Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Riccardo:
    I think that the household targeted items will arrive later. We have to resolve the problem to make them self-destructive in case of opening the reactors. Otherwise, with few thousands of dollars anybody has access to the confidential aspects of the technology. In industrial plants this issue is more easy to afford and has been resolved.
    Warm Regards,

  • Riccardo

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    I read that there won’t be any implementations in Italy soon.
    Are you talking about the industrial aspect? What about the private use of the E-Cat? Will it be available in Italy too?

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Riccardo T.:
    1- yes
    2- I am. Ia the theory which stays at the base of the charge I use in the E-Cats. Until some months ago it was a supposition, upon which I bet, eventually became a theory I am convinced of, after the huge amount of testing I made in these last months in the USA.
    Warm Regards,

  • Riccardo T.

    Dear Dott. Rossi,

    I’m curios like an e-cat :), so I’ve got two “simple” questions for you 🙂

    1) Do you think that revealing the theory that you think is behind the e-cat reaction will, in some sense, allow any competitor to reproduce a reaction “close” to the one of the e-cat (maybe without the same power magnitude?)

    2) Who are the authors of the theory ? You and Focardi? Or there are other contributors (like Stremmenos?)

    Thank you and good luck


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Neil Ferguson:
    No, the design of the reactor is specific if we have to make steam, or if we have to make hot water or just low temp heated water.
    In any case we can reach stability.
    Warm Regards,

  • Neil Ferguson

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    In the lengthy February 10 demonstration (as reported), the test involved a high rate of water flow and a relatively small temperature delta. It occurred to me that these conditions might reduce instability of the reaction. Heat transfer to the cooling water might be more efficient, and together with the lack of vapor bubbles might reduce hot spots that could contribute to thermal runaway. In your opinion, could water flow rate and temperature delta be factors for operating stability?
    With greatest respect,
    Neil Ferguson

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr John Dlouhy:
    1- Yes, but stainless steel has a longer life expectation
    2- Also the second configuration is possible
    Warm Regards,

  • John Dlouhy

    The significance of your invention is underestimated by many. Comments about lower cost electricity, heat and transportation miss the fundamental importance of energy to human activity. Biophysical economics traces the flow of energy (instead of money) in the economic activity of man. It can be shown that almost the entire cost of both goods and services is due to their embodied energy as it accumulates up the industrial chain from first extraction of resources to final consumption. As E-cats lower the cost of energy, the cost of all goods and services will ultimately follow. This increase in wealth will eventually affect every aspect of human life. In Focardi’s words, “thŃ–Ń• Ń–Ń• thе greatest discovery Ń–n human history”

    Something this important will need to be built on such a massive world scale that global supplies of mineral resources become a factor. While nickel and hydrogen, are abundant, the basic construction materials of the reactor are not. Lead reserves are estimated at 25 years based on present consumption, and copper 36 years. If the entire amount was allotted to building reactors, which it couldn’t be, there still wouldn’t be nearly enough to meet the world’s energy needs.

    1) Can the reactors be made of other less limited materials, for example, aluminum or steel?

    2) Do the reactors need to be shielded from each other, or can they be grouped together and housed in a larger containment facility, shielded with earth or other low cost and abundant materials?

    Thank you for your tireless efforts toward such a magnificent goal.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Shravan:
    Please contact us in November for commercial issues.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Arch. Molinaro:
    Please contact us in November for commercial issues.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Roger Tallbloke:
    The catalysts are available.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr Rossi,
    congratulations on your successful research and development. How much can you tell us about the abundance of the catalyst in your process? Is it easily obtainable worldwide, or restricted to a few geographical areas. Do you forsee any supply problems or monopolisation?

  • Ci complimentiamo vivamente per la rivoluzionaria tecnologia “verde” dell’E-CAT e speriamo che venga realmente commercializzata il prossimo ottobre.
    Questa vostra invenzione si adatterebbe alla perfezione ad un nostro prototipo di edificio ecologico che abbiamo definito con l’acronimo che lo descrive: Helicoidal Ecological Routing Building Yard. HERBY™. (approfondimenti in http://www.herbyweb.com)
    La taglia di un edificio HERBY è perfetta per una tecnologia E-CAT centralizzata che produce corrente e acqua calda termosanitaria.
    Dal vostro blog si precisa che l’ E-CAT non verrà commercializzato in Italia (ci dispiace ma comprendiamo …)
    Visto che un recente riconoscimento ci consentirà di usufruire di agevolazioni per la presentazione di HERBY in fiere ed esposizioni internazionali, ci interesserebbe conoscere le nazioni in cui l’E-CAT verrà commercializzato, o se tra queste ci sono oltre alla Grecia: Cina, USA, Canada, Russia, Brasile, Serbia, Croazia, Albania, Vietnam.
    Cordiali saluti arch. Daniele Molinaro

  • Shravan

    Thanks for the reply Mr. Rossi, so what you mean to say is that the E-Cats that you will manufacture in USA can be exported anywhere?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Shravan:
    We have no limtations in export from the USA.
    Warm Regards,

  • Shravan

    Greetings Mr. Rossi, Sir, I have a question, is your technology bound by any export controls? meaning can your company export the E-Cat to customers in asia for example?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Grimaldi,
    For the commercial issues please ontact us in November.
    Warm regards,

  • Grimaldi

    Dear Prof Rossi ,

    A very simple question :is it already possible to buy an e-cat ? I would like to test it and i hope install it as a , let’s say , spare heater of my household .

    Best Regards .

    P-F Grimaldi
    Brussels .

  • Cures

    Sono felice che se ne sia ricordato.
    Auguri vivissimi di un solido e rapido successo
    Faccio il tifo per lei

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Cures:
    Now I remember well: you were a researcher of the Politecnico Di Torino (Engineering University of Turin) and I gave you all the publication I had regarding the technology I was developing to make cheap electrostatic precipitators to allow to use electrons to ionize powders and capture them in anodic plates. It was 1976, I was 26 years old, and that was one of my first patents, derived from the Cottrell patent, which was very expensive and limited to huge plants. I remember perfectly your visit. Actually you are right, we need solid exposures. I think we got them.
    Thank you for your very kind email, please forward a hug to Prof. Boffa, we made very important research together in 1975-1978 in the field of advanced air pollution treatment.
    Warm regards,

  • Eli Gin

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I have an idea of why you need to keep the heater turned on all the time.
    I think that the energy generation reaction inside E-cat is not uniform/smooth but that
    it rather goes in bursts that result in temporary interruptions in energy production.
    So, I think that you need heater working all the time to bridge these “gaps” to avoid temperature drops that will make it difficult to restart the E-cat.
    I would appreciate if you could answer me using my private email address – the one that I provided when I signed in. That way you will keep your answer confidential between you and me.

    I apologize for being persistent – I am an inventor myself and I am simply very curious about this revolutionary technology.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Eli Gin:
    I repeat: we cannot give this information, it is bound to confudential aspects.
    Warm regards,

  • Eli Gin

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    On my question #1 you said:
    “1- never, as I already explained, because the drive is necessary for safety, for reasons that are confidential”

    This puzzles me because, as you demonstrated in many publications before, the heater provides only ~300-400-500 Wt of power when E-cat unit generates something like 4 KWt to 5 KWt of power. These 400 Wt of electric heating represent less than 10% of total energy production.

    I would greatly appreciate if you could explain how 10% of external electric heating can stabilize a process that represents 90% of energy generation?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Eli Gin:
    1- never, as I already explained, because the drive is necessary for safety, for reasons that are confidential
    2- the shut down is made turning a switch. The emergrncy procedure is contained in the manuals for the Customers and is reserved to them
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sebastian:
    Thanks a lot: you made a very useful service to our Readers who want to find the Reports with English subtitles.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr CURES:
    Thank you for your very kind memory!
    Yes, we re already doing what you suggest.
    Warm Regards,

  • Cures

    Gentile Dott. Rossi

    Ho avuto modo di conoscerla nel 1975 (all’incirca perché gli anni passati sono tanti). Venni alla Petroldragon presentato dal Prof Boffa del Politecnico di Torino perché avevo in progetto di sviluppare una ricerca sui filtri elettrostatici ad uso industriale. Che la sua ditta costruiva. Ce n’erano di pronti all’esportazione verso la Francia. Mi ricordo che fu molto cortese e mi diede una cassa di pubblicazioni e disegni sull’argomento. Durante la visita mi fece visitare l’impianto per l’estrazione del petrolio dai rifiuti. Se la memoria non m’inganna si trovava all’aperto ed accanto vi era una bella quantità di copertoni usati da riciclare.
    Mi parlò con molto entusiasmo dei risultati ottenuti. Quando, in anni successivi, seguii le vicende che la riguardavano tramite i giornali, ne ricavai l’impressione che fosse stato stritolato da filibustieri di vario genere perché mi ricordavo bene di quell’entusiasmo così evidente e sincero
    E stata una sorpresa scoprire che è riuscito a risollevarsi ed a diventare il focal point di una rivoluzione energetica.
    Tutto il variegato mondo della fusione fredda si è rimesso in moto alla caccia della preda. Immagino i problemi organizzativi per l’allestimento dei dimostratori da un MW, ma da qui a novembre i mesi sono tanti e l’approvazione del brevetto troverà sicuramente ostacoli artificiosi senza contare che difendersi in futuro dalle copie illegali del prodotto risulterà problematico.
    Ha mai valutato la possibilità di una joint venture con uno Stato abbastanza muscoloso da poter difendere l’invenzione con strumenti di peso (accordi internazionali fra Stati ad esempio)?

  • Sebastian

    Dear Andy,
    the video you are looking for can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4JUJhkpc3I

    Best regards

  • Eli Gin

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Congratulations to your success with E-cat! This will be a true energy revolution!

    I have a couple of questions on how you control E-cat:
    To start reaction you are heating the E-cat by passing electric current via heating resistor.
    When E-cat’s temperature and hydrogen pressure reaches certain point then reaction starts keeping temperature rising.
    My questions are:
    1. At what point in time do you shut down electric current that passes via this heating resistor?
    As far as I understand, after reaction picks up, external heating is not needed.
    2. How do you shut down the E-cat? What is the emergency shut down procedure?

    I would really appreciate your explanations. Thank you very much in advance!

    Best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Andy:
    If you googlr Nyteknik Rossi E-Cat Report you will find videos in English very well done.
    Warm regards,

  • Andy

    Good luck to you in your journey.

    Is there an English translation of the 3 videos provided above?
    Thank you

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Brad:
    A Bunsen could work too.
    Warm regards,

  • Brad

    Congrats Andrea Rossi!

    One question about using the heater to control the reaction:
    Is the heater acting as a cathode or would a flame from a Bunsen burner also work?

    Regards from California,
    – Brad

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Eric:
    We are making our choises based on the development of our technology and its reliability, which is totally mature to go in the market.
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric

    Dear M. Rossi,

    I doubt I have the smallest understanding of you current activities. Nethertheless, would you mind answering these few questions.
    1) Did you first work on Ni-hydrogen experimentations and then search for explanations eventually finding an approaching theory in cold fusion ? Or were you trying to experiment a cold-fusion phenomenon ?
    2) Why would you want to produce commercial products so quickly ?
    Though I doubt public bodies are funding cold-fusion related research, the work you have published so far, and the support from the scientific community, may change this statement.
    Moreover, going into commercialisation too quickly has led a number of companies to bankruptcy : I remember the era of metal-air fuel cells. A more recent fashion is to lose money in start-ups working on new wind turbines.
    And finally, even for allready successful companies, producing and debugging a new product takes a lot of time, even the simplest. There are surprises every day.
    Maybe you invention needs a non-“fast money” oriented treatment, but a more smooth and ongoing care such as the one accorded to hot fusion.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Grasso Salvatore:
    First of all, I am not a professor.
    No more demo-tests will be done. Our Customers will test by themselves if our guarantees will be maintained.
    Warm regards,

  • Dear Prof. Rossi,

    Your invention sounds great. I would like to know if there is any commercially available Ecat apparatus. If no, when you believe the apparatuses will be commercially available.

    As material researcher I believe that the surface condition of the Ni powder are really important to control the rate of the unknown nuclear reaction. It would be great if i can assist to a future open demonstration of your Ecat. Please let me know if i can attend the demonstration.

    best regards and my warm wishes of great success

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Furio De Rossi:
    To our Customers we give a guarantee of a factor 6.
    Warm regards,

  • Furio De Rossi

    Grazie della risposta!
    Bene, allora sarò più preciso. Qual è il rapporto massimo da lei raggiunto realmente durante i suoi esperimenti? Focardi parla di un fattore 200. Può confermare la cifra? Grazie

  • Walter

    Gent.le Prof. Rossi,
    Sia l’aspetto tecnico che quello umano, mi ricordano l’eperienza del grande Nikola Tesla.

    Steamy Reagards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Furio De Rossi:
    I prefer use real numbers based on solid experience. Step by step.
    Warm regards,

  • Furio De Rossi

    Egregio Ing. Rossi,
    lei ha dichiarato che attualmente lo stato dello sviluppo industriale è paragonabile a quello di una “Ford T”. Immaginando che nei prossimi anni si studieranno nel dettaglio tutte le tecniche per ottimizzare la produzione di energia all’interno del suo E-Cat, ci potrebbe anticipare quale potrebbe essere il rapporto massimo realizzabile tra energia in ingresso ed energia in uscita in un modello da “Formula 1”, in base agli studi che fin qui ha compiuto e all’idea che si è fatto? Non sia prudente con le cifre, si tratta di una macchina “ideale”! Ma per cui ha la certezza che teoricamente sarebbe realizzabile.

    F. De Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr MS:
    Please contact stsalikoglou@gmail.com
    Is the contact with Defkalion, the corporation which has the exclusive rights on our technology for Greece and the Balkan Area.
    Warm Regards,

  • MS

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I am a power system engineer working in Romania in research and development in the energy field.

    I am pursuing the cold fusion saga for quite some time and I am also looking a lot in alternative Physics theories, together with a Professor from Polytechnic University of Bucharest. I always felt that great things will to be discovered in the near future – which will change the paradigm, also to face the today energy and environment crisis.

    With this aspirations in mind, I have been very pleased to see that you succeeded so good in proving a Ni-H cold fusion solution, with such power level, that it is also industry-ready.

    Your technology is hardly needed in this world, for distributed heat / energy production but also as an alternative to the nuclear plants which have to reduce gradually their presence due to disasters such Fukushima or Chernobyl.

    Even with nuclear plants there might be a first solution with your breakthrough, as the rector part might be changed with your E-cat heat sources (I suppose a lot of them, each with higher unit power), then using the traditional steam turbines / generators etc which are already in place (temperatures for these turbines are using steam under 400 grd., which look to fit well with E-Cat parameters).

    Please receive my very warm congratulations and best wishes for further achievements !

    Now as you are preparing the 1 MW power plant in Xanthi for October, I would be very happy to be the first promoter in Romania of your technology, either with some of the first 10 kW equipment to be produced in Xanthi, either even earlier, for being a 5th country with an E-cat in operation and to promote it in advance for business development.

    My company is well connected to energy business players in Romania and I think that we have the knowledge and expertise to develop E-cat business in this region, starting even this year and prepare real investments for the next 2012 year.

    Please let me know if / how this Romanian business be developed with your help. A private e-mail discussion would be also very useful for this purpose.

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • Enrico

    Sig. Rossi,
    lei incarna le aspirazioni ed i sogni di miliardi di persone, la prego ce la metta tutta nel portare all’umanitĂ  questa scoperta senza precedenti, stia attento, e non si faccia infiocchettare. Il mercato le darĂ  tutti i soldi di cui ha bisogno, non credo vi saranno problemi, stia attento a conservare ed a fare varie copie del segreto affinchè possa arrivare a tutti, tutti ne abbiamo bisogno, grazie

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gent. Sig. Lele:
    Noi stiamo rispettando tutte le legislazioni di competenza nei Paesi in cui installeremo gli impianti. In Italia non è prevista alcuna installazione, almeno nei prossimi anni.
    Cordiali saluti,

  • lele

    Gentile Sig. Rossi
    Voglio credere che voi siate a conoscienza del principio di funzionamento e che abbiate fatto tutti i test del caso… Ma forse c’è stato un problema di marketing o di comunicazioni… dicendo che l’apparato funziona grazie alla fusione nucleare, avete dato l’occasione a molti di attaccarvi e di mettere una pulce in testa ai vostri futuri acquirenti…. Son sicuro che voi abbiate fatto tutte le verifiche del caso…. Ma ripeto, come faccio io acquirente ad essere sicuro che l’apparato non produca radiazioni? devo solo credere a quello che dite voi? e poi… in un paese come l’Italia, non ha paura che la sua invenzione venga boicottata da qualche inteliggentone della politica nostrana?

    Cordiali Saluti

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