In both Fusion and Fission the reaction products will have a different atomic number, either greater than before (Fusion) or less than before (Fission). If the Atomic Number remains the same, one isotope of an element might be transformed into an isotope of the same element and the Atomic Number remains the same.
Here is an example of the change in Total Binding Energies between Fe-56 and Fe-58.
I have difficulty with your limited answer and I suspect others might also have questions and/or are experiencing confusion.
I understand there are two primary ways of deriving energy from the nucleus – fission and fusion. I suspect you are concerned with protecting your confidential business secrets and that is fine and understandable.
But the implication that I would draw from your comment is that the reaction is fission which cannot be the correct answer because of the low atomic number of the ingredients.
You posted “There are no fusions.” Could you please clarify:
1. Are you saying no hydrogen-hydrogen fusion occurs?
2. Are you saying no hydrogen combines with lithium forming another isotope occurs?
3. Are you saying no hydrogen-nickel combination occurs?
4. Are you saying something else?
Kip McDade:
Coca Cola never disclosed its formula and nobody has been ever able to replicate its flavor. Does this mean that Coca Cola does not exist ?
Coca Cola consumers ( like me ) don’t give a damn about not knowing its formula, as well as our Clients buy energy and are not interested to our know how.
Warm Regards,
Yes, of course, the plasma is a black body. If we make the spectrometer see the whole of it, we get a Maxwellian, but in the video we focused on the hottest point. The energy calculated is the same, because the wavelength is longer, but the surface is wider.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
What do you answer to them that say your technology does not work because nobody has been able to replicate it with the efficiency you declare? Many replications have been made successfylly, but none even close to your results.
Thank you if you can answer
Dear Andrea
are you still open to install your plants to sell heat, or the R&D on the direct production of electricity has caused you to severe such activity?
Dear Readers:
For today and tomorrow no more comments will be published in this blog: the silence is intended to be in honour of Prof Norman D. Cook
Andrea Rossi
Prof Joseph Fine:
I am a man of Faith.
Prof Norman Cook, I am sure, is going to work for God at a superior level than we still are.
Humanly, I can only express my deepest condolences to his Family.
He was a great man and a great Professor. His students in the USA and in Japan loved him and they are lucky, because to have a master like him is a fortune.
He will pass to the History of Physics for his model of the atom’s nucleus, that has inspired and will inspire generations of scientists.
I owe him a great part of my know how. I read his book innumerable times. I know it by heart. See you, Norman, now you play in the Majors ( I mean, in Champions League ), while we are still here, fighting for Him.
Your friend for ever,
Oh, my God ! No, no, I did not hear about this before now.
I am very sad of the departure of one of the most honest and intelligent men I ever met in my life.
It is a substantial loss for the LENR world and for the Science. His intelligence and preparation was directly proportional to his modesty.
Andrea Rossi
As you probably know, Dr. Norman D. Cook recently passed away on June 14th after a long illness. Could you discuss his contributions to the theory of LENR and the “Rossi Effect” and any other recollections you could share about him?
The experiments and the plants and apparatuses that you have developed in these last ten years are an intellectual patrimony unique in the woeld and probably of inestimable value: will you be able to transfer all this to others? Have you collected all your papers?
Thank you if you can answer,
Dear Andrea:
In the house organ forum the trolls of IH are saying that the stunning success of your paper
has been bought from you paying persons to click! Surely they do not know, or pretend not to know, that it is impossible, because the statistics on Researchgate are made only by registered scientists and researchers that put their face, because when they click the algorithm of Researchgate checks the authorship and the same person is not counted more than once. But Rossi is Rossi, and with Rossi also the impossible can be possible, so, please, confess: how much did you pay to obtain in less than 5 months 26800 full readings, 1737 recommendations, 572.5 index of research interest and counting ? How much costed to you to cherry-pick 26800 persons in hundreds of universities and labs all around the world? And how much money to each of them had you to give to force them a recommendation? Confess!
Hey, Andrea!
Update of your stats on Researchgate: full readings 26750, recommendations 1737, research interest index 592.5 !
Note that the recommendations and the research interest index are made by professors and researchers that put their face and, as I saw, they are from every part of the world’s universities and laboratories. This is some peer reviewing !
The readers also should know that Researchgate is written by 15 millions scientists that write their publications on it and compose the statistics of every publication. This makes very important the success of your paper.
Frank Acland:
We are working on it. In a week I will have results. I have worked hard on the modifications, I am optimistic. This said, as usual, much od perspiration follows inspiration.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels,
In both Fusion and Fission the reaction products will have a different atomic number, either greater than before (Fusion) or less than before (Fission). If the Atomic Number remains the same, one isotope of an element might be transformed into an isotope of the same element and the Atomic Number remains the same.
Here is an example of the change in Total Binding Energies between Fe-56 and Fe-58.,+%22IsotopeP%22,+%22binding+energies%22%7D+-%3E+%7B%22TotalBindingEnergy%22%7D
Then, there may also be Tresino reactions which have been theorized, but not yet confirmed.
Hope that helps,
Joseph Fine
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
There are other nuclear interactions, besides fusion and fission.
See also
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the info,
Warm Regards,
On Power Engineering July 2 2019:
G 20 still spending big on keeping alive coal coal-fired power
Dear Andrea,
I have difficulty with your limited answer and I suspect others might also have questions and/or are experiencing confusion.
I understand there are two primary ways of deriving energy from the nucleus – fission and fusion. I suspect you are concerned with protecting your confidential business secrets and that is fine and understandable.
But the implication that I would draw from your comment is that the reaction is fission which cannot be the correct answer because of the low atomic number of the ingredients.
Steven N. Karels:
I said what I said: there are not fusions.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
does the Ecat modulate the emission of energy based on the demand?
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted “There are no fusions.” Could you please clarify:
1. Are you saying no hydrogen-hydrogen fusion occurs?
2. Are you saying no hydrogen combines with lithium forming another isotope occurs?
3. Are you saying no hydrogen-nickel combination occurs?
4. Are you saying something else?
Warm Regards,
Fedor Buchakchiysky:
1- not beyoud any doubt: too close to the background
2- yes
Warm Regards,
Darron Perks:
Of course yes !
Warm Regards,
Kip McDade:
Coca Cola never disclosed its formula and nobody has been ever able to replicate its flavor. Does this mean that Coca Cola does not exist ?
Coca Cola consumers ( like me ) don’t give a damn about not knowing its formula, as well as our Clients buy energy and are not interested to our know how.
Warm Regards,
Yes, of course, the plasma is a black body. If we make the spectrometer see the whole of it, we get a Maxwellian, but in the video we focused on the hottest point. The energy calculated is the same, because the wavelength is longer, but the surface is wider.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
We have made better than before. I am optimistic. Still much work to do, though.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
What is the latest news from your latest experiments to produce direct electricity from the E-Cat?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dr Rossi,
Have you found with the spectrometer also a “bell curve” typical of a black body Maxwellian?
Dr Rossi,
What do you answer to them that say your technology does not work because nobody has been able to replicate it with the efficiency you declare? Many replications have been made successfylly, but none even close to your results.
Thank you if you can answer
Dear Andrea
are you still open to install your plants to sell heat, or the R&D on the direct production of electricity has caused you to severe such activity?
Dr Rossi:
1- Did you detect helium out of the interactions inside the Ecat?
2- Did you try to find helium?
Dear Readers:
For today and tomorrow no more comments will be published in this blog: the silence is intended to be in honour of Prof Norman D. Cook
Andrea Rossi
Prof Joseph Fine:
I am a man of Faith.
Prof Norman Cook, I am sure, is going to work for God at a superior level than we still are.
Humanly, I can only express my deepest condolences to his Family.
He was a great man and a great Professor. His students in the USA and in Japan loved him and they are lucky, because to have a master like him is a fortune.
He will pass to the History of Physics for his model of the atom’s nucleus, that has inspired and will inspire generations of scientists.
I owe him a great part of my know how. I read his book innumerable times. I know it by heart. See you, Norman, now you play in the Majors ( I mean, in Champions League ), while we are still here, fighting for Him.
Your friend for ever,
Oh, my God ! No, no, I did not hear about this before now.
I am very sad of the departure of one of the most honest and intelligent men I ever met in my life.
It is a substantial loss for the LENR world and for the Science. His intelligence and preparation was directly proportional to his modesty.
Andrea Rossi
Warm Regards,
Jannette Herbold,
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi and Readers,
As you probably know, Dr. Norman D. Cook recently passed away on June 14th after a long illness. Could you discuss his contributions to the theory of LENR and the “Rossi Effect” and any other recollections you could share about him?
Would you consider naming the next or a future generation of E-Cats after him?
Thank you,
Joseph Fine
Hello DR Rossi
Have you heard this sad news?
Dear Andrea:
Your publication on Researchgate reached 27000 full readings today!
Dr Rossi,
How are going the experiments in California with the Ecat SK Leonardo?
Noe Mihalios:
I agree and I think the success of the paper has been born by the coherence with the experiment.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
No. There are no fusions.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
1- yes
2- very difficult to know
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
In your research of LENR,
1. have you found any differences between protium versus deuterium as a fuel?
2. Any evidence of helium production?
Dr Rossi:Do you consider your effect a cold fusion?
The experiments and the plants and apparatuses that you have developed in these last ten years are an intellectual patrimony unique in the woeld and probably of inestimable value: will you be able to transfer all this to others? Have you collected all your papers?
Thank you if you can answer,
I noticed that your paper
and the video
grow up together in number of readings and views respectively: clearly they are watched together.
Ha Ha Ha
Paid 4 billion dollars.
Got a financing from Woodford.
In IH shares.
Warm Regards,
Premature to answer.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
In the house organ forum the trolls of IH are saying that the stunning success of your paper
has been bought from you paying persons to click! Surely they do not know, or pretend not to know, that it is impossible, because the statistics on Researchgate are made only by registered scientists and researchers that put their face, because when they click the algorithm of Researchgate checks the authorship and the same person is not counted more than once. But Rossi is Rossi, and with Rossi also the impossible can be possible, so, please, confess: how much did you pay to obtain in less than 5 months 26800 full readings, 1737 recommendations, 572.5 index of research interest and counting ? How much costed to you to cherry-pick 26800 persons in hundreds of universities and labs all around the world? And how much money to each of them had you to give to force them a recommendation? Confess!
Dear Andrea,
can you tell us if during the R&D on course you reached the expected electrical output level (let’s say more than 5 KW electric) for a duration of:
a) a few seconds
b) a few minutes
c) a few hours
d) a few days
e) never
Thanks a lot for what you are doing,
I found right now on Researchgate this publication, written by Dr Donald Reed, that I recommend for its ingenuity:
It is perfectly resonant with the revolution on course of which our experiments are bearing evidence.
Warm Regards,
Hey, Andrea!
Update of your stats on Researchgate: full readings 26750, recommendations 1737, research interest index 592.5 !
Note that the recommendations and the research interest index are made by professors and researchers that put their face and, as I saw, they are from every part of the world’s universities and laboratories. This is some peer reviewing !
The readers also should know that Researchgate is written by 15 millions scientists that write their publications on it and compose the statistics of every publication. This makes very important the success of your paper.
Frank Acland:
We are working on it. In a week I will have results. I have worked hard on the modifications, I am optimistic. This said, as usual, much od perspiration follows inspiration.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
So far have you noticed any improvements in the E-Cat SK Leonardo, following modifications you have made?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Today I am in California continuing the experiment after the modifications of the prototype.
Warm Regards,
Yes, it is important, as explained in
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton,
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,