Pierino Sacchero:
Thank you for your suggestion. If the Client will request an AC powered unit, it will be for 110/60 Hz and 220/50 Hz; if will request a DC unit, it will be 12 V.
Warm Regards,
Buongiorno Andrea
Penso che sarebbe meglio, per chi lo produce e per chi lo acquista, che lo SKLed abbia un connettore per la sola alimentazione a 12 Vcc ed eventualmente fornirlo completo di un alimentatore ca/cc12V come si fa attualmente per moltissimi apparecchi elettronici.
In questo modo si semplifica la produzione ed ognuno è libero di alimentarlo come meglio crede secondo le proprie esigenze, eventualmente anche a batteria.
I miei migliori auguri!
Dear Dr. Rossi,
The SKLep is very exiting news. Congratulations to your successful work. May I ask: As the SKLed output (light and heat energy) is probably less than 50 W would the SKLep also have the same output? Or will there be multiple “SKLed” in the one SKlep product?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Have you finalized the specifications for the SKLep?
1. Output power?
2. Output type (DC, AC, voltage range?
3. Dimensions?
4. Weight?
5. Inputs (AC and/or DC; voltage range)?
6. Controls (analog voltage, digital, communications)?
Dear Andrea,
It is good to read that you continue your efforts to bring the SKL to the market ASAP.
I understand that you are now calling it the SKLep.
1. Does it mean that it differs from the SKL, such that it doesn’t produce (just) electricity, but also perhaps other forms of energy, like light and/or heat?
2. If so can you specify its expected sort of output
3. Is SSM still possible?
Thank you if you can answer!
Kind regards, Gerard
We are making a very tough work during these very days, finalized to put for sale also the Ecat SKLep (Ecat SKL energy production) after its presentation that will be surely made on December 9 2021, and it will be put for sale with the same formula we used for the SKLed, with a siilar order form.
This is what I am hoping for right now.
Warm Regards,
Thanks for your answers to my questions. However, your answer to question 1 did not answer the question I was trying to ask. I understand that the battery version of the E-Cat SKLed is designed for batteries with a nominal output of 12VDC, but real batteries vary from the nominal voltage both when fully charged, and decrease as they are discharged with different battery designs having different characteristics. Since it is your customer selecting the battery to use with the E-Cat SKLed it would be extremely helpful to provide the of range of battery voltage around the 12V nominal over which the SKLed will function to specification. I had originally suggested 12V +/-3V (9V to 15V). More recently in your response to Ed Yu, I thought you gave a very wide range of 6V to 24V. My question remains what is the minimum and maximum voltage at which the battery version of the E-Cat SKLed will function to specification.
Will you present in 9 December 2021 the chart for the SKLed witch show the intensity of the emitted light, depending on the length of emitted light, in the range of approximately 400 nm to 700 nm ?
This chart will be useful to application SKLed as the light source for growing plants in greenhouse.
You have stated that “The presentation will not be a scientific event, but a commercial presentation of products, dedicated to laymen, not to scientists.”
Will there be a scientific event before E-Cat SKLed’s are delivered to members of the public, or will this be after?
Dan Galburt:
1- The DC operating Skled works at 12 V. If the Client has necessarily a lower or higher DC voltage, he needs a step up or a step down system
2- We can supply the Ecat SKLed either for AC or for DC power sources. For DC, see point 1, for AC can go with 110 and 220 V, 60/50 Hz ( max 240 V)
3- At the max power ( 4 W ) you have A = W/V, with a peak higher about 20% at the start.
Warm Regards,
On your blog Ed Yu asked the questions below which you answered.
Ed Yu
September 17, 2021 at 8:33 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
1 At what temperature it is possible to operate E-Cat SKLed
2 With which voltage range 12V works E-Cat SKLed
3 Where is the brightness regulator E-Cat SKLed
Andrea Rossi
September 17, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Ed Yu:
1 -20 +50 °C
2 6- 24
3 the dimmer is located in the bottom of the cylinder
Warm Regards,
I was happy to see your answers, but your answer to question 2 was never reflected in the specification for the E-Cat SKLed. I was planning to try to use the E-Cat SKLed for multiple purposes, including general lighting, emergency backup lighting, and portable lighting. Having the SKLed lamp run on either 120VAC or battery power would make a single lamp able to do all 3 functions. Further having a DC power input with a wide voltage range would allow a range of existing batteries to be used with the lamp. From your recent answers on the blog it appears that you have change your mind and that you now intend to have the battery input as a special option which the customer must select at the time the lamp is ordered.
Question 1
What range of voltage will the optional battery power input support?
In my opinion this is important and a range of 6 to 24VDC would be very good.
Question 2
Will an E-Cat SKLed with the optional battery input support a 120VAC power source?
If the answer to question 2 is no I could a still run a battery powered SKLed using an external plug mounted power supply. The efficiency of the SKLed will be reduced by the efficiency of the external power supply.
Question 3
What is the peak current draw for both the AC and DC power inputs?
Waiting for the skled….Please Andrea, consider to show a battery skled Lamp without cables. If you will show a wired lamp there will be a huge criticism as always. Take care and good luck
Since I live alone I plan on using the EcatLED in whichever room I need it and the flashlight option makes it convenient to move from room to room without turning on any other light fixtures! Additionally the intensity control is convenient since most of the time I don’t need much light.
Svein H. Vormedal:
No, we can accept only 12 V in case of DC. Who has higher or lower voltage needs , respectively, a step down or a step up system.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
No misunderstandings: whereas by default it powered by AC, upon request we can deliver the Ecat SKLed that can have a power source with 12 V DC.
Warm Regards,
Barry Mead:
I will take my third shot on December 5th, and I am sure I will not have any problem: when I made the first and the second shot I heve been pretty well.
Warm Regards,
Sono Camillo laura in Fisica Ho già comunicato con te altre volte in particolare quando dopo la dimostrazione dei Bologna ti misi in contatto con un grosso industriale di Valdagno tale Crocco industriale della plastica. In seguito ho avuto modo di testare un tuo vecchio E-Cat pilotato da un tuo ex dipendente e.. Rimasi sbalordito! Funzionava! Dopo uno strano innesco con step progressivi fluttuava con momenti di autosostentamento, alla finie il COP era circa 2 come minimo INCREDIBILE! dal mio punto di vista. Però vidi bene l’aspetto un po’ aleatorio del fenomeno… Mmmm non si presterà certamente bene alla commercializzazione! MA è indubbio che hai messo le mani su uno stupefacente fenomeno. Incuriosito dalla aliatorietà del fenomeno dedicai molto tempo e comunicai con Piantelli che in misura decisamente inferiore aveva rivelato il fenomeno. Nelle discussioni via mail (brevi in realtà) che seguirono si discusse sulla strana per non dire difficile replicabilità. Piantelli era più prpenso ad un fattore di forma del recipiente o del sistema in genere, ma altre possibilità erano che i nikel fossero diversi nell’origine, e/o cristallizzazione, infine, ed è il motivo di questo scritto si prese in considerazione che esistesse in questo universo un sistema di assi di riferimento assoluti. Ora limitando il discorso agli assi di riferimento ASSOLUTI ipotizzati, si potrebbe supporre che l’innesco avvenga quando la microscarica tra i granelli di polvere sia in “fase opportuna”. In questa ipotesi, dato che la Terra ruota e trasla, il fenomeno potrebbe apparire e scomparire. Esisterebbe teoricamente un orientamento entro un certo angolo. Quando poi sei passato all’essenza del fenomeno con la scarica elettrica in un tubo, mi sono chiesto se avevi valutato l’orientamento. Hai fatto la prova in contemporanea attivi con almeno tre tubi allineati sui tre assi cartesiani che funzionano in contemporanea?
English translation of the question:
Have you made a test with three reactors operating at the same time oriented along three Cartesian axes ?
Dear Andrea,
I hope you will wait until after Dec 9th to get your covid booster shot, just in case there is a bad reaction. I would hate to see you get sick and have to cancel the demonstration on December 9th.
“If requested, we can supply the Ecat SKLed modified to be powered by a battery.”
On ecat.com, under “Specifications Ecat SKLed”, it is written “Power supply: 110–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 12 V DC”. I understood this specification so that the standard product accepts both kinds of electricity input. Since that does not seem to be the case, I think that the specification text should be clarified to avoid misunderstanding.
Dear Andrea
I have previously mentioned 18volt batteries for handheld tools, for use in street lighting and combined with solar cells.
I have some batteries made by: RYOBI. I could be interested in a handheld flashlight that is adapted to this.
There are probably many who have equal needs.
Kind regards, Svein H. Vormedal
This may be a new application for the E-Cat SKLed and, more specifically, the SKL. There is a lot of Oxygen on the Moon’s surface. And perhaps, the E-Cat SKL will be a useful energy source for producing Oxygen way up there.
Dear Dr Rossi,
I remember that some 10 years ago, Associated Press (AP) was not interested in publishing an article about the Ecat. Are they still following the evolution of the Ecat?
Do you expect some media attention during or after your presentation in december?
Dear Andrea
On 9 December, will we be presented with an Ecat SKL that charges a battery and receives the necessary energy supply from the same battery?
Sincerely, Svein H. Vormedal
In your response to Christian Scholl today, you indicate that one can request a battery version of the E-Cat SKLed.
1. Does this mean that that there will be two versions of the SKLed – a battery version and a grid/mains version?
2. Or can any SKLed be operated either from a the grid/mains, or a battery.
Pierino Sacchero:
Thank you for your suggestion. If the Client will request an AC powered unit, it will be for 110/60 Hz and 220/50 Hz; if will request a DC unit, it will be 12 V.
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
This is a link to a talk
on Power Switches.
Buongiorno Andrea
Penso che sarebbe meglio, per chi lo produce e per chi lo acquista, che lo SKLed abbia un connettore per la sola alimentazione a 12 Vcc ed eventualmente fornirlo completo di un alimentatore ca/cc12V come si fa attualmente per moltissimi apparecchi elettronici.
In questo modo si semplifica la produzione ed ognuno è libero di alimentarlo come meglio crede secondo le proprie esigenze, eventualmente anche a batteria.
I miei migliori auguri!
Dear Dr. Rossi,
The SKLep is very exiting news. Congratulations to your successful work. May I ask: As the SKLed output (light and heat energy) is probably less than 50 W would the SKLep also have the same output? Or will there be multiple “SKLed” in the one SKlep product?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Have you finalized the specifications for the SKLep?
1. Output power?
2. Output type (DC, AC, voltage range?
3. Dimensions?
4. Weight?
5. Inputs (AC and/or DC; voltage range)?
6. Controls (analog voltage, digital, communications)?
Dear Andrea,
It is good to read that you continue your efforts to bring the SKL to the market ASAP.
I understand that you are now calling it the SKLep.
1. Does it mean that it differs from the SKL, such that it doesn’t produce (just) electricity, but also perhaps other forms of energy, like light and/or heat?
2. If so can you specify its expected sort of output
3. Is SSM still possible?
Thank you if you can answer!
Kind regards, Gerard
We are making a very tough work during these very days, finalized to put for sale also the Ecat SKLep (Ecat SKL energy production) after its presentation that will be surely made on December 9 2021, and it will be put for sale with the same formula we used for the SKLed, with a siilar order form.
This is what I am hoping for right now.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
When do you think you will put for sale the Ecat SKL ?
Dan Galburt:
Sorry, I had misunderstood your question. Yes, it is 12V +/- 3V, as you correctly suggested.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thanks for your answers to my questions. However, your answer to question 1 did not answer the question I was trying to ask. I understand that the battery version of the E-Cat SKLed is designed for batteries with a nominal output of 12VDC, but real batteries vary from the nominal voltage both when fully charged, and decrease as they are discharged with different battery designs having different characteristics. Since it is your customer selecting the battery to use with the E-Cat SKLed it would be extremely helpful to provide the of range of battery voltage around the 12V nominal over which the SKLed will function to specification. I had originally suggested 12V +/-3V (9V to 15V). More recently in your response to Ed Yu, I thought you gave a very wide range of 6V to 24V. My question remains what is the minimum and maximum voltage at which the battery version of the E-Cat SKLed will function to specification.
Warm Regards
Dan Galburt
I am not anticipating this information,
Warm Regards,
We’ll see when it will be opportune, but I share en plein the opinion of Patrick Ellul.
Warm Regards,
Jaroslaw Bem:
Thank you for your suggestions.
I am not going to anticipate what we will do in the presentation.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Will you present in 9 December 2021 the chart for the SKLed witch show the intensity of the emitted light, depending on the length of emitted light, in the range of approximately 400 nm to 700 nm ?
This chart will be useful to application SKLed as the light source for growing plants in greenhouse.
Best regards,
Jaroslaw Bem
Dear Andrea,
You have stated that “The presentation will not be a scientific event, but a commercial presentation of products, dedicated to laymen, not to scientists.”
Will there be a scientific event before E-Cat SKLed’s are delivered to members of the public, or will this be after?
Keith Thomson.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Has the certification body confirmed the luminous efficacy stated in the specifications of the SKLed?
Best regards,
Dan Galburt:
1- The DC operating Skled works at 12 V. If the Client has necessarily a lower or higher DC voltage, he needs a step up or a step down system
2- We can supply the Ecat SKLed either for AC or for DC power sources. For DC, see point 1, for AC can go with 110 and 220 V, 60/50 Hz ( max 240 V)
3- At the max power ( 4 W ) you have A = W/V, with a peak higher about 20% at the start.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
On your blog Ed Yu asked the questions below which you answered.
Ed Yu
September 17, 2021 at 8:33 AM
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
1 At what temperature it is possible to operate E-Cat SKLed
2 With which voltage range 12V works E-Cat SKLed
3 Where is the brightness regulator E-Cat SKLed
Andrea Rossi
September 17, 2021 at 12:04 PM
Ed Yu:
1 -20 +50 °C
2 6- 24
3 the dimmer is located in the bottom of the cylinder
Warm Regards,
I was happy to see your answers, but your answer to question 2 was never reflected in the specification for the E-Cat SKLed. I was planning to try to use the E-Cat SKLed for multiple purposes, including general lighting, emergency backup lighting, and portable lighting. Having the SKLed lamp run on either 120VAC or battery power would make a single lamp able to do all 3 functions. Further having a DC power input with a wide voltage range would allow a range of existing batteries to be used with the lamp. From your recent answers on the blog it appears that you have change your mind and that you now intend to have the battery input as a special option which the customer must select at the time the lamp is ordered.
Question 1
What range of voltage will the optional battery power input support?
In my opinion this is important and a range of 6 to 24VDC would be very good.
Question 2
Will an E-Cat SKLed with the optional battery input support a 120VAC power source?
If the answer to question 2 is no I could a still run a battery powered SKLed using an external plug mounted power supply. The efficiency of the SKLed will be reduced by the efficiency of the external power supply.
Question 3
What is the peak current draw for both the AC and DC power inputs?
Warm Regards,
Dan Galburt
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Paul Dianno:
Thank you for your opinion,
Warm Regards,
Sure is Controversial.
Waiting for the skled….Please Andrea, consider to show a battery skled Lamp without cables. If you will show a wired lamp there will be a huge criticism as always. Take care and good luck
Svein H Vormedal
Since I live alone I plan on using the EcatLED in whichever room I need it and the flashlight option makes it convenient to move from room to room without turning on any other light fixtures! Additionally the intensity control is convenient since most of the time I don’t need much light.
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Hello DR Rossi
This is a Video on the
Amazing Scientific Research
on the Shroud of Turin.
God Bless
Svein H. Vormedal:
No, we can accept only 12 V in case of DC. Who has higher or lower voltage needs , respectively, a step down or a step up system.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
No misunderstandings: whereas by default it powered by AC, upon request we can deliver the Ecat SKLed that can have a power source with 12 V DC.
Warm Regards,
Barry Mead:
I will take my third shot on December 5th, and I am sure I will not have any problem: when I made the first and the second shot I heve been pretty well.
Warm Regards,
Camillo Urbani:
I did not,
Warm Regards,
Sono Camillo laura in Fisica Ho già comunicato con te altre volte in particolare quando dopo la dimostrazione dei Bologna ti misi in contatto con un grosso industriale di Valdagno tale Crocco industriale della plastica. In seguito ho avuto modo di testare un tuo vecchio E-Cat pilotato da un tuo ex dipendente e.. Rimasi sbalordito! Funzionava! Dopo uno strano innesco con step progressivi fluttuava con momenti di autosostentamento, alla finie il COP era circa 2 come minimo INCREDIBILE! dal mio punto di vista. Però vidi bene l’aspetto un po’ aleatorio del fenomeno… Mmmm non si presterà certamente bene alla commercializzazione! MA è indubbio che hai messo le mani su uno stupefacente fenomeno. Incuriosito dalla aliatorietà del fenomeno dedicai molto tempo e comunicai con Piantelli che in misura decisamente inferiore aveva rivelato il fenomeno. Nelle discussioni via mail (brevi in realtà) che seguirono si discusse sulla strana per non dire difficile replicabilità. Piantelli era più prpenso ad un fattore di forma del recipiente o del sistema in genere, ma altre possibilità erano che i nikel fossero diversi nell’origine, e/o cristallizzazione, infine, ed è il motivo di questo scritto si prese in considerazione che esistesse in questo universo un sistema di assi di riferimento assoluti. Ora limitando il discorso agli assi di riferimento ASSOLUTI ipotizzati, si potrebbe supporre che l’innesco avvenga quando la microscarica tra i granelli di polvere sia in “fase opportuna”. In questa ipotesi, dato che la Terra ruota e trasla, il fenomeno potrebbe apparire e scomparire. Esisterebbe teoricamente un orientamento entro un certo angolo. Quando poi sei passato all’essenza del fenomeno con la scarica elettrica in un tubo, mi sono chiesto se avevi valutato l’orientamento. Hai fatto la prova in contemporanea attivi con almeno tre tubi allineati sui tre assi cartesiani che funzionano in contemporanea?
English translation of the question:
Have you made a test with three reactors operating at the same time oriented along three Cartesian axes ?
Dear Andrea,
I hope you will wait until after Dec 9th to get your covid booster shot, just in case there is a bad reaction. I would hate to see you get sick and have to cancel the demonstration on December 9th.
Dear Andrea,
“If requested, we can supply the Ecat SKLed modified to be powered by a battery.”
On ecat.com, under “Specifications Ecat SKLed”, it is written “Power supply: 110–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, or 12 V DC”. I understood this specification so that the standard product accepts both kinds of electricity input. Since that does not seem to be the case, I think that the specification text should be clarified to avoid misunderstanding.
Best regards, /pekka
Dear Andrea
I have previously mentioned 18volt batteries for handheld tools, for use in street lighting and combined with solar cells.
I have some batteries made by: RYOBI. I could be interested in a handheld flashlight that is adapted to this.
There are probably many who have equal needs.
Kind regards, Svein H. Vormedal
Frank Acland:
If requested, we can supply the Ecat SKLed modified to be powered by a battery.
Warm Regards,
Svein H. Vormedal:
Warm Regards,
I pass it on to our specialist,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
I don’t know,
Warm Regards,
Dr Joseph Fine:
I think the Ecat will have enough jobs down here…unless we will be forced to go to the moon !
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I just saw this article today on ScienceX.com (See link below)
This may be a new application for the E-Cat SKLed and, more specifically, the SKL. There is a lot of Oxygen on the Moon’s surface. And perhaps, the E-Cat SKL will be a useful energy source for producing Oxygen way up there.
( The moon may also have Helium-3 as well. )
Way up high regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
I remember that some 10 years ago, Associated Press (AP) was not interested in publishing an article about the Ecat. Are they still following the evolution of the Ecat?
Do you expect some media attention during or after your presentation in december?
Kind regards.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Is it still confirmed that on December 9th we will see the SKL presented in action ?
Dear Andrea,
The ECat is more and more visible on Social media which is a good development.
Will you open a LinkedIn Company profile/group as well?
It would be easier than to share the Developments around the ECat with my professional network as well.
Kind regards,
Dear Andrea
On 9 December, will we be presented with an Ecat SKL that charges a battery and receives the necessary energy supply from the same battery?
Sincerely, Svein H. Vormedal
Dear Andrea,
In your response to Christian Scholl today, you indicate that one can request a battery version of the E-Cat SKLed.
1. Does this mean that that there will be two versions of the SKLed – a battery version and a grid/mains version?
2. Or can any SKLed be operated either from a the grid/mains, or a battery.
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Christian Scholl:
Yes, to receive this is necessary to request a battery version.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Leds request DC voltage.
Will it be possible to power an Ecat SKLed by means of a battery ?
Sven Johansson:
Thank you for your comment,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
An interesting LED street
Light program.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for citing the important work of Prof Sven Kullander of the Uppsala University.
All the best,