United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Gavino Mamia

    Caro Dott. Rossi
    Questa estate i giorni di attesa sono stati molto stressanti e devo ammetterlo, ora sono molto deluso.
    I tuoi detrattori si sono scatenati, per loro è stata la notizia migliore in assoluto.
    Spero che abbiano torto marcio e che tu risolva al più presto i problemi relativi all’Ecat.
    Sono un sognatore e continuerò ad esserlo.
    Buon lavoro
    This summer the days of waiting were very stressful and I have to admit, now I’m very disappointed.
    Your detractors went wild, for them it was the best news ever.
    I hope they are very wrong and that you fix the ECAT problems as soon as possible.
    I am a dreamer and will continue to be one.
    Good work

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    the fact that even the livestream had to be interrupted points to a really serious security problem. Did the E-CAT spontaneously explode?

    Sorry for this very direct question, you don’t have to answer it.

    Best Regards

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    Your comment sounds dramatic. Is it possible that the E-CAT technology is completely dead because of unknown physical risks? Or is it a banal overheating of unknown cause?

    Best Regards

  • Prampaz

    Caro Andrea, ho appena letto del nuovo problema relativo alla sicurezza, mi è venuto un colpo a cuore, è da tanti anni che seguo gli e-cat. E proprio quando la sensazione di essere vicini ad avere il prodotto ricevo queste notizie. Ti prego caldamente ti tenerci aggiornati circa l’evoluzione della cosa. Un abbraccio. Paolo

  • Jeff Smathers

    Andrea, this isn’t a Covid-19 mutation problem is it? The MRna vaccine is subject to ‘strange radiation’ mutation if too close.

    Please make sure any vaccinated people are not exposed for any length of time.

    You know I’m joking …. but please dear man, share this occluded evidence and expand our knowledge a bit….

    Thanks sincerely for your work sir, but we need to be more open with science and engineering.
    Look what our government has done on witholding the science behind UFO / UAP’s for 70 years.. Think about how that technology could have helped us.

  • Stefano

    Dear Dr. Rossi
    Please tell us more details about the safety issues ecountered, as much as you can at least…
    Fire? Explosion? Overheating?

  • cesare

    Dr. Laura Greco, since you are among the few females commenting on this blog: welcome.
    Is it possible to know the name of the “association”, if Dr. Rossi agrees? Thank you.

    Dr. Rossi all the best for the upcoming appointment with History; I think to interpret the sentiment of all the other readers by stating that we are all on the side of the track to CHEER!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Today we had a major problem with the Ecat System of the EV, and we have presently serious difficulties to understand how to fix it. It is an issue that involves safety issues, therefore we have stopped all the Ecat in operation, included the Ecat that has been streamed until about 9 A.M. this morning.
    The event of October 20 has to be delayed until we resolve the problems.
    Obviously we will keep you updated in the time being.
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Laura Greco:
    Please send your credentials here:
    Warm Regards,

  • Dottor Rossi buona sera
    La segreteria della mia associazione ha inviato il form per la presentazione di ottobre . Ad oggi non ho avuto riscontro circa l’accreditamento. Tale accreditamento verrà fatto al momento dell’annuncio ufficiale o non potremo presenziare ?. Grazie per la Sua attenzione.
    Laura Greco

  • Steven Nicholes Karels


    The calculation was only an example of what could be done.

    As I mentioned in my original posting, The payback time is about 12 years. If the US Government were to fund the initial costs and then tax a portion of the excess energy produced to “pay back” the investment, we could have a distributed electrical grid system.

    Imagine a nation-wide electrical generation system made up of millions of independent electrical producers. All of the generation was clean, green energy production.

    There are many ways to build such a distributed electrical grid system. My proposal, although simplistic, is only one of the possible ways to implement.

    Now, it depends on AR’s ability to mass produce a viable SKLep SSM.

  • Andrea Rossi

    The car that is expected to stop before is exactly equal to the millions of cars of that precise model that have been made and sold in the whole world from its car manufactirer ( a major car manufacturer of the world ), and its performance will be exactly the same performance, with the same endurance, that is expected from the millions of cars of that same model running around the world.
    In the data-sheet of that car it is reported its autonomy at that speed, and these data will be exactly like the performance that will be shown by the EV test, where it will compete with its twin, powered by the Ecat.
    In conclusion, the “anomaly” will not be the performance of the regular car, the anomaly will be the performance of the Ecat powered one ( I hope ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Independently from the results of the EV demo, we will keep in due respect all the persons that made the pre-orders,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer,
    Tjank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    Boltzmann entropy equation.
    A history from Clausius to Planck.



  • Jan Šrajer

    Thank you for the answers you have posted over the past 10 years. I think you are ready.
    Good luck J.Š.

  • Michele

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    given the incredible success you will have with the EV demonstration, will you remember us small buyers afterwards?

  • Cam

    What if the car that stops before was deliberately “adequate” to consume much more than the second?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    It respects the safety requirements also regarding the danger of fire; there will be the same warnings that all electronic systems have.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Is E-catSKLep fire safe?
    Warm Regards J.Š.

  • Klas

    Dear Stephen Karels,
    I think you should make a new calculation after adjusting the output power to
    a more realistic figure.
    According to GPT-4 the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential home
    in 2021 was 10,632 kWh.
    The average power needed to generate this amount is 10632/8760=1.2 kW
    I suggest doubling this to 2.4 kW and calculating again.
    Perhaps also try the simulator at ECW?

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Only with their permission,
    Warm Regards,

  • R.Brand

    Dear Mr. Karels:
    You are right – the world will be saver.
    Submarines cannot just remain off China, but also off North Korea and Iran. It is way more difficult for the Usa to invade and destroy other countries because they have to fear retaliation.
    Best regards

  • Jan Šrajer

    After the presentation of the electric car with E-catSKLep, can you tell us who attended the presentation?
    Warm Regards J.Š.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the links,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    No ! These are the dimensions of a regular battery of that power, I used it to compare with the performance of the Ecat of the streaming
    Warm Regards,

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dott. Rossi
    these are the dimensions of the 1.2 kWh (100Ah x 12V) Ecat?
    “10 kg and a volume of about 4,000 cm^3 (4 liters)”
    Good work

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    An analysis on SKLep SSM technology for a distributed system in the USA.

    Facts and Assumptions
    1. The annual electrical energy consumption in the USA is 4,050 TerraWatt-hrs of energy per year. (2022)
    2. There are 84 million residential homes in the US.
    3. Assume 1/4 of them install SKLep SSM technology into their homes.
    4. Residential homes have at least 100 AMP service with modern homes having 200 AMP service or more.
    5. Assume the cost of SKLep SSM technology is $2.50USD per Watt.
    6. Assume 100W output SKLep SSM units are used.
    7. Assume three 100W SKLep SSM units feed DC energy into a micro-inverter, which costs $200USD, and produces 240VAC grid-ready power.
    8. Assume an electrical technician cost of installation of $1,500USD per residential unit.
    9. 24 hours/day * 365 day/year = 8,760 hours per year.
    10. Assume grid company reimbursement rate of $30USD per MW-hr of supplied electricity.
    11. USA residential power is 240VAC.

    Analysis Output
    1. Output electrical power per residential unit = 22.553 kW
    2. Number of 100W SKLep SSM units required per residential unit = 225
    3. Number of micro-inverters required per residential unit = 75
    4. Installed cost per residential unit = about $73,000USD.
    5. Reimbursement per year per residential unit = about $6,000.00USD
    6. Number years for payoff = 12.3 years
    7. AC Power current requirement per residential unit = 94 AMP @ 240VAC

    1. Reimbursement rate could be higher – likely $60USD per MW-hr.
    2. Does not include Government incentives for Green energy.
    3. Assumes local grid company lines can handle the generated power.
    4. Analysis ignores residential energy cost savings which is charged to the residential customer at a higher rate.
    5. Ignores additional locations such as businesses and apartment buildings.
    6. Possibility of Government loans or commercial loans to cover initial cost with reimbursement going to the loan source.


  • Andrea Rossi

    When you have time, please go to http://www.ecat.com to find information about when we will deliver.
    The date of the test will be confirmed on October 10th.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • HeinzH.

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Nuclear powered submarines are one of the strategic weapon systems used by multiple countries in their strategic defense. However, since the nuclear reactors do not directly produce electricity, they use the Carnot cycle to produce power. This is relatively noisy with pumps and such.

    A really quiet submarine could be produced which contained a large number of batteries and powered by SKLep SSM technology. The SKLep SSM, as I understand it, generates no accustic noise when it is operating. For example, such an equipped submarine could remain off the rogue state of Usa running only its life support systems for an extended period. With its low or zero noise signature, it would be very difficult to detect.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Nuclear powered submarines are one of the strategic weapon systems used by multiple countries in their strategic defense. However, since the nuclear reactors do not directly produce electricity, they use the Carnot cycle to produce power. This is relatively noisy with pumps and such.

    A really quiet submarine could be produced which contained a large number of batteries and powered by SKLep SSM technology. The SKLep SSM, as I understand it, generates no acoustic noise when it is operating. For example, such an equipped submarine could remain off China running only its life support systems for an extended period. With its low or zero noise signature, it would be very difficult to detect.

  • Andreas

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    because it`s not possible for me to look every day to your blog, again the question: What is the proposed date for the test with the EV`s?
    I know – the following question could be obsolete, but please can you give an assessment when the distribution of the ecat can beginn?
    Thank you – Andreas

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer,
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    I was wondering what advertising name would be suitable for E-catSKLep. The ad title should be short and to the point so that people remember it. I came up with the name Rossi Plasma Generator.
    Warm Regards J.Š.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another SKLep SSM application

    Portable Oxygen Concentrators – for people with portable supplemental oxygen needs

    “A 5-liter oxygen concentrator offers medium oxygen flow to patients. The amount of electricity it releases depends on model, size, weight, and brand. Typically, a 5-liter oxygen machine can use between 250-350 watts per hour to operate.

    Similarly to 5-liter oxygen concentrators, 10-liter ones also vary depending on the multiple factors. However, the average power consumption of a 10-liter oxygen device is around 400-700 watts.”

    This is a constant load, continuous electrical power requirement that would free patients who require supplemental oxygen to not worry about running out of battery power.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Axel Rumkorf:
    I think that they are comlementary, not alternative,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    It is useful to consider that a battery with a capacity of 1.2 kWh ( 100 Ah x 12 V ) has a weight of about 10 kg and a volume of about 4,000 cm^3 (4 liters).
    Warm Regards,

  • Axel Rumkorf

    Dear Andrea,

    what do you think will be the impact of the ecat technology on hydrogen-technology? Will it become obsolete or will it be boosted by good hydrolysis conditions?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels,
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Daer Andrea Rossi,

    Yet another application for SKLep SSM technology

    BAC is developing the t-350 UAV. It is designed to have a range of 30 km with a payload of 300 kg. It employs 4 electric motors and it is all-electric. SKLep SSM technology could give it unlimited range.

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Daniel G. Zavela,

    The power is 1 or 10 Watts. The energy is in Watt-hours and is between 4.8 kW-hrs and 48 kW-hrs.

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    The E-Cat SKLep SSM Livestream hits 200 days / 4800 hours / 288000 minutes and the clock keeps on ticking away, small, compact, stable, isolated, just sitting there emitting a constant light, a new energy source, new technology, new physics, looking forward to the latest E-Cat Sigma 5 milestone.


    Keith Thomson.

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