Cold fusion, a continuing debate

by Christos Stremmenos

Oltre al breve rapporto su una delle tante ricerche riguardanti i processi di interazione nei sistemi idrogeno/deuterio-metalli di transizione, nell’articolo viene valutata l’esistenza e la natura dei vari inattesi effetti sporadicamente osservati. Vengono inoltre attribuite alla complessità del fenomeno, le cause principali della non riproducibilità di questi effetti e si discutono possibili interventi di carattere sperimentale che rimuoverebbero le incertezze strutturali, sia statiche sia dinamiche, del sistema.

156 comments to Cold fusion, a continuing debate

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In another posting you stated that the new eCat has an internal heat transfer area of 1200 cm2 in each eCat. The previous dimensions given for the Hot eCat were 33cm in length, a 9 cm outside diameter and an internal diameters of 3 cm.

    Dividing 1200 cm2 by the length (33cm) gives 36.36cm. But multiplying 3cm by pi gives 9.42cm (the circumferenace of a 3cm diameter circle). Do you have heat exchange “fins” inside the Hot eCat. Please clarify this apparent discrepancy.

  • Hello Mr. Rossi,

    On August 30, 2012, President Obama signed an Executive Order to accelerate investments in industrial energy efficiency, including combined heat and power (CHP). Accelerating investment in industrial energy efficiency in a way that benefits manufacturers, utilities, and consumers can improve American manufacturing competitiveness and create jobs while improving the nation’s energy system and reducing harmful emissions.

    40GW of power is needed by the nation soon. Can you pass the President’s Executive Order to the certificators, in the hope that the certification process will continue with priority status?

    Thank you for all your work!!

    Tom Conover

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: I respect greatly your commitment to safety. However, China has completely different standards when it comes to safety. Of course China also has a reputation for stealing technology. China and India are going to be huge markets for your E-Cat. It is very hard for companies outside China to compete in a free world market when standards are so different. Just wondering what your strategy will be for China and India?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear G.Luca from Italy:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Carloluna:
    honestly, I do not think is a od idea to use an E-Cat in a balloon.
    About the catalyst, I cannot give information.
    Warm regards,

  • carloluna

    dear Andrea.
    I imagine you’re really busy. I propose a funny topic.

    For most of the balloons operating temperatures can reach 120 ° C approximately. Note that the melting temperature of the nylon is much higher (about 230 ° C), but lower temperatures are used well since the fabric, if exposed to very high temperatures, degrades very rapidly reducing the operational life of the balloon itself.
    In typical operating conditions the balloon of a balloon needs about 3 m³ of volume per kilogram to be lifted. The exact amount of buoyancy, however, depend on the difference in air temperature between the interior and the exterior of the balloon, the altitude above sea level and the degree of humidity of the surrounding air. In general, the lift decreases about 3% for each 1,000 meters (corresponding to about 1% for every 1,000 feet).
    If the e-cat can inflate large hot-air airships then in a short time air travel would be revolutionized

    ps: the secret catalyst substance has a price?

  • G.luca from italy

    Dear A. R.
    Have a good day & job!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear K.D.:
    What I wrote is true and is substantially different from what has been written in the bogus press release of today.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear G.Luca from Italy:
    Let’s return to work. Tomorrow will be a very hard day
    Warm Regards,

  • G.luca from italy

    Dear Andrea,
    Mi chiedo chi abbia tanto tempo da
    Dedicare alla divulgazione di informazioni fasulle come quelle dun attimo fa!?
    Sono gli ultimi assalti delle lobby!??

  • K. D.

    Andrea Rossi
    Dear Pasquale:
    Today somebody, saying he is our German Licensee, has made a press release saying that we got the product certification . It is totally false.

    Dir Mr.Rossi
    The confusion might come from you answer to Mark Saker

    Andrea Rossi
    Dear Mark Saker:
    All our production has to be certified.

    The safety certification for the industrial plant has been completed for the low temp. plants.

    The certification for the Hot Cats is in course.
    The certification for the domestic apparatuses is in course.
    The NDA we have with the Certificators does not allow us to give more info regarding the certifications so far.
    Congratulations for your glorious Newspaper,
    Warm Regards,

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Pasquale:
    Today somebody, saying he is our German Licensee, has made a press release saying that we got the product certification . It is totally false. I never gave that information, who made that press release has totally invented it and also the name I read is not the name of a Licensee of us. Probably this action has been made to try to damage us. We have in course a product certification, but it will take time.
    Conclusion: the press release of today regarding our certifications is false, not authorized, misleading. PLEASE NEVER CONSIDER A PRESS RELEASE OF US IF IT DOES NOT COME FROM ME, SIGNED BY ME.
    Our attorney is considering any action.
    ANDREA ROSSI, ceo of Leonardo Corp.

  • pasquale

    Is it true what I read of your certification in a press release published today in some blog?
    Complimenti per la certificazione.Grazie

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Yona:
    The domestic E-Cats will be sold after their certification.
    Warm Regards,

  • yona

    Can you sell the domestic ecats for military customers?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mark Saker:
    Yes, I will.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    Will the conference in Zurich or the report show any pictures of the domestic or single hot cat reactor?



  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Eugenio Mieli:
    yes, we know that tech, and probably we will use it. We are testing it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Eugenio Mieli

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I send you a link to interesting news for the applications to the gas E-Cat:

    It seems that it will be possible to achieve performance of methane burners close to 100%

    Warm regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bernie Koppenhofer:
    Thank you for your analisys.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Mr. Rossi: Desalination: You asked for confirmation of my numbers. Below is a chart which is the foundation of my excitement for using your exciting invention for desalination. The chart comes from an exhaustive study of the subject also given below. I do not profess to be an expert on the subject; I am still trying to absorb the information given in the study below. Not sure how this table will copy so if you can’t see it, it is on page 154 of the report.

    TABLE 6-2. Comparative Total Cost Data for the Desalination Process for 100,000 m3 of Seawater by Reverse Osmosis, Multistage Flash Distillation, and Multi-Effect Distillation

    Annualized capital costs 0.15 0.29 0.22
    Parts/maintenance 0.03 0.01 0.01
    Chemicals 0.07 0.05 0.08
    Labor 0.10 0.08 0.08
    Membranes (life not specified) 0.03 0.00 0.00
    Thermal energy 0.00 0.27a

    Electrical energy ($0.05 k/Wh) 0.23 0.19 0.06
    Total ($/m3) 0.61 0.89 0.72

    As I understand the situation, one major problem that has prevented governmental encouragement for the construction of large numbers of desalination plants is the huge use of “dirty” fossil fuels in would take to operate the plants. Of course this problem would be completely or almost completely eliminated by your E-Cats.
    Below is the study, the Multi-Effect desalination seems made for the E-Cat, or visa versa.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Eric Ashworth:
    You are right, we have to translate it in English.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Pekka Janhunen,
    We have to test it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear AR,
    If it’s a honeycomb with interspersed cooling channels, why couldn’t the transverse size and shape of the perimeter be anything, not only a 80 cm diameter circle? I.e. a reactor with scalable power and in principle any two-dimensional shape, only with one dimension and power density fixed (33 cm and 5 kW/liter).
    regards, pekka

  • Dear Andrea Rossi, Regards interesting paper of Prof. Christos Stremmenos. Unfortunately I cannot read Italian. Is this a clue to its content? or is the problem with myself being not computer competent?.

  • Dear Italo R, You wrote Sept 2nd 2012, Could’nt it be made like a cube and not like a cylinder?. Reply. Cubes are negative with regards geometry of energy. Circles are neutral and pyramids are positive i.e respectively, outer negative, middle neutral, and point positive that is to say central. Atomic physics has a huge problem with regards language, that is only an interpretation of, with regards a degree of intelligence. This is what makes everything so interesting to people who have an open mind or who are willing to consider. We do actually evolve into higher levels of understanding, if the intelligence allows. I believe the e-cat will prove what I have said to be true. Regards Eric Ashworth.

  • Dear Italo R, You wrote, sept 2nd 2012. Just for kidding. Who’s kidding who. Cubes and circles are geometric designs. Part of the energy equation. A part of the matrix of energy. The future does exist today but only for a few people, others have to have faith. Regards Eric Ashworth.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Italo R.:
    We prefer a cylinder.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, couldn’t it be made like a cube and not like a cylinder?
    “Aliens” have suggested that a cube is better..:-)
    Alien regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Robert Tanhaus:
    Costs are not in the hardware. Only the economy scale will affect the costs, both for low temperatire E-Cats and for Hot Cats, which will be destined to different applications: heating, air conditioning, desalination etc don’t need high temperature, power plants, engines etc yes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Ecco Liberation:
    It’s a honeycat configuration, you’ll see.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Guest:
    I owe this achievement to a genial idea from Prof. Joseph Fine, who made a “design” that is an art masterpiece.
    Then I put some math. Now, let’s see if it works.
    Warm Regards,

  • Guest

    Dear Italo;

    Some cropsircles have an amazing 3D geometry effect, like your example.

    And here we then have 6*6*6=216 stacked cubicle E-cats


  • Ecco Liberation

    Dott. Rossi,

    I tried making a very simple, quick 3D representation of a 0.8 m x 0.4 m drum containing 10 kW “hot cat” modules. I have been only able to fit 48-50 units at most inside this volume:

    Image 1:
    Image 2:

    Does this means that Hot Cats will be able to be temporarily overdriven to higher power outputs, or simply that they could be smaller than the unit previously seen in the leaked photo?


  • Robert Tanhaus

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    with the new achievements you are making resently,
    do you expect the price for a 1MW plant go down?
    If it gets smaller you need much less hardware.

    Robert Tanhaus

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Italo R.
    I am not kidding: in these days ( also today, even if it is Sunday) we are working on the hot cat, and we are arriving to stunning results, unbilievable just few weeks ago: it is possible that we will reach 1 MW of power in 200 liters of volume: the 1 MW generator could be a drum with a diameter of 0.8 m x 0.4 m of length. I am not saying that it is made, but from the mathematic equations and integrals I am making and the experiment we are doing with the modules of 10 kW, this is quite a possibility!
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    just for kidding, this is your Hot Honeycomb as seen by Aliens in one of their Crop Circles:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    Sorry, I cannot give this kind of informations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Chris Johnson,
    Yes, we are considering also the direct thermojonic conversion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Hey Bernie, this Jerkola is now offering his Junk for the first year for $56.
    If you want to pay by the year it is $9 a month.
    9 X 12 = $108 a year.
    I guess I’ll buy a year for only $56.

    That reminds me how they sell donuts.
    It’s something like this:
    6 for $12, a dozen
    for $14.

    Wow, what a good deal, gimme a dozen.

    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale

  • Chris Johnson

    Eng. Rossi,

    Now that you have the ability to generate high temperatures, have you thought about using Thermionic Energy Conversion to directly generate electricity from electrons boiled off of the surface of the reactor in a vacuum? An overview paper “The Design of a Combustion Heated Thermionic Energy Converter” is at and a more modern refrence “THERMIONIC EMISSION FROM MICROFABRICATED SILICON-CARBIDE FILAMENTS” is at


    Chris Johnson

  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    Can the E-Cat reaction occur within a planar geometry? The volume would be minimal and the surface area maximal. This is similar to heat sinks found within computers:

    Efficiency might be further increased if the plane were rolled:

    All the best,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Ha Ha Ha Ha…..Now the snake wants us to pay $80 for his egotistical,uneducated rants on LENR. Good Luck!

  • Andrea Rossi


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear g.Luca from Italy :
    We will decide all the particulars of the domestic E-Cats after the certification done, also because we have to follow the requirements of the certificators.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    We find only 63 and 65 Cu
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Copper Isotopes in eCat
    Having followed the eCat and now Hot eCat technology for some time, I am still troubled by the isotope analysis done on the early eCat spent fuel showing a natural/normal distribution of copper isotopes. I understand that the operation of converting nickel to copper by the eCat should result in a distribution favoring the heavier copper nuclei.
    Have you recently conducted any isotopic analyses and have you found a different isotopic distribution in the copper output product?

  • G.luca from italy

    Caro Andrea,
    L’E-CAT domestico avrà una standardizzazione di ingressi
    E uscite come si trattasse di una caldaia normale? Il controllo della
    Termperatura voluta o necessaria sarà controllabile tramite software?
    Molte delle case europee hanno riscaldamento a pannelli ( a pavimento)
    Di tipo ad irraggiamento con temperature di funzionamento di 30/35 gradi
    Centigradi. L’ECat potrà essere impiegato per tali impianti?
    In una casa media di 150 mq sarà consigliabile avere due ECAT? Uno per
    Il riscaldamento e acqua calda e un altro per l’energia elettrica?
    In bocca al lupo per Zurigo!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear R. Galagan:
    I suppose no, for many reasons, but I am always curious to make experiments: why don’t you send data sheets and price proposals to
    Warm Regards,

  • R. Galagan

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    We develop method of synthesis nanocomposites which contain Ni-nanoparticles in amorphous carbon matrix.
    In your opinion, it is possible, nanocomposites such as Ni/C, Ni-Pd/C as fuel for E-CAT application?

    Best Regards

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