United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    1- I will give data related to the E-Cat X after the tests will have been completed. Now any answer would be premature
    2- about money: in the energy field, if a system makes money means it works, otherwise it means it does not work. Our Customers will buy an E-Cat only if it will be able to make them save money to make energy for any purpose. Otherwise, they will not buy the E-Cats and all this work will be useless.
    Warm Regards,

  • Germana

    Dear Andrea
    May we have an update?

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,

    Some of your answers make me think that there is a printing press for money in your container. Why produce energy to make money? Money printing is the direct method. No taxpayers required. Happens all the time, but it is reserved for a certain elite. No, frankly I think your work is of a higher order than purely economic. Moreover, it seems clear that F9 means both positive and negative at the same time. I believe balance is important in the universe.

    What I meant by my previous question was whether ECAT X still requires external power at intervals in substantial quantities ?
    If not much electric power is needed anymore, then the electricity production with Carnot cycle becomes more efficient, and more compact.

    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gaul

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    Today I had the privilege to read your US Patent: yes, privilege, because is a privilege what you granted to all of us to have access to your invention.
    I am not amomg these who press you to put on the shelves the E-Cats, as if it is like sell a new kind of refrigerator. I understand the enormous problems you have to resolve and I imagine that you are already pushing yourself to your limits. Just want to know: I am among the ones that have pre-ordered an E-Cat and I ask you in how many time you will be able to deliver all the E-Cats pre-ordered, if the tests on course will be positive ?
    Thank you if you can answer,
    Jean Claude Gaul

  • Dear everybody,

    Off-topic, a lightminded story which has a weak connection to LENR.

    There was a Finnish composer, church musician, organist and organ builder Juhani Pohjanmies (1893-1959) who as a hobby also wrote a couple of science fiction books. One of them is named “Helikopteri” (The Helicopter, 1947) and it tells about some teenagers who build a helicopter out of mainly plexiglass which uses as its fuel two powders which, when mixed, produce some kind of nuclear reaction which generates hot gas which runs the rotors. In the book they fly with the helicopter around the world. It’s an adventure book, with teenage boys as target audience.

    One of the author’s compositions, written in the 1920s, is relatively well known (in Finland), although, as he published it under a pseudonym, it may not be connected with him. It’s called “Cuban serenade”. There are many pieces with that name, but this one can be heard for example here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ftQ-cmx_1g and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSKIgj8_1JQ . The latter performance also contains a short intro in English. So, the composer wrote this song in the 1920s, and in 1947 he wrote a sci-fi book (in Finnish) where the heroes combined two powders to make nuclear energy to fly an aerial device.

    regards, pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pietro F.:
    My dream?
    To see the E-Cats massively produced and millions of Customers make money with them.
    Warm Regards

  • Pietro F.

    qual’é il tuo sogno?
    ps: i sogni sono incompatibile con F9! 😉

    what is your dream?
    ps: the dreams are incompatible with F9! 😉

    buon lavoro


  • Andrea Rossi

    Aillas Troice:
    No, the MWh produced so far do not payback the price of the plant. To know the payback period of the plant makes necessary to complete the R&D and tests on course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Aillas Troice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Is the market value of the thermal energy your 1MW plant has produced so far coming close to covering the costs of the plant itself (materials, equipment, labour, etc.)? When do you think the break-even point might come at the current rate, barring any unforeseen developments?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Albert Ellul:
    It is out of doubts that if what you say is true, this is an impressive waste of money of the taxpayers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ing. Albert Ellul

    The COP 21 meeting being held in Paris will cost humanity (UN, governments’ reps, journalists etc) about:

    30,000 people x €30,000 = €900,000,000

    I’m not joking about this figure. This is COP 21, so we have had 21 COP meetings at an incredible cost, today’s equivalent of €0.9 billion x 21 = €18 billion.

    I’m sure that if that money was utilised to develop LENR then we would not be discussing CO2 emissions, immaterial whether or not these are causing climate change.

    Wish you success for everyone’s sake. What the world needs, specially the poor of world, is cheap energy. LENR would achieve that aim if it is workable.

  • orsobubu

    About alternative solar energy technologies, recently I found a very interesting interview made to dr. Peter Glaser in 1994:


    The document is very instructive from an hystorical point of view, and recounts an important although little known chapter in alternative energy and aerospace, and topical again when we think of academic, government, economic obstacles on the road of cold fusion research (and in fact, in the interview, Glaser makes specific comparison between solar satellites and cold fusion in contrast to hot fusion government research spending).

    Peter glaser was an American scientist and aerospace engineer, an absolute authority in a grat number of technological and space applications, including space stations, moon landings and solar energy, his personal papers (32 cubic feet in 96 boxes) are on deposit with Massachusetts Institute of Technology Library Archives. He is best known as the inventor of the Solar Power Satellite concept, which he first presented in the journal Science for November 22, 1968 (“Power from the Sun: It’s Future”).In 1973 Peter Glaser was granted U.S. patent number 3,781,647 for his method of transmitting power over long distances using microwaves from a very large antenna (up to one square kilometer) on the satellite to a much larger one, now known as a rectenna, on the ground.

    In 1941, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov published the science fiction short story “Reason”, in which a space station transmits energy collected from the Sun to various planets using microwave beams (also marvelous Asimov’s short story “The Last Question” also features the use of SBS to provide limitless energy for use on Earth). When Peter Glaser proposed in 1968 that city-size satellites could harvest solar power from deep space and beam it back to the earth as invisible microwaves, the idea seemed pretty far out, even given Glaser’s credentials as president of the International Solar Energy Society. But after the oil crises of the 1970s sent fuel prices skyrocketing, NASA engineers gave the scheme a long hard look. When prices dropped in the early 1980s, funding for space solar power research dried. The technology seemed feasible until, in 1979, they estimated the “cost to first power”: $305 billion (in 2000 dollars). Moreover, in 1977 a Space Shuttle launch cost was quoted $10 million, but in 1981 the subsidized price given to commercial customers started at $38 million. Eventual accounting of the full cost of a launch in 1985 raised this as high as $180 million per flight.

    That was the end of the project, which was not continued with the change in administrations after the 1980 US Federal elections. The Office of Technology Assessment concluded that “Too little is currently known about the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of SPS to make a sound decision whether to proceed with its development and deployment. In addition, without further research an SPS demonstration or systems-engineering verification program would be a high-risk venture.

    Another scientist involved in the story was Gerard K. O’Neill, who first developed the idea that we didn’t need to live on planets; that we could build large habitats in Space, and leave the cradle of life. In 1977 there was the peak of interest in space colonization, along with the publication of his first book, The High Frontier, where colonies were deeply integrated with solar satellites. He and his wife were flying between meetings, interviews, and hearings. On October 9, the CBS program 60 Minutes ran a segment about space colonies. Later they aired responses from the viewers, which included one from Senator William Proxmire, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee responsible for NASA’s budget. His response was, “it’s the best argument yet for chopping NASA’s funding to the bone …. I say not a penny for this nutty fantasy”. He successfully eliminated spending on space colonization research from the budget. In 1978, Paul Werbos wrote for the L-5 newsletter, “no one expects Congress to commit us to O’Neill’s concept of large-scale space habitats; people in NASA are almost paranoid about the public relations aspects of the idea”. When it became clear that a government funded colonization effort was politically impossible, popular support for O’Neill’s ideas started to evaporate.

    Another link between solar satellites and cold fusion can be found in this comment by Livermore National Lab scientist Dr. Vajk in 1999:


    In 1975, Vajk wrote a computerized economic analysis entitled “The Impact of Space Colonization on World Dynamics,” which included the idea of solar power satellites (World Dynamics refers to the World Model of the Club of Rome report). By 1978 Vajk had expanded his analysis into his book “Doomsday has been cancelled “ where he not only covers O’Neill’s ideas, but also explains in psychological and philosophical detail the reasons we – as human beings – should develop a space-faring civilization, arguing that O’Neill’s concept was a breakout from the limits to growth.

    Personally – since the orsobubu is ideologically biased hehe – I think that solar satellites and space colonies are too big achievement to be managed by a capitalistic economy; the ruling class is well aware it could survive only if the system is exported and expanded toward moon, asteroids and planets, and the recent race of industrialists to launch their private rockets is a demonstration. But the only idea that Andrea Rossi alone – if F9 – could surpass in one shot O’neill, Asimov and Glaser capitalistic limitations, makes me happy as a clam!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Because my gratitude to the USA is infinite.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Unfortunately, you are right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I understand. And, again, you could be right.
    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Alexvs

    Dear Mr. Rossi

    Regarding your analisys of wind and solar energy sources you can count me among your friends. This said I thought you could have given us some hope but I see no progress, no evidence of workable E-Cats apart from what you say which is not much.

    I am awfully sorry Mr. Rossi (believe me) but I do not trust you anymore.



  • Maryana

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    I think you are right about Paris: in fact, after the initial agreement on the principles, now thay are litigating about how to verify that the members of the club can be inspected to verify the respect of the requirements. About the controls, they have the NIMBY syndrome ( Not In My Back Yard).
    God bless your work,

  • Oscar

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    First of all, thank you for the work of you that made possible your US Patent, that, from my point of view, is a patrimony of the humanity.
    About your production, why did you decide to produce in the USA first?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto, Ing. Albert Ellul ( in order of date of your comments):
    The Paris meeting related to the so called global warming is giving evidence of the fact that this too, as the former meeting of Copenhagen and others on the same theme, at the end will finish with nothing concrete done, because the developing Countries, which also are the main polluting ( China, India, etc) will not accept to put a brake to their development to use energy sources that would jeopardize their competitivity. Solar and wind are not competitive, and it is 20 years now that they survive only with the funds payed by the taxpayers. Besides, the power they display turns out to produce a minimal percentage of it into actual energy, because wind and sun do not supply 24/7 to such devices the energy necessary to use all the power of them. It is like an engine with 500 horse power that has the throttle always opened at minimum because there is no fuel, so that instead of 500 HP only 50 HP are actually used.
    The sources we have mainly to fight for are the sources that produce competitive energy, I mean energy that makes money, not energy that consumes money. I am sorry to have to say that after 20 years of funding, solar and eolic energy systems are like carts with square wheels: we can pull them, but at a cost that I am not sure is worth the while. There are exceptions in case of particular niches where solar and eolic are efficient, for particularly favourable conditions of sun and wind.
    This being said I am sure with this comment I got new “friends” ( he,he,he).
    Warm Regards,

  • Ing. Albert Ellul

    I concur wholeheartedly with Robert Curto’s post from beginning to end.
    Regarding wind turbines and PV’s, these cannot survive without tax-payers’ funded subsidies especially now that the price of hydrocarbon-fuelled energy has crashed and the gap between the cost of electricity generated by ‘green’ and conventional generation has widened considerably. Wind and solar still need conventional energy for when the sun refuses to shine and wind refuses to blow and when it does blow these kill golden eagles and most other raptors and bats. The need of conventional power to assist ‘green’ energy makes wind and solar even more costly.

    E-Cat’s kill nobody except hypocrites’ wishes.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Surely I will spend all the Christmas Holydays inside the plant, as well as the Year’s First.
    About the commercialization I must be honest and say that until the tests will not have been completed I cannot say anything.
    About my optimism, my work speaks for it.
    Warm Regards

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,

    We are quickly approaching Christmas and even on such a day you may continue your work while many others have some nice days with the family. I hope you can make the time to do that too and that both the 1MW plant and E-cat X will be the whole time in stable SSM!
    I am just wondering how optimistic you are that it will still be possible to enter the commercial phase soon after the test, assuming that things continue as they are. Can you spend a few words about that?
    I really hope that the cat’s keep on running smoothly and that you will have a quiet and pleasant Christmas!

    Kind regards and good health, Gerard

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi,
    I get a kick out of D.
    Why is he hiding behind D ?
    Is he ashamed of his Post, and he does not want anyone to know who wrote it ?
    He encourages people to go with Solar, eolic, etc.
    For more then 10 years I am very interested in Wind Energy.
    I have read many tons of information on it, I get a flock of Newsletters, written by the top people in the Field.
    I have NEVER heard of a solar or wind plant anle to make money without being funded from the Taxpayer.

    Another mistake he made, was to thank you for spamming his Post, because you ALWAYS spam a Post, that you don’t like.
    If he was a True Reader, he would know that you have received some Posts,
    that you were not to happy to read, but you still Published them.
    You trusted the Reader to know who is being fair.
    Like your other Readers, I am proud to post my name.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Oestein Lande:
    Not yet, I prefer to wait more mature and consolidated data from the R&D on course.
    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Øystein Lande

    Dear mr. Rossi,

    Can you say something on what energy density the e-cat X is producing, i,e. KW/cm3 of core material?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your opinion. If the results of the tests and R&D on course will be negative, you are right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    20 days.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, we are working strong in that direction, but so far I must say that the results of the R&D and tests on course could have negative results and this fact per se forbids us to give guarantees on the matter. Much more work has to be done.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Since there has been a lack of scientific discussion and more of a technical interest in the past few weeks on this site, perhaps I can interject some of my thoughts about the preliminary theory you and Dr. Cook have presented concerning your process.
    Your primary starting point appears to be the capture of a proton by Li7 creating Be8 which then decays to 2 He4 plus a photon(in the gamma range). I assume that the proton is supplied by stripping a H of its electron and forcing the resulting particle into the vicinity of the Li7. Then the ejected photon undergoes a cascading resonance with an appropriate energy level in an available nearby atomic nucleus. The photon then undergoes a decrease of energy mainly by the recoil energy that is lost after each absorption and subsequent emission. The amount of recoil energy lost is a function of the temperature of the crystal lattice holding the absorbing atom(the higher the temp the less constrained the atom and the larger the recoil energy)but too high a temp will destroy the lattice and stop the process. This recoil energy is absorbed by the lattice bonds creating thermal phonons that is the source of energy in your device. The process is similar to what occurs in fluorescence and phosphorescence through an electron energy level system where a higher energy photon injected into the electron system is transformed into a lower energy photon(x-ray or UV to visible or infrared). The difference in your configuration is the use of an energy level system in a nucleus. The trick is to choose the proper combination of atomic isotopes in the proper lattice configurations to achieve the cascading resonances and with the proper cross sections for high absorption rates of the resulting phonons. A daunting task both mathematical and experimental to choose the proper combinations.
    Lucky regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- no
    4- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Paris

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    Your US Patent is great. Bravo!
    We understand the difficulties to arrive to a product and you are right to be conservative, but I am optimistic about your success and the good that your invention will give to the mankind.

  • Vera

    Dear Andrea
    Since how many days now is going the E-Cat X without interruptions?
    Thank you,

  • D

    Mr Rossi
    I am very sceptic about your ability to arrive to industrialize a product. I think that the public has to focus on the existing alternative energies, like solar, eolic, etc. You are just losing time and making your listeners lose their time and the great and convenient deals they can do now, without waiting, with the existing alternative energy systems.
    Thank you for spamming this comment, as you always do with comments you don’t like.

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    Please remind us, it has been awhile, about SSM functions.

    1) Does the E-Cat X spend some time in SSM?
    2) Does the 1MW plant spend some time in SSM?
    3) Does the E-Cat X configuration with 3 parallel use one or two or all of the 3 units as a “mouse”?
    4) Does the 1MW plant pick appropriate sub module(s) to use as a “mice” for synergy?

    Thank you!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Isner Finch:
    We have 27 months of time from the issuing from the date of the approval, to conserve the priority, but I think our attorneys will complete the job before that term: their work is in progress.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your important question, that allows me to repeat, again and again, that the final results of our tests and R&D could be positive, and allow to start the construction of a massive production line, but could also be negative or not sufficiently positive to allow its industrialization.
    Any discussion on this matter is premature.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    1) confidential
    2) I did not make this kind of search, interesting, though
    3) to soon to answer
    4) yes
    5) you are already in the space: lucky you! I am still poorly rooted on the Earth.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your continue attention to our work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Yes. Until something remains to be done, it is as if nothing has been done.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Would you consider all the work you have done on the E-Cat to be a failed exercise if you are not able to get your technology into working products in the marketplace?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • giannino

    Dopo tanti anni che Ti seguo caro Andrea , la risposta al Coppi e’ per davvero chiarificatrice ! Forza Andrea ! Ad majora ! Sum sum corda ! Il vecchio Giannino da Udin .

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    1) Have you ever intentionally pushed an E-Cat X into meltdown or runaway during a torture test? If so, was the result a puddle of solidified molten metal?

    2) I have read that pits or holes caused by fast moving particles can be analyzed to determine the probable particle responsible for them. Have you ever found any such evidence of particle impacts on the components of your reactor, and if so, did they fit the profile for alpha particles?

    3) From what we know about the E-Cat X (that it is hoped to produce 3.5kW of heat at very high COP with an operating temp of 1,400C), the technology seems to represent a pinnacle of LENR technology. If the test taking place proves the device has longevity from the expected wear and fatigue such high temperatures can produce, is there any specific aspect(s) of the E-Cat X you hope to improve upon?

    4) Do you believe the innovative design of the E-Cat X can be miniaturized down to a few hundred watts while maintaining the same temperature?

    5) NASA is working to replicate and improve upon the EM Drive (the technology goes by various names) which is basically a cone shaped metal resonant cavity. Microwave radiation is fed in from a magnetron and bounces back and fourth inside of the device. Somehow, a net thrust is produced. NASA Eagle Works advanced propulsion laboratory predicts — from their computer simulations — perhaps a ton of thrust from one hundred kilowatts of microwave power. This may sound like a lot of input for a small output. However, a hundred kilowatt magnetron can be the size of a large plastic soda bottle. And, in space, a ton of thrust is enormous — especially if maintained over time. If the EM Drive technology matures, could you envision several years from now working with a team to design an E-Cat reactor to power such a spaceship?

  • Cham

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    How close you think we are to the massive production of the E-Cat, at this point?

  • Isner Finch

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    I want to add my congratulations to the many you received for your fantastic US Patent.
    Question: how much time you think will be necessary to extend the validity of the patent in all the world?
    Isner Finch

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    No, it is not so simple.
    Besides, please remember that as strong as our efforts can be, the final results of our R&D and tests still must be considered unforeseeable and they could be either positive or negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Fran Acland: emission of electromagnetic waves and measure of the same. No more info possible at this time.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea,
    “particular experiment on course on the E-Cat X for the production of energy.”
    This is what we all was waiting for! tomorrow you can tell to the world if COP is greater than one or not! in a way in which also the stones will understand.

    In bocca al lupo and cross fingers
    Alessandro Coppi

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