United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    With the tremendous power of MW extracted as ZPE and leaving the container as electricity, can it be expected that there will a sink in the electro magnetic scalar fields so that it may impact on radio wave communication systems?
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Somebody

    If someone orders one of the big plants, how many SKLEPs does that count as in the current tally?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    orders are flowing,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gavino Mamia

    Siamo fermi ai 600000 preordini di una settimana fa…
    Ci aggiorni!


    Good morning!
    We are stuck at 600,000 pre-orders a week ago …
    Update us!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Francesco Poscetti:
    0- I have parents in Italy and the balanced average cost of the kWh now is 40 cents of Euro/kWh
    1- accumulate energy is possible with a battery
    2- irrelevant
    3- it depends on the dimensions and weight. For one unit it is less than 10 Euro
    4- impossible to answer now
    Thank you for your kind sustain to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rice:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,


    Dr Rossi:

    Tesla offers a 4.8 kW solar panel for $9674. Because the sun doesn’t shine at night and there are cloudy days, the system has to be sized for the worst case scenario unless you’re okwith blackouts. To get 4.8 kW continuously a variable number of batteries and panels are needed- the more panels you have, the fewer batteries are needed. Ex.: 4 panels and one battery, or 3 panels and 2 batteries, or 2 panels and 3 batteries, etc. The cost of 4 panels and one battery would be about $45,000.

    You are offering 1000 kW for $2.5 million. That’s $2500/kW, or $12,000 for a 4.8 kW system, or about 25% of the cost of a solar/ battery system.

    Demand shouldn’t be a problem, I would think. Do I have the numbers correct?

  • Somebody

    I noticed that you are starting to sell the larger plants. Is that the big surprise that you were talking about in some of your previous responses?

  • Francesco Poscetti

    Hi Andrea,

    I have been following you since 2011 and today I am convinced to place an order.

    But the price seems a bit high to me. I’ll explain where my doubts arise.

    I took a bill from February-March 2021 and consumed 295kW for a total of 65.68€. taxes included.

    I calculated the average cost [65.68 / 295] and we are at 0.223 €/kW

    In reality they are 0,103 €/kW plus there are fixed costs. For the moment I do not consider this to simplify the discussion and make it useful for others who follow.

    Doing the calculations [295 / (28 + 31) * 24] the average consumption is about 208 W/h

    So with 2 SKLep I should do it.

    The cost would be $249 * 2 = $498 approximately €439.43 at the exchange rate

    So with one year I amortize because my annual expense would be about 65 * 6 = 390 € (the bill is bimonthly). When I have some time, I check the exact annual total.

    Now, however, reading another post you talked about the peaks.
    I have peaks of 2.7kW in February and 3.0kW in March.

    1) How do I solve? Maybe I need a method to accumulate energy? Otherwise 30 SKlep would cost a bang.

    Then I ask you other questions to get information that could affect my choice.

    2) how much the annual top-up/refill costs.

    3) Are there any transport costs at my expense? (example for warranty failure, recharge, etc). If so, what amount are we talking about?

    4) Is the price of $249 expected to fall or rise in the future? I realize this is a bit of an awkward question, so I don’t expect an answer.

    However the answers go, I will take at least one SKlep as a contribution to your exceptional work, your tenacity and also for the memory of Professor Focardi that I still carry in my heart.

    I helped myself translate with google translator. Let’s hope it’s understandable.

    Yours sincerely Francesco Poscetti

  • H Dieter Preschel

    @Tom Conover:

    I think translating an internet page is much easier when using Google Translate, e.g the following link will translate Rossi Blog Reader to English. There you can chose any language you like, more than 100 languages are available.


    You can do this with any URL (link) you want, just enter translate.google.com and enter the URL into the left box. In the right box a new URL appears in blue. Clicking on this URL will open the translated page. You can save this URL in your bookmarks and use it any time you want.

    Best wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gregory Daigle:
    1- yes
    2- not yet
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mayr Gunter:
    Thank you for your kind sustain to the work of our Team.
    To store electricity the simpler way is to use a rechargeable battery, as it is done with solar panels. There are plenty of them and you can choose the one that better suits your necessities. The less expensive in $/Ah are the classic lead batteries, but LI-ions are more efficient; lately emerged the graphene batteries, more expensive, but more efficient. Go to Amazon, you will find a lot of them. You can also Google ” super capacitors “.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mayr Gunter

    Dr Rossi,
    I want to buy an electricity storage for your most wonderful invention since the discovery of fire !
    I suppose you have some suggestion for me.
    Nature and all living beings are deeply indebted to you.
    Mayr Gunter

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea (and other users too),

    The wonderful work done on Rossiblogreader aka:
    automatically translates serveral posts automatically for me to english (us, you to if you use it ..) I use this site unless I want to post to the conversation…

    Not sure if you knew this or not, thought i would try to help. So if you want to still read and reply on jonp you can, and if you need a translation just click on the link above for old.rossilivecat.com … Hope this helps your readers.

    Warm Regards

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea,
    First of all, congratulations on the new proposal to the market of the 1 MW ECAT Lep.
    As a secondary note, when you recently said about the physics at the basis of the acat Lep “High dv / dt” a lamp went on in my mind, I already realized in the far ninety’s years a simple device to be used for the supply of small discharge lamps, as gadget, and made some experiments to supply luminescent plastics, so I have recovered this small circuit and have replaced the discharge lamp with a small incandescent lamp, after burning its filament.
    The result is the one visible in this short video https://5pt.it/ballerina.mp4
    Do you see any affinity with “ballerina”?

    best regards
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Gregory Daigle

    Dr. Rossi,

    As we continue to wait about updates on the SKLep orders, have you had any interest in the SKLep 1MW plant on your website yet?

    1)Any expressed interest?
    2)Any orders?

    Warm wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paul Dodgshun:
    We do not deal with this issue. The Client will have to deal with the local Authority to obtain all the permissions necessary to sell electricity to the grid.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gp to
    fill up the order form and write at the bottom of it “this order cancels all the precedent orders”
    Warm Regards,

  • Franco

    Hello, Dr. Rossi, how can I modify my pre-order ?

  • Paul Dodgshun

    The URL below deals with the LVRT requirements of the grid and seems to be applicable to the SKLep when it sold in quantity for generation tied to the grid.

    Does the SKLep have or will it have LVRT capability?

    paul Dodgshun

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, but its priority can be conserved if you pre-order Ecat SKLeps. If you want, you can find the pre-order form here:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    These issues will be discussed with the Clients just before delivery, based on specific situations, the Client can decide the configurations also at the last moment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Mr. Rossi
    I am glad that we have started a discussion on the configuration of E-CatSKLep in advance. The possibility of use is not clear from the order list. For example, someone will order 10 reactors E-CatSKLep with AC output and at the same time will want to assemble them into one powerful source.Instead of ordering 10 E-CatSKLep reactors with DC output that can be connected together.

    Regards J.Šrajer

  • RS

    Many years ago when it was possible to make preorders for Ecat SK units i made a preorder for one unit and i wonder if this preorder is still active?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jason Wells:
    We do not supply the Ecat SKLep in waterproof enclosure,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Francesco Poscetti:
    Please rewrite in English here, otherwise send your questions to
    to receive privately the answers in Italian
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Richard Stettler:
    It is perfectly working, please double check,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    2 is correct,
    Warm Regards,

  • Martin

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    if I need a 300W-AC-Source for my application,

    1.) is it possible to order 3 AC-Ecats and couple them on the AC-output-side or
    2.) do I need 3 DC-Ecats coupled on the DC-output-side and feeding together one single inverter on it’s DC-input?

    I could imagine, that synchronizing 3 Ecat-inverters on their AC-output-side (frequency) may be difficult.

    Best regards, Martin

  • Richard Stettler

    on ecat.com the preorder form is gone.? Whats happen?


  • Francesco Poscetti

    Salve Andrea,

    ti seguo dal 2011 e oggi mi sono convinto a fare un ordine.

    Pero’ il prezzo mi sembra un po’ alto. Ti spiego dove nascono i miei dubbi.

    Ho preso una bolletta di febbraio-marzo 2021 e ho consumato 295kW
    per un totale di 65,68€. (0,223€/kW di cui 0,103€/kW e resto costi fissi)

    Facendo i calcoli viene circa 208W/h [295/(28+31)*24]

    Quindi con 2 SKLep ce la dovrei fare (249$*2=498$) 439,43€

    Quindi con un anno ammortizzo (400€ circa e’ la mia spesa annua)

    Ora pero’ leggendo un altri post tu hai parlato dei picchi.
    Ho dei picchi di 2,7kW a febbraio e 3.0kW a marzo.

    Come risolvo?

    Poi volevo sapere quanto costa la ricarica annuale.

    Inoltre le spese per il trasporto (per guasto in garanzia, ricarica, etc) sono a carico mie? Se si , di che cifra si parla? Dove saranno dislocate le sedi di arrivo/partenza?

    Inoltre il prezzo di 249$ nel futuro e previsto che cali o che aumenti?

    La garanzia e’ di 3 anni ma quanto possono durare? Cioe’ dopo 3 anni devo effettuare un nuovo acquisto?

    Distinti saluti Francesco Poscetti

  • Jason Wells

    Dr Rossi, A follow up question in regards to placing the SKLep in a waterproof enclosure.

    1) Is the reason the SKLep and controller cannot be placed in a waterproof enclosure because it needs atmospheric air to operate?

    2) If question 1 is true, approximately how much of an air hole would the enclosure need to supply 2-3 SKLep’s?

    3) Will the SKlep shut off on its own eventually when it runs out of air?

    Thanks for your attention,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan Galburt:
    1- correct
    2- irrelevant
    3- I prefer not to answer so far to your intelligent question
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Paolo Bernasconi:
    With electricity you can make heat with high efficiency
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jason Wells:
    1- no
    2- yes, obviously with limits for the vibrations
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1. right
    2. wrong
    Warm Regards,

  • Pavel

    Mr. Rossi,
    if I order 10 SKLeps and select the AC output option:
    1. does that mean that each individual SKLep has its own inverter inside ?
    2. does it mean that there is no inverter inside any SKLep ? all SKLeps are with DC output, they are connected in series or parallel and then to an external inverter ?

  • Jason Wells

    Dr Rossi,
    Looking forward to receiving some SKLep’s!

    1) Does the SKLep need much atmospheric air in order to operate? I was thinking of using 2-3 of my batch of SKLep’s to power a battery that powers a small motor on my Kayak. I would want to put the SKLep’s and controller in a “water proof” suitcase of some sort in case it were to fall in the water. Would this work?

    2) I read from a previous post that orientation of SKLep and vibration would not be a problem. Is this still the case?

    3) When we ordered the SKLep’s, We weren’t given the opportunity to say how many controllers we would need. Will this be addressed right before shipment? I have plans for multiple applications that will need each their own controller but on the order form only indicated how many total SKLep’s units required.

    Best wishes,


  • LarryG

    A note about large installations to make them even more energy efficient. I am sure large system designers are already thinking about this but…..

    If you want 1MW, you need 10K SKLed. This needs 10KW of power to run the control electronics and drive the SKLep. So use 10.1K SKLed, but 100 of them supply the running power after startup. Depending of feedback issues from the output side, these may or may not have to be an independent 100 unit installation. An independent set makes start up easier…first start the 100, which then supplies power for the 10K start up. However smart electronics switching could handle having one one setup (provided any unwanted feedback, output to input, can be handled).

    then you only need 100W for a 1MW system, 10K to one instead of 100 to one.

    Add a third level, and you only need 1W external power to drive a 1MW system.


  • Paolo Bernasconi

    Dear Dr Rossi

    I’m following you since the beginning of your long trip, and now it seams you can provide a product with electricity output,but you started with an idea to provide heat as output.
    May a kindly ask what were the difficulties of making a heat generator? Reactor instability or what else ?


  • Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Question 1
    My understanding is that basic 12V ECat SKLep system consists of a generator module, an AI controller module and wiring. The system requires 1 watt of power from a 12VDC power source and while the input voltage is maintained, the system will output 100 watts of electrical power at a nominal voltage of 12 VDC provided the load resistance is optimized for peak power (about 1 ohm). This output power will continue for up to 100000 hours provided the electrical input of 12 VDC is maintained.

    Is my understanding correct?

    Question 2
    The ratio of useful energy output to total energy input to an energy conversion process is called efficiency. In the context of the ECat SKLep the ratio of electrical energy output over total energy generated could be regarded as efficiency where some of the energy generated is dissipated as heat. Unlike the electrical input and output to the ECat SKLep, the heat dissipated by the generator module is not easy to measure, but it is still important.
    If the heat dissipation is a significant fraction of the electrical power output, then it is reasonable to capture the heat and use it for heating in the winter, and conversely vent the heat to the outside environment in the summer. Venting may also be required to control the temperature of the modules

    Do you have a crude estimate of what the heat dissipation of the generator module is?

    Question 3
    Three test reports written by Prof. Levi Giuseppe Levi of Bologna University were published on ECAT World on 12/8/21. I carefully read Prof Levi’s test report entitled “Measurement of SK-Ecat performance in a series of sessions from October 20 to November 19, 2021”. I was surprised that it covers two different ECat SK configurations referred to as prototype A and prototype B. Prototype B appears to be the later configuration that is the same one that was demonstrated on 12/9/21. Prototype A is an earlier configuration that Prof Levi described as an intense light source coupled to a small solar panel by a reflective light pipe. The power output came from the solar panel. Prof. Levi wrote that he was informed that the solar panel was a special design and had an efficiency of 40% with prototype A’s light spectrum. What amazed me even more was that the performance of prototype A was similar to prototype B.
    This test report is worth reading not looking at ways to claim the results could be in error, but instead how it appears to document part of the design evolution of the ECat SKLep.

    I would speculate that that prototype B contains a more special “solar” panel that is much smaller than the solar panel used in prototype A so that it can fit into the ECat SKLep generator module thus, operating at higher intensity (watts/sqcm), eliminating the light pipe and hopefully having higher efficiency.

    If my speculations are correct, then the heat dissipated by the ECat SKLep is likely by significant fraction of the total power generated in module.

    Are my speculations correct?

    Please answer question 2 even if they’re not.

    Warm Regards

    Dan Galburt

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Nicola

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    I have been convinced of your presentation in the video I watched on http://www.e-catworld.com
    I decided to buy one Ecat SKLep to test it.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We’ll see,
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,
    With respect to “the surprise”, I don’t have a crystal ball, so I reached for my trusty Magic 8-Ball and asked it:

    Q1: Is Dr. Rossi’s surprise that a recent notable customer has put him over the 1 million mark?
    8-Ball: “You may rely on it.”

    Q2: Is the notable customer a significant Electric Vehicle (EV) producer?
    8-Ball: “Most likely.”

    Q3: Is the EV producer interested because having the SKLep could rocket them far ahead of the competition?
    8-Ball: “Signs point to yes.”

    Q4: Will Dr. Rossi be able to name the notable customer?
    8-Ball: “Concentrate and ask again.”

    What do you think– 3 out of 4 aren’t bad– are we warm yet?

    Best wishes,

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