United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    An interesting video about
    the evolution of the Magnetron.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    Both the EVs will not have passengers, only the pilots, but there will be plenty of time for discussions, because the pilots will drive 5 turns of 2 hours each, so they will be not driving for 2/3 turns of two hours.
    Warm Regards,

  • cesare

    Dear Dr. Rossi, reading the Blog allowed me to learn many new things, but that Puglia was a land of important racetracks was a real revelation! Autodromo del Levante: track 1600 meters – Nardò circuit ring track of 12,600 meters.

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    Will there be passengers in the demonstrator vehicle?
    One can imagine on board the E-Cat car, a conference followed by questions and answers led by Mats Lewan for example.
    Best regards
    Raffaele Bongo

  • Manuel

    Dr Rossi:
    If you really will introduce an EV that after 10 hours of uninterrupted run will still have the the same SOC it had at the start, this will be a momentous achievement, beyond any possible doubt.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    This information will be available during the test, as you correctly wrote,
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    We will certainly have all our questions answered at the time of the event.
    Among the various questions, I’m curious to know (but I think I’ll have to wait to find out) in which part of the car the Ecat generator will be installed:
    1 – front compartment,
    2 – rear compartment,
    3 – on the rear seats,
    4 – on the passenger seat,
    5 – other

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Erasmo Bardelli:
    We are sure of what we do; thank you for your kind wishes,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dott.Rossi,
    Fra i vari test eseguibili , la Vostra scelta è stata per il più spettacolare ma anche di maggior rischio da imprevisti o problemi con i veicoli.
    Leggendo, mi sono chiesto, perchè due veicoli e non tre?
    Se un banale problema non inerente alla parte E-Cat ferma il veicolo, come si conclude il test?
    Se ci sono le possibilità e il tempo di allestire due veicoli con l’Ecat e un veicolo con solo batterie, sicuramente si aumenta la possibilità che una delle due equipaggiate con l’E-cat arrivi al traguardo, nel caso di un doppio risultato…..strepitoso.

    Distinti Saluti e Auguri.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1600 m, about 1760 yards.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Ronald

    Dr Rossi,
    Will be there a professional security at the Ecat powered EV test ?

  • Anonymous

    How long is the circuit were the the test will be run around ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Mario

    Dr. Rossi
    How are the orders progressing?

    1. good, but we will not reach the target before the presentation in October
    2. very good
    3. I think the target will be reached before the presentation

    Best Wishes

  • Andrea Rossi

    Seven days before we will check the weather forecast of the military aeronautic and if very bad weather will be forecasted we will delay to the first available day with not hostile weather,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- correct
    2- correct
    3- correct
    4- correct
    5- correct the insight
    Warm Regards,
    I am writing you privately to make you a proposal, that has been suggested to me by 2 Professors of the Università La Sapienza of Rome that will attend the test.

  • Maico

    Dear Dr Rossi

    in the meantime, thank you for giving “a follow-up” to my requests for clarification/suggestions on the demonstration.

    Thanks to his answers I think I got a pretty clear idea of the scenario of the demo, and of the aims of the demo itself.

    If possible I’d like to try to expose it, so as to share it with the other readers of her blog, obviously leaving her full freedom to give feedback, or not, to what I wrote below.

    1) Reference has been made several times to the fact that the “reference” EV vehicle (the one without Ecat) will have run out of battery in max 3 hours.

    2) I’m also imagining a demo scenario where the average speed of the vehicles traveling around the racetrack is not very high.

    3) If this were really the case, the real consumption of the electric vehicles chosen for the demonstration could be around 20-30% lower than that reported in the official WLTP cycle of the vehicles themselves. The reason is that at a constant and not too high speed the efficiency is undoubtedly greater.

    If what is written in points 1,2,3 is true, the most logical conclusion I can make is that the Sample Vehicle (the one without Ecat) to exhaust its battery in a maximum of 3 hours “cannot” have a battery particularly capacious (after all, the purpose of the demo is to demonstrate that the ecat manages to keep the battery charged while the vehicle is in motion, NOT to demonstrate that it is able to deliver a very high quantity of kwh/h)

    4) The assembly of Ecat modules to keep particularly high power batteries charged, I imagine it will be a choice that the manufacturers who adopt it will make in due course !! It makes no sense for his demonstration 😉

    That said, I’m not able to “guess” which electric vehicles will be used for the demonstration, but I would be able to make a list of the “eligible” ones, but I avoid reporting it in this post, to avoid not ” fall into censorship” 😉

    If you don’t mind, however, I would like to “detail” my reasoning so as to let your blog readers understand what I’m thinking about.

    What I write below is pure fruit of my imagination, but it carries with it calculations of which I am “quite sure” ….

    Let’s imagine by hypothesis (my pure imagination) that the EV vehicles used in the demonstration are 2 Mercedes Smart Eq for Two, whose technical characteristics are reported below:

    This is a small electric vehicle where it is not possible to “hide anything”, it has a small battery and reduced autonomy, therefore it is possible to insert the ECat Box inside it, easily identifiable without the possibility of hiding anything else .

    Technical data:

    battery 17.6 kWh
    battery weight 160kg
    autonomy ( WLTP cycle ) 132km

    For the discussions made above and reasoning by “excess” I imagine that the autonomy circulating in the racetrack can increase by about 30%, therefore from 132 km we pass to:

    132km + 30% = 180km (always rounded up)

    always by excess we imagine that the battery is completely discharged, as anticipated, after 3 hours….

    this would suggest that the average speed with which the racetrack could be traveled could be 60 km/h (180km / 3 hours = 60 km/h)

    considering the capacity of the battery (17.6 kWh), the average consumption would be

    98 wh/km
    corresponding to

    at this point, the difference in weight between the EV Vehicle equipped with Ecat and the one without, provides the Weight of the Ecat Box

    Trying to overestimate this weight in 100 kg (my pure fantasy estimate) and making the right proportions

    it is possible to calculate, imagining that the Ecat is a battery, that

    160Kg : 3 hours ( of travel ) = 100kg : X

    X= (3*100)/160 = 1.9 hours by excess we consider 2 hours…..

    this would mean that if the Ecat Box were a battery, the EV Vehicle with Ecat on Board would stop after 3+2= 5 hours…….

    5) While you Dr. Rossi is saying that after 10 uninterrupted hours of “journey” the battery of the Electric Vehicle with Ecat on board will be charged as at the beginning of the demonstration !!!!

    If this is what can really be verified at the proof ……

    I honestly CAN’T WAIT FOR OCTOBER!!!! 🙂

    P.S. deliberately, to avoid the risk of incurring “a hypothetical censorship” I have not given evidence of another very important data, relating to the ecat, which can be deduced from my calculations, but I believe that anyone with adequate knowledge can recover it on their own 😉

    any comments on points 1), 2), 3), 4), 5)?

    I believe that “the simulation” just reported, if it matched the demonstration you have in mind, and was confirmed “by the facts”, would really be the beginning of:

    A REVOLUTION in the world of ELECTRIC MOBILITY !!!



  • anonymous

    If the day scheduled for the test will be affected by a strong and persistent storm, what will happen ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Peter Thomas

    Please note if Influencers are going to take part – will likely wish to drive part of the distance to record on their Channel/s as unlikely to wish to be just be a ‘bystander at the Event.
    Warm Regards


  • Koen Vandewalle

    Indeed, it doesn’t matter much whether the demonstration lasts for 10 or 12 hours. The most important thing is that representatives from car manufacturers witness the E-Cat in action live. These industries are truly left with no choice as they are being compelled in every possible way to build electric vehicles, while the issues with such vehicles receive critical to even negative marketing across the media: Electric cars and even cargo ships uncontrollably catching fire, the second-hand market being extremely suspicious of the batteries, the charging infrastructure that needs to be installed worldwide with immense density, insurers witnessing an exponential increase in the magnitude of damage claims, the weight of the vehicles causing existing parking garages to become unsuitable, and the list goes on. These are all problems that are almost breaking the backbone of the world economy. For every solution invented, a new bottleneck arises elsewhere in the chain.

    Most other sectors can manage with new nuclear power plants, wind farms, and farms full of solar panels. But anything that is mobile requires a deus ex machina. The price at which the E-Cat is being introduced to the market was calculated by me earlier, and it is equivalent to the price of energy in the form of oil in the 1960s. Of course, the condition is that its lifespan approaches 100,000 hours.

    The filmmaker (Christopher Nolan) who made the recently released film about the life and work of Julius Robert Oppenheimer claims that this protagonist is “the most important man who has ever lived on Earth.” I think he is misinformed. This man brought us fear, causing humanity to stop waging large-scale world wars out of a survival reflex. I believe that our friend Andrea Rossi is the man who brings hope back to humanity. The determination and loyalty to his own vision that Andrea Rossi exhibits, in my opinion, have biblical characteristics.

    Best regards,

  • Anonimous

    I agree with your opinion : 10 hours of test, if the battery of the Ecat will be charged as at the start after an uninterrupted trip of 10 hours, will be more than enough: also 4 hours would be enough

  • Roberto

    You are right, 12 hours is too much and useless, if after ten hours the car with the Ecat has still the battery as charged as it was at the start,

  • Jean Paul Renoir

    I agree with you, 12 hours are useless, ten hours are more than sufficient, since the Ecat powered EV test is not aimed to show the range: the core of this test is to show that the EV powered by the Ecat after 10 hours has the battery charge full, while the EV without Ecat after 2 or 3 hours stops running because its charge is empty.
    Kudos !

  • Andrea Rossi

    1,2,3: good points
    4: I think you are right
    Warm Regards,

  • Maico

    Dear Dr Rossi.

    I’ll try to make a small suggestion that I think could provide more “data/information” to the influencers, industry experts and newspapers from the EV world who will participate in the demonstration.

    You have always said that you want to circulate the EV vehicle with Ecat on board for 12 continuous hours, while the same reference vehicle (same make and model) without Ecat, will be forced to stop after 2/3 hours at most.
    We expect that after these 12 hours the battery of the EV Vehicle with Ecat will still be charged and that this charge will be certified by an “independent third party”.
    12 hours of demonstration means either 7am to 7pm or 8am to 8pm.
    Honestly, it’s too many hours for those who participate in the demonstration.

    If the hours were 10, and if at the end of the demonstration the battery was always charged and this charge was always certified by an independent third party, it would make much more sense to leave the remaining 2 hours for:

    1) give the participants the opportunity to see up close the set-up of the electric vehicle with the ecat on board

    2) give everyone the opportunity to “admire” the modification that your team was able to make by effectively transforming a normal electric vehicle with “limited” autonomy into an electric vehicle with “infinite” autonomy;) (obviously in my best sign this is what i saw 😀 )

    3) To ensure that the participants convince themselves independently that there is no trick or deception and that no other battery has been hidden inside the electric vehicle apart from the Box Ecat which will be easily identifiable.

    Excuse me if I’ve been “too direct” in what I’ve written, I don’t think there is anything offensive, and if by chance I have seemed offensive, it certainly wasn’t my intention to be.

    I believe that the doubts that I have reported immediately above may be the doubts of many (including those of the participants in the demonstration).

    In my opinion, giving those who will participate in the demonstration the opportunity to personally realize the “miracle” that you and your team have achieved and to be able to document it closely is worth much more than seeing the EV vehicle circulate for another 2 hours on the track of the Autodrome.


    Better 10 hours of demonstration and 2 of “press conference”
    rather than
    12 hours of demonstration without the possibility of “seeing with your own eyes” closely the technological marvel you have created.

    4) What do you think?



  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for your kind support to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dr. Rossi,
    The physical characteristics (dimensions, weight, shape) of the Ecat pack which will feed the EV have certainly been optimized for this purpose.
    I believe this experience will help you design and build stand-alone PSUs for countless other applications.
    An incredible future is upon all of us!

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1- The Ecat SKLep is safety certified
    2- Maybe, that depends on the numbers related to the economy scale
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. With the news of the burning EV Carrier, can you please address the safety of eCat SKLep SSM units in terms of fire potential, runaway fires, explosions, etc.?
    2. The current price of SKLep SSM technology is about $2.50USD per output Watt of electricity. Do you anticipate massive cost per Watt decreases as production numbers grow?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    These data will be published during the test,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Here is the discount program based on quantity of units pre-ordered; consider that in such balance 10 Mini-Sklep are worth 1 Ecat SKLep.
    <499: 0%
    500-999: 4%
    1000-9999: 6%
    10000-100000: 10%
    >100000: to be agreed upon
    It is possible to schedule deliveries in lots to be agreed upon.
    Warm Regards

  • Giuseppe Tozzi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    I agree

  • Samec

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Can you publish the discounts program based on the amounts of pre-ordered units ?
    Is it possible to deliver the pre-ordered pieces in more consecutive shipments repeated every month, or every agreed upon period ?
    Have a nice day
    I. Samec
    Czech Republic

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Giuseppe Tozzi,
    While not an EV Expert, my 47 years of engineering tells me that an independent test to verify a measurement is never a bad idea.
    No matter the test environment, independent evaluators should always cross-check everything, to verify that nothing unusual or suspicious has occurred, is taking place, or was observed. IMHO.

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi
    Thank you for your answer, so I understand that you will set a minimum load percentage that will activate the E-cat and a maximum percentage that will deactivate it. This implies an E-cat module with a power well above the very variable average consumption of the car.
    Can you confirm?
    All my support to the team
    Best regards
    Raffaele Bongo

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Tozzi:
    Thank you for your suggestion
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe Tozzi

    Dr Rossi,
    I am an expert of electric vehicles.
    I analyzed through the comments and your answers how the Ecat powered EV test will be made, and I agree it is convincing, with one exception: the two supplementaty hours to run the Ecat powered EV after disconnecting the Ecat once the 12 regular hours have been run through. I think it is useless, because if the charge of the batteries, as well as their genuinity, will be certified by an independent third party that is expert of that specific EV, such a supplement of two hours would discredit the same independent third party, as if their job would be not enough, which would discredit also all the other issues they are going to certify. I strongly suggest you to stop the test once the independent third party has measured the battery after 12 hours.
    Good luck

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you to your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Roberto

    Dr Rossi,
    the exchange of Q&A between you and Maico is convincing. I think the EV test made the way you described through your answers to those questions will be quite solid.

  • Jean Paul Renoir

    Great questions
    Great answers

  • Sam

    Hello Dr Rossi

    The 100 History of Monza
    Race Track in Italy.



  • Andrea Rossi

    1a- yes
    1b- yes
    1c- yes
    1d- yes
    1e- yes
    1f- yes
    2- yes
    3a- yes
    3b- yes
    3c- we are doing our best to make true this dream, that obviously we totally share,
    Warm Regards,

  • Maico

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    I try to give my interpretation to the answer he gave to Raffaele Bongo.

    Since you are referring to an IDT then I “try to ask” a little more “technical” questions, hoping that you can/will answer me:

    I kindly ask you to confirm or deny, if possible, what is written below.

    1) An IDT will be present at the October demonstration who will be able to irrefutably certify:

    1a) that the batteries present in the 2 identical electric vehicles present at the demonstration are exactly those inserted by the parent company during the assembly phase. So no tampering or modifications also, but above all, for the vehicle in which the Ecat will be present

    1b) the “ideal” Ah that can be supplied by the 2 original battery packs mounted on the 2 EV vehicles (regardless of the SoH of the batteries)

    1c) the real SoH of the 2 batteries

    1d) starting from the identified SoH, calculate the “real” Ah that can be supplied by the 2 batteries (trivially this value is calculated by multiplying the “ideal” Ah of the EV vehicle battery pack by the real SoH which is a value expressed in %)

    1e) the SoC at the start and at the end of the demonstration (I imagine the EV vehicle without Ecat will stop after a few hours from the start, while the one with Ecat will continue without problems until the end of the demonstration)

    1f) from the above data it is possible to calculate, and the IDT will do so, the real kwh contained at the start and at the end of the demonstration in the 2 batteries of the 2 electric vehicles (the EV vehicle without Ecat after a few hours I imagine will contain a few wh, i.e. those that the BMS will have avoided consuming to avoid irreparably compromising the battery )

    2) If the answers to the above explanations are all positive, I would think that you are really thinking of carrying out a demonstration that DOES NOT leave “doubts and uncertainties” about its “technical/scientific” value and about the Ecat’s real ability to maintain charges the battery of the EV vehicle for 12 hours while it travels at a constant speed in a well-known and well-known Italian racetrack (which I imagine will be made known at some point)

    3) returning to the answer to Raffaele Bongo, the interpretation that I personally have given myself is this, and I would kindly ask you if possible to confirm or deny:

    3a) The fact that the Ecat, in the demonstration that will be made, keeps the battery charged at 100%, 90% to 80% etc and is only an “end in itself” choice, which has nothing to do with the “real” purpose of the demonstration, which would be to show the whole world that the ecat is able to keep the battery of an electric vehicle charged, in motion, whatever its initial state of charge of the vehicle itself)

    3b) once the demonstration has taken place, I hope with success (therefore demonstrating the ability of the ecat to keep a battery charged both with the vehicle stationary and in motion: from stationary it is easier, the car charger would do it using the energy supplied by the ecat, while in motion it will be confirmed with your demonstration ), it will be the task of the companies that produce electric vehicles, which will purchase your innovative recharging solution from you, to define the operating procedures for recharging, i.e. when and how to start the recharge and at what percentage of SoC to interrupt it). Personally, from your answers given so far, I’m imagining this commercial strategy, but obviously I hope you can confirm or integrate with further information.

    3c) I think I made my imagination go “a little too free”, obviously, what I wrote could all be “a beautiful dream” (that is, what I would like to come true) but I sincerely hope it can, not are simple “fantasy experiments” but a reality that can come true in the short / medium term.


    Ciao Maico

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight about the power necessary to an electric car to run at 130 km/h ( 81.25 mph ); actually, there is not a number, but an integral in function of many factors and the kind of EV. I think you can find these data related to specicic EV in the internet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Nicola

    Caro ing. Rossi
    Provo a fare due conti, per stimare la potenza elettrica di un generatore da installare a bordo, necessaria per fornire continuativamente energia alle batterie di una vettura elettrica che percorra mediamente a 130 km/h un tratto di autostrada senza pause per 10 ore consecutive, mantenendo la batteria costantemente carica.

    1. Calcolo della distanza percorsa:
    Velocità media della vettura = 130 km/h
    Tempo di guida = 10 ore

    Distanza percorsa = Velocità media × Tempo di guida
    Distanza percorsa = 130 km/h × 10 ore = 1300 km

    2. Calcolo del consumo energetico totale:
    Consumo energetico medio a 130 km/h in autostrada = 20-30 kWh/100 km (in base alla tipologia di vettura)
    Stimiamo un consumo medio di 25 kWh/100 km (0,25 kWh/km).

    Consumo energetico totale = Distanza percorsa × Consumo energetico medio
    Consumo energetico totale = 1300 km × 0,25 kWh/km = 325 kWh

    3. Calcolo della potenza richiesta al generatore:
    Tempo totale di guida = 10 ore

    Potenza richiesta = Consumo energetico totale / Tempo totale di guida
    Potenza richiesta = 325 kWh / 10 ore ≈ 32,5 kW

    Quindi, per far sì che la vettura elettrica percorra mediamente a 130 km/h un tratto di autostrada senza pause per 10 ore consecutive, mantenendo la batteria costantemente carica, il generatore dovrebbe erogare una potenza elettrica di circa 32,5 kWh/h.

    Analysis of the power necessary to an EV to run at 130 km/h = 81.25 mph; the supposed power should be 32.5 kW

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,

    I was curious how Ecat economics compared vs. Solar Panel Installations–


    ** The typical size of a Residential Solar Panel System: 3-10 kW.
    ** The typical Installed cost of a Residential Solar Panel System: $2.50 to $3.50 per W.
    ** Integrated across a 24 hr day, a solar panel effectively produces power for 21% of the day.


    **> A 10 kW Solar Panel System would cost $25K to $35K and produce 50 kWh/day.
    **> A 2.1 kW Ecat system would cost $5.25K and produce 50 kWh/day.

    Commentary: Intuitively, one might expect the prices to be closer because the dollar/watt costs are close, however, clearly, the Ecat has a huge advantage because it’s producing power 24 hours a day (vs. about 5), the Ecat doesn’t require complex rooftop installation, and it isn’t hampered by weather, poor site locations, tree shading or snowfall.

    The main cost advantage of solar panels is their warranty– typically 20 to 30 years– which derives from long market experience and redundancies built into the panels.

    Best Wishes,

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