best wishes,
Frank Acland
From what I have been reading it seems that you are still resolving problems that perhaps you did not anticipate initially.
@ Tom Frazer January 23, 2020 at 2:37 AM, and Andrea Rossi
Dear colleagues,
Sorry to enter into the discussion, but Andrea Rossi noted an interesting approach to the catalysts, “which implies an increase of the energy system”, and which he probably uses in his designs.
It is known that from a chemical point of view, the catalysts themselves do not react, but from the point of view of physics, this is not entirely true. They are concentrators of energy – surface energy, internal energy if one of the reactants, for example, hydrogen diffuses into nickel, promotes dissociation of compounds, etc. In my opinion (only partially described in the articles), this leads to a densification of the energy density of the Physical Vacuum in this zone, and the use of additional exposure – temperature, electromagnetic and other effects further strengthen this effect. Therefore, the atoms of the used fuel due to diffusion into this zone can change both electronic states (electron orbits) and intranuclear states (provoking nuclear reactions), as well as acquire kinetic energy. When leaving this zone and returning to a normal state, atoms (hydrogen in our case) return energy, but not to the Physical Vacuum, since outside this zone Physical Vacuum is in a normal equilibrium state and is not able to give or take energy, but to the surrounding space. That is, we get a double energy effect.
Naturally, the correct selection of catalysts for each chemical reagent, the use of electromagnetic effects in the desired wavelength range (everything is quantized and you need to guess the wavelength), and also to find the resonance state for each system, is naturally important.
I apologize for having climbed into that area in which I myself do not really understand (my bad habit), but often in the end I come to the correct understanding. Commenting on what you know very well is simply not interesting.
Best regards,
Please clarify. Does this mean:
1. New problems are arising and must each be solved?
2. The SKL has problems getting started?
3. The SKL has reliability problems?
I imagine that you now have a huge amount of data from the e-cat SK that has now been in operation fir over a year.
It will be interesting as time goes by to see what trend analysis and deep investigation of that data shows both from a scientific point of view and from an engineering point of view l
You have mentioned I think that there is effectively no change in performance as such but due to aging if the device but apparently an improvement In reliability due to lessons learnt perhaps.
This is good news from an engineering perspective as in addition to the implications with fuel use, it implies no significant degradation of the device and no significant leakage of important elements from the device (such as hydrogen or others) over more than a year. Which is very good news.
From the scientific angle it seems to me that you now have accumulated a a lot of data and information from the spectrum from that e-cat SK device. I’m curious if:
1. Have you seen any ling term evolution in that spectrum over the year?
2. If so if those changes indicate any classical element spectrum changes?
3. If the evolutions due to molecular changes such a free radicals in the system?
4. If there are classical plasmonic effect changes on micro particles or other similar sources?
5. If there is some change due to some other potential cause?
6. if 5 is so is this helping I form your theory?
7. No significant change in the spectrum?
If it’s difficult to answer these now I understand. If so when it is ready it might make an interesting study and input for a future presentation though.
This sounds quite strange: the wind generators are designed to spin also at speeds whatever the speed of wind in the specific location. Perhaps there was something spinning the windmill, which would be strange anyway: unless the green certificates make more profits than the expenses of some energy source to spin the rotor…just joking.
Warm Regards,
Tom Frazer:
No, it is not. For example in the case of catalisys. Catalizers, like for example the ones that improve the emissions of cars accelerating the chemical reactions, which implies an increase of the energy system, do not produce any difference at the end of the chemical reactions respect the results of the same combustion when it is not catalized: the catalizer is exactly the same as before the reactions as well as the molecules after the combustion: this is a typical example of case in which the second PTD is not applicable. As a matter of fact the name “Energy Catalizer” of which E-Cat is a contraction, under the semantic point of view has an ermeneutic function, albeit the context is completely different.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am not surprised that the group you have chosen has not yet decided to go ahead with the presentation of your device. Showing a device that exhibits SSM is an event that would equal the magnitude of the one that proved that SSM fission occurred in Uranium in the 1930’s as Hahn and Strassmann claimed. Any group that attempts to verify your discovery will have to face the scrutiny of the scientific community and the skepticism of those who will think it will not be beneficial for their purposes. It took Einstein to convince the US government to start their nuclear program that ended WW2.
If any little factum can be disputed it will be pounced on as was the case in your previous presentations. Your presentation group will not agree to present until they are sure that their case is watertight. Their reputations are on the line.
Presentable regards.
Gerard McEk:
I surely will pass it on, but I have not yet been demoted by the AI System: I have just been warned for dummyness.
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link and for your insight,
Warm Regards,
1 no
2 no
3 yes
4 n.a.
Warm Regards,
That’s my boss !
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Here is a book with the black list of all the scientists and researchers that have been subjected to ostracism for violating the commandments of the so called official science:
“Pay attention Andrea! THIS is a cube.”
Dr. Rossi,
1) Based on your current theory, do you think that it’s the near-depletion of a single element/isotope within the reactor charge that would ultimately cause the E-Cat SKL to stop working?
2) Or multiple elements/isotopes?
3) Or something else?
4) If it’s a single element/isotope, can you speculate about which one you think it would be?
Thanks, WaltC
Dear Andrea,
Please take a look at this book that discusses the self organization process that creates natural and man made ball lightning.
It discusses how during certain portions of electrical discharges complex space charge configurations (plasma balls) with an exterior membrane of electrons and an interior of positive ions start to form. They end up feeding on the thermal energy in the reactor converting it to electrical energy that they use to sustain themselves. As they self organize even further, they start to exchange energy and matter rythmically with the environment of the reactor. This shows up as ion acoustic oscillations. When certain levels are reached, the plasma ball will become “free floating” and no longer tethered to the electrode. Interestingly, the cavity inside the exterior shell of electrons of the plasma ball is said to be resonant and capable of absorbing RF and other types of electromagnetic energy. Moreover, it’s claimed that as long as there is heat and electrons for these plasma balls to absorb, they will continue to exist.
I think this book explains a great deal about the E-Cat SKL. When thinking about the QX that you demoed in Stockholm, it seems like the initial high voltage pulse was to establish the plasma ball (fireball, macro-EVO, etc). Then, due to having a favorable fuel mixture in the reactor and having everything tuned well to make sure it would detach from the electrode, LENR reactions start occurring. The heat produced sustained the plasma ball even when the input power was almost zero. However, since the plasma ball would have been continually converting heat and ions and then sending them back out again into the circuit, you may have needed active cooling to prevent the power supply from over heating. Back current and spikes that can destroy power supplies are a common occurrence in system that utilize the negative resistance regime and produce self organizing plasmas.
I also find it interesting that according to this book in high pressure (such as atmospheric) the plasma balls produced would be small (perhaps like the tiny plasma ball Frank Acland saw in the QX). I suspect that you are using somewhat lower pressure in the SK and SKL to produce larger plasma balls.
Most interestingly, there’s a comparison of these plasma balls to black holes. In one example provided a plasma ball (in this case created by sub-atomic particles accelerated to near the speed of light which then collided with each other) produced absorbed particles, processed them, and emitted energy. This could be analogous to Hawkings radiation.
I’m very excited after reading this book, because although I’ve read a lot of similar information in the past, this book puts a lot of information. I can now understand how the QX, SK, or SKL could produce a constant electrical output while the input is almost nothing. There would be no need to convert electromagnetic emissions from the reactor into electricity with a pick up coil or to use a thermoelectric device: because the plasma ball itself would be converting the heat energy into electrical energy. A portion of this would be used to sustain the plasma, a portion would be used to produce heat/light, and another portion would produce electrical current that would be sent through the circuit!
I’m super excited!!!!
I can’t wait until the presentation in February.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or comments would be appreciated.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I think that even if Ecat SKL is still not perfect, it would be worth showing it immediately to the world.
Perfection does not exist and I fear that the pursuit of perfection in the SKL would require biblical times.
Even though your product is now somewhat imperfect, it can still be showed to the world with its disruptive potential.
Defects can be resolved later in the future, it should be easy using the right R&D and the immense funds that would certainly come.
What do you think?
Italo R.
Dear Andrea,
Sorry to hear you are demoted.
Please tell the AI CEO of Leonardo that he must be careful with you and that the LENR community thinks you are too valuable to sack.
Kind regards, Gerard
Frank Acland:
No it’s the AI system that is training me. He said I could be fired if don’t do well.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Are you still ‘training’ the AI system for the EC SKL?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Randy Miller:
She gets an A every day. Is more intelligent than me.
Warm Regards,
Szymon Blachuta:
Warm regards,
Dear Aleksei Savchenko,
In reply to your last communication I can inform you that I refer to the fact that I am an independent researcher as I wish to inform readers that as a researcher I am not constrained by outside control or influence into what I research, as I consider this to be my God given right, of course being independent has required me to finance my own research and raise capital by conventional means i.e. be self sufficient and from what I have gathered I would advise anyone who seeks to understand energy at the level of wave/material interaction to remain independent i.e. free of shackles because this subject definitely upsets certain individuals within institutions and even certain industries but I do not consider this to be a problem, just a life learning experience.
In your country you refer to, I believe, free thinking which I think is healthy and which accounts for a state of all considerations being taken into consideration i.e. proper investigations and not having a dogmatic mind.
Regards 1. Regards matter and anti-matter. I personally do not like the term anti-matter as it conveys thoughts of only two states comprised of complete opposites i.e. an Absolute something and an Absolute nothing whereas I prefer to think of two states, the material and the wave in which within both states, pockets of vacuum energy exist. Your reply to Tom Frazer is without doubt for me the most advanced thoughts on this present topic. Again this is why I like the JONP over other web sites.
Regards 2. Entropy. As you are aware entropy refers to the measure of an amount of energy unavailable to do work. In simple terms for me, this refers to a loss of energy when attempting to extract energy out of a system. In mechanics entropy is easily understood because of friction due to material substance having density. You know this but at the nuclear level, no friction, no material substance with regards the activity until that which is none material from the material strikes some other material and deposits a degree of energy equal to that put into the object that disintegrates i.e. a gain in energy for one object but a loss of energy for the other. This whole subject is bound up in a very deep understanding that is not that difficult to understand when you understand the formation of the material world. This is a direct reference to the God concept i.e. that motivating force throughout nature that involves geometry and maths.
You mention. ‘If you want to cover the wider problem’. I have to inform you that I have no need to cover a problem as I am fully aware of the present problem and know exactly how to overcome it.
This I realize you will find difficult to believe but there is no subject on Earth that cannot be understood, it merely requires a persons forte which is an individuals gift at birth i.e. individual not collective and is recognized by a persons intuition which is nothing unusual.
Regards 3. I agree on most points but as with any article people have their own thoughts which only add to the richness of the topic.
My P,S. referred to the JONP for a very specific reason. It deals with one important topic i.e. it is not generalized . There are simply too many side subjects to get involved in for me. My time is limited like everyones. Your comment regarding being able to separate the ‘seeds from the chaff’ is of major importance, especially in physics where wild imaginations can take hold. I prefer the phrase that ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ because there can be no dispute as to the worth of the pudding. As you must be aware you can rumble around a problem until doomsday and take it as a learning curve or you can join the curve together to form a circle in the same fashion that God joins the energy circle in nature i.e. wave into structure and structure into wave. Regards Eric Ashworth.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Does the Ecat need gravity to work properly ?
Szymon Blachuta
Thx for the quick reply.
Do You already have a developed graph and the necessary functions, to let the AI learn ?
Sincerely Yours
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Randy Miller:
1 yes
2 the specialist of our team has chosen AI
3 I passed it along: thank you for the suggestion
Warm Regards,
Hi, Mr. Rossi.
1) You once said, that Your control box is using AI with the deep learning approach.
2) Why Did You not choose simple machine learning approaches instead ?
3) I think they would be enough to serve the purpose of a simple “energy
input control system” controller.
Sincerely Yours
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I am reading
Extremely interesting: a paradigma of resiliency that brought to the most important invention of the century
Dear Andrea,
I thought you might be interested in a program I lead in the 1960s involving the development of a more efficient source of infrared energy. It was to be used in countermeasures against infrared seeking missiles one of which was used by Russia to bring down the U2 spy plane in which the American pilot was taken prisoner.
Previous attempts to provide a countermeasure, used a mercury vapor plasma lamp as an infrared source, but it did not provide enough energy to combat the missile’s course.
We proposed using a mercury lamp encased in an Aluminum oxide chamber which allowed longer wavelengths to pass, with a small amount of Cesium added to the mix. Cesium was chosen because of its low ionization potential which would favor emissions in the longer wavelengths and enhance the plasma density.
When the lamp was ignited, the amount of infrared energy measured was more than the meter used for detection was capable of measuring it because it was overwhelmed. In field tests using a countermeasure device containing the new lamp, it completely destroyed the missiles ability to track the target.
The characteristics of the lamp seems to me to be different from yours in only the material used to create the physical quantum structures(electron clusters resonating with nuclear energy levels) to achieve greater than unity energy outputs. The generated plasma was also subjected to high energy pulses in the kilocycle region corresponding to the frequencies used in the infrared tracking missiles.
Because the further development of the countermeasure devices was subsequently given to the low bidder, I lost contact with its development because of security reasons.
If I was allowed to continue my study of this lamp I would have taken measurements of input energies verses output energies. At this stage of development we were only interested in providing enough energy to accomplish the deviation of the missile track which we showed to be enough to do the job.
I moved on to, for me, more interesting studies.
Coincidental regards.
Dear Andrea,
I have a copy of the book, interesting reading.
Keith Thomson.
Aleksei Savchenko:
Interesting approach,
Warm Regards,
@Keith T,
I have read about a ubiquitous plasma: I wonder if it could be used as a communication media…the cable companies wouldn’t be so happy, though !
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Keith T:
Thank you for your insight.
I also suggest you the book
“Maxwell-Dirac Theory and Occam’s Razor:Unified Field, Elementary Particles, and Nuclear Interactions” ( Amazon, 2019 )
by Giorgio Vassallo, Andras Kovacs, Antonino Oscar Di Tommaso, Francesco celani, Dawei Wang
About your question, I think it is possible.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
The launch of E-Cats will over time be recognised to have a vast impact on the worldwide provision of energy.
Possibly an understanding of the underlying physics of the E-Cat will also have a large impact, currently physicists understanding of the world around us is based on the many decades old standard model, can the existing known physics accommodate the nuclear fundamentals of the E-Cat, or is just a deeper understanding of the existing physics required, or is a model modification required, or is a new model required. The E-Cat and its technology may provide new tools for probing deeper into the nuclear realm, carefully constructed experiments providing definitive conformation or rejection of currently untestable theories.
In October 2019, David Hestenes published a paper “Zitterbewegung Structure in Electrons and Photons”, based on a reinterpretation of the Dirac equation, this gives a similar description of the electron as in the Tommaso and Vassallo paper in JCMNS Vol29, within the discussion in these non-standard model papers is often clues that give indication of potential technology, Hestenes identifies a possibility of “a universal vector potential permeating the vacuum of all spacetime, much as proposed by Dirac”, what if a device can be built with electromagnetics that can interact with this universal vector potential to produce even a small level of thrust, a new thruster for space, (or Roger Shawyer’s EmDrive explained). Hestenes views all fundamentals as being electromagnetic in nature and is investigating the linking of gravity to electromagnetics.
A new model of physics may lead to new un-dreamed of technology and new products, who knows, hopefully new science and technology will fire the imagination and dreams of a younger generation.
Have you found any indicators in the physics you are studying that may possibly lead to new technology beyond the E-Cat?
Keith Thomson.
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your comments regarding the status of your experiments with the E-Cat SK. You are obviously sailing in uncharted waters and learning as you go along
What do you think the biggest obstacles in the way of having the SKL working in a satisfactory way?
1) Imperfect theoretical understanding
2) Lack of technical expertise on your Team
3) Insufficient materials for the EC SKL
4) Lack of time
5) Or something else ?
Many thanks and best wishes,
Frank Acland
From what I have been reading it seems that you are still resolving problems that perhaps you did not anticipate initially.
Very interesting the comment of Aleksei Savchenko about it.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
1 yes
2 yes
3 yes
We are working hard as usual and I still am optimist . Really optmist.
Warm regards
@ Tom Frazer January 23, 2020 at 2:37 AM, and Andrea Rossi
Dear colleagues,
Sorry to enter into the discussion, but Andrea Rossi noted an interesting approach to the catalysts, “which implies an increase of the energy system”, and which he probably uses in his designs.
It is known that from a chemical point of view, the catalysts themselves do not react, but from the point of view of physics, this is not entirely true. They are concentrators of energy – surface energy, internal energy if one of the reactants, for example, hydrogen diffuses into nickel, promotes dissociation of compounds, etc. In my opinion (only partially described in the articles), this leads to a densification of the energy density of the Physical Vacuum in this zone, and the use of additional exposure – temperature, electromagnetic and other effects further strengthen this effect. Therefore, the atoms of the used fuel due to diffusion into this zone can change both electronic states (electron orbits) and intranuclear states (provoking nuclear reactions), as well as acquire kinetic energy. When leaving this zone and returning to a normal state, atoms (hydrogen in our case) return energy, but not to the Physical Vacuum, since outside this zone Physical Vacuum is in a normal equilibrium state and is not able to give or take energy, but to the surrounding space. That is, we get a double energy effect.
Naturally, the correct selection of catalysts for each chemical reagent, the use of electromagnetic effects in the desired wavelength range (everything is quantized and you need to guess the wavelength), and also to find the resonance state for each system, is naturally important.
I apologize for having climbed into that area in which I myself do not really understand (my bad habit), but often in the end I come to the correct understanding. Commenting on what you know very well is simply not interesting.
Best regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted “we always have problems coming up.”
Please clarify. Does this mean:
1. New problems are arising and must each be solved?
2. The SKL has problems getting started?
3. The SKL has reliability problems?
Dr Rossi,
Thank you for your answer to Tom Frazer: really interesting,
All the best,
Ecco il video della pala eolica esplosa in Sardegna
Dear Andrea Rossi.
I imagine that you now have a huge amount of data from the e-cat SK that has now been in operation fir over a year.
It will be interesting as time goes by to see what trend analysis and deep investigation of that data shows both from a scientific point of view and from an engineering point of view l
You have mentioned I think that there is effectively no change in performance as such but due to aging if the device but apparently an improvement In reliability due to lessons learnt perhaps.
This is good news from an engineering perspective as in addition to the implications with fuel use, it implies no significant degradation of the device and no significant leakage of important elements from the device (such as hydrogen or others) over more than a year. Which is very good news.
From the scientific angle it seems to me that you now have accumulated a a lot of data and information from the spectrum from that e-cat SK device. I’m curious if:
1. Have you seen any ling term evolution in that spectrum over the year?
2. If so if those changes indicate any classical element spectrum changes?
3. If the evolutions due to molecular changes such a free radicals in the system?
4. If there are classical plasmonic effect changes on micro particles or other similar sources?
5. If there is some change due to some other potential cause?
6. if 5 is so is this helping I form your theory?
7. No significant change in the spectrum?
If it’s difficult to answer these now I understand. If so when it is ready it might make an interesting study and input for a future presentation though.
Best Regards
This sounds quite strange: the wind generators are designed to spin also at speeds whatever the speed of wind in the specific location. Perhaps there was something spinning the windmill, which would be strange anyway: unless the green certificates make more profits than the expenses of some energy source to spin the rotor…just joking.
Warm Regards,
Tom Frazer:
No, it is not. For example in the case of catalisys. Catalizers, like for example the ones that improve the emissions of cars accelerating the chemical reactions, which implies an increase of the energy system, do not produce any difference at the end of the chemical reactions respect the results of the same combustion when it is not catalized: the catalizer is exactly the same as before the reactions as well as the molecules after the combustion: this is a typical example of case in which the second PTD is not applicable. As a matter of fact the name “Energy Catalizer” of which E-Cat is a contraction, under the semantic point of view has an ermeneutic function, albeit the context is completely different.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Do you think that the second principle of thermodynamic is always applicable in the context of energy generation systems ?
Dear Andrea:
It is of today the news that in Sardegna ( Italy ) a wind generator has exploded because it turned at too high speed: does it make sense?
John Maccini:
I hope too.
Warm Regards,
Thaqnk you for your suggestions and sustain,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am not surprised that the group you have chosen has not yet decided to go ahead with the presentation of your device. Showing a device that exhibits SSM is an event that would equal the magnitude of the one that proved that SSM fission occurred in Uranium in the 1930’s as Hahn and Strassmann claimed. Any group that attempts to verify your discovery will have to face the scrutiny of the scientific community and the skepticism of those who will think it will not be beneficial for their purposes. It took Einstein to convince the US government to start their nuclear program that ended WW2.
If any little factum can be disputed it will be pounced on as was the case in your previous presentations. Your presentation group will not agree to present until they are sure that their case is watertight. Their reputations are on the line.
Presentable regards.
Dr Rossi,
I hope you will produce a working Ecat before ITER:
1- we always have problems coming up
2- no
3- high enough
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,