I honestly don’t understand the need for many bloggers to constantly suggest new applications for the ECAT. We live in an almost totally electrified high and low voltage world, once we had an almost infinite low voltage DC electrical energy source, scalable at will and convertible to AC with banal inverters, the applications would be practically unlimited!
I would like to read more interesting questions without taking up space in the blog and wasting Rossi’s time to answer politely thanking for the obvious.
Instead, I ask Andrea Rossi why he doesn’t show on his site the new 3KW system running with an adequate load, several filament bulbs (not LEDs) or some power tools (drills or grinders). If the generator box were transparent, enough to show that it does not contain bulky batteries, and was placed on a scale, I think it would arouse a lot of interest. It doesn’t need to be streaming, a few minutes of video is enough.
In the USA there are at least three categories of eBikes. Category 1 and 2 are of interest in that an individual who is legally prohibited from driving an automobile (i.e., license suspended) may operate a Class I or Class II eBike as they are not considered motor vehicles.
A Class I or II eBike may have up to a 750-Watt motor and are limited by design to a speed of 20 mph. They typically have a range of 20 – 25 miles. Recharging typically takes 3 – 4 hours.
If the battery system of the eBike was replaced by eCat technology, the range and operating time would be virtually unlimited. Or, it could eliminate the need to obtaining remote site charging – just park the eBike and it recharges the onboard batteries.
If we assume a speed of 20 mph and a maximum range of 20 miles, we have an operating time of 1 hour. Assuming a parked time of 8 hours (a trip to the workplace, work 8 hours, and a return trip), then the eCat power of 100W will provide sufficient energy.
There are about a million eBikes sold each year.
There are about 1.5 million persons arrested for Driving Under the Influence each year. If convicted, they often have their driving privileges suspended. This might allow them to get transportation to/from work.
My opinion is that in a system, like the one of the Universe, the TPT can be overcome only with an original ordered input that can start an eventual series of evolutive events: in the case of the paper you cited, this “spark” is the dV/dT pulsed to the electrons,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Reading the paper http://www.researchgate.net/publication/330601653_E-Cat_SK_and_long_range_particle_interactions
in paragraph 5 we understand in the algorythm of your process there is a reverse difference of Entropy, and this is a fact against the third principle of thermodynamic.
How do you reconcile this ? It is important to know, because the reverse difference of Entropy is the source of the Zero Point Energy.
Congratulations for your work,
All the best,
Dr. Rossi,
Amazon sells detachable batteries for ebikes– e.g., 1000 watts, 48volts. It might be *fun* to
– buy an ebike,
– buy a detachable battery
– make an ecat assembly that would substitute for the detachable battery, and then
– scoot around the area on a ecat-powered bike (if you ever do that, post pictures!).
Additionally, you could buy a simple stationary bike training stand and let the ecat-powered bike motor away indoors, 24/7.
Maybe that could be a fun side-project for one of your energetic assistants?
Es ist tatsächlich so, dass ich mit vielen Menschen gesprochen und noch viel mehr Werbung gemacht habe. Nur ist es so, dass Alle einen Beweis sehen wollen. Den Beweis der Funktion ihrer Energy Catalyzer! Aber in Natur, soll heißen, die Leute wollen live dabei sein.
Ich möchte Ihnen ein Angebot machen. Senden Sie mir die am 24.1.2022 bei Ihrer Firma bestellten 5Stück e catsklepssm zu je 249 Dollar. Ich verspreche Ihnen, die Verkaufszahlen werden sich vervielfachen!
Anders kann Ich Ihnen leider nicht helfen!
Über eine Rückmeldung würde ich mich freuen!
Dear Dr. Rossi,
actually i would expect PR measures to make your product more public.
The ecat is technically ready for the start of production if the aim of one million is reached. So why no aggressive advertisement, videos of your operative ecat? There are enough suggestions mentioned at your blog reader. You have a picture of a 3 KW ecat, so why not a lot of short videos while it produces power for a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, hotplate, electric heating, electric fire, electric kettle, computer, TV, light bulbs, refrigerator and so on? Why no use of fame influencer at youtube..?
You cannot reach your aim whilst no one know your product. And because it is in such a way genius and an unbelievable new kind of power producer you need the proof of much videos and influencers.
Sincerely yours
Steven Nicholes Karels:
60 years since now and again they say that within 20/30 years the nuclear fusion based power generation system will be put at work.
We are working hard to do our best.
Warm Regards,
“Taos Ski Valley Resort in New Mexico wrote in an e-newsletter today that it has deployed the “first, fully electric snowcat in North America.”
For those unfamiliar, a snowcat is a snow groomer that packs snow and improves skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile trail conditions.
Taos Valley has put a Prinoth Husky eMOTION on its slopes, which is an electric snow groomer with a 180 kW (245 hp) engine and a battery capacity of either 100 or 200 kWh, depending on whether the resort opted for basic or premium. Italy-based Prinoth says on its website that the eMOTION has a run time of up to three hours and a DC fast charging capacity of 100 kW. (Its AC charging capacity is 22 kW.)”
There is a common saying that fusion power based electrical generation is always 30 years away. It seems that eCat technology mass produced products are always a year away. Can you give your followers some hope that actual mass production will begin within some period of time, say, one year?
Every few months I get a call from a company trying to sell me solar power for my residence and I tell them your technology is “just around the corner”. If I won the lottery, I would fund your program. Unlikely, since I don’t buy lottery tickets.
I truly hope you can bring this technology to market.
Yet another eCat application – powering Robot Dogs
Unitree has a Go2 robot dog that requires 28VDC to 33.6VDC with a peak power of 3,000W. It has a payload rating of 7 kg. The Robot Dog costs about $1,600USD.
It currently uses either an 8,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 2 hours or a 15,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 4 hours.
The inclusion of an eCat NGU 3 kW power unit would provide an unlimited operating time.
My suggestion has all the similarities to the lamp demo except there is an actual power measurement of what is going into the display.
The previous lamp-only demo had no means of showing how much power was consumed nor any measurement of the optical power output by the lamp. The clock next to the lamp showed that time was elapsing – it was not a still image.
This arrangement uses off-the-shelf components while still not directly measuring the output of the NGU unit(s). I think you should seriously consider this approach, or something similar to it.
1. online continuous display of a countup wall clock – large red or blue LED display with 10,000 day and HR:MM:SS display, with an input voltage of 5VDC. It shows elapsed time since power up. Costs around $155 USD.
2. an inline digital volt and amp display – works on input 5 VDC going to the wall clock. This shows the power going to the wall clock. Costs around $7 USD.
3. a 12VDC to 5 VDC step down dc/dc converter – accepts power from the NGU 10W module(s) and converts it to 5 V power. costs around $10 USD.
4. One (or two) NGU 10W unit powering the dc/dc step down converter.
All on a plexiglass stand with no wires leading to any offscreen device. In a well illuminated room.
In this implementation, there is no direct measurement of the NGU output voltage or current. But the power going to the wall clock is shown.
Dr Rossi,
will the demo with the EV respect the same protocol that had been scheduled for the October 2023 test ?
If yes, I think that the streaming with the lamp will be totally useless, an EV that runs for 10 hours leaving at the end of the 10 hours run the battery still full charged is totally convincing, while a streaming that now an again is interrupted by issues totally independent from your control is nonsense.
All the best,
Dear Andrea,
I was reading about the new submarines that Italy is preparing to build. I have learned that the best are those powered by nuclear power which have infinite autonomy but which have the big flaw of being very noisy and therefore easily identifiable. On the other hand, those powered by a hybrid Diesel and Electric system can be quieter but with limited autonomy.
I think in this field your Ecat can be a game changer.
Regards, Giuseppe
Dr Rossi,
I am reading a lot of comments suggesting different ways to remake the long life streaming, with a lot of conditions: I suggest you simply not to make any more live streamings for thousands of hours. My suggestion is to make the test with the EV, at the conditions you had decided before the accident that put all on hold: go for a tenth of hours with an EV with its battery perfectly charged (80% of SOC), and after the 10 hours measure the SOC of the battery, that will remain full with 80% of the SOC.
That will not be boring and will be more than enough.
1- are you going to make the EV test streaming within this year ?
2- do you think my suggestion is viable ?
Thank you to publish and read my comment,
Persuading YouTube to allow 100 thousand hours of LiveStream may take 20 years, persuading Microsoft not to force restart Windows PCs may take 30 years, persuading your IT specialist to replace Windows OS with Linux OS may take 5 years.
It is much easier to connect a 100 Watt E-Cat into a 50 Watt brushless electric motor with propeller, place a fluttering ribbon behind the propeller, and after a few weeks of LiveStream broadcasting, everything will be clear.
Alternatively: 10 Watt E-Cat NGU shining onto some 100 Watt photovoltaic panel powering the aforementioned 50 Watt brushless electric motor with propeller (and ribbon).
Dear Dr. Rossi,
why this circumstances with your demos?
Something short would fit better. Operate an electric heater or a electric water kettle with your ecat.
It would be just a few minute video – everyone has a few minutes to view it.
And it is risk-free for you: If your invention is flaky (which i not believe), just show the version of the short video where it works.
The advantage is:
You do not have to invest much time in demos and everyone can see in short time if it works – without to watch and check a video/livestream for hours.
Warm regards
R. Schmidt
1/ Does it also mean that the technical problems have been resolved?
2/ Is there a time frame when I can expect the demo version for our project?
3/ Which version of the Ecat units 0.5 kWh or higher is the fastest?
Il Gatto selvatico che girava… girava …attorno al Fuocherello…e senza pedigree ha fatto un gran bel salto.
Ora e’ diventato una Gran Lince.!!
3kw !!! e senza allacciamento. !!! il sogno di tutti.!!! Incredibile. in cosi poco tempo.!!!
Ma quanti riconoscono la forza ….e l’astuzia di questa bestia??
Complimenti alla Lince piu Intelligente del pianeta.
Gli altri animali …tutti fermi se la guardano increduli .
Il Mondo trattiene il fiato …ed e’ sicuro che prima o poi la Lince diventera’ Un Leone.
Il Re della foresta.
Il mondo Ringrazia la Lince e la Piccola Giungla che gli sta attorno
Fabrizio un contadino di Jesolo Italia 4 Marzo 2024
The wild cat that went around …and around ..the Fire… and without pedigree made a great leap.
Now he has become a Great Lynx.!!
3kw!!! and without connection. !!! everyone’s dream.!!! Incredible. in such a short time.!!!
But how many recognize the strength…and cunning of this beast??
Congratulations to the smartest lynx on the planet.
The other animals… all standing still and looking at it in disbelief.
The World holds its breath…and it is certain that sooner or later the Lynx will become a Lion.
The King of the Forest.
The world thanks the Lynx and the Little Jungle that surrounds it
Fabrizio a farmer from Jesolo Italy
I understand that the NGU 100W units may be ordered with a specified output voltage, such as 12 VDC. May 100W NGU units be ordered with a nominal output voltage of 14 VDC?
This variant would be useful for charging 12 Volt batteries and similar applications.
I honestly don’t understand the need for many bloggers to constantly suggest new applications for the ECAT. We live in an almost totally electrified high and low voltage world, once we had an almost infinite low voltage DC electrical energy source, scalable at will and convertible to AC with banal inverters, the applications would be practically unlimited!
I would like to read more interesting questions without taking up space in the blog and wasting Rossi’s time to answer politely thanking for the obvious.
Instead, I ask Andrea Rossi why he doesn’t show on his site the new 3KW system running with an adequate load, several filament bulbs (not LEDs) or some power tools (drills or grinders). If the generator box were transparent, enough to show that it does not contain bulky batteries, and was placed on a scale, I think it would arouse a lot of interest. It doesn’t need to be streaming, a few minutes of video is enough.
Steven Nicholes Karels,
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat application
In the USA there are at least three categories of eBikes. Category 1 and 2 are of interest in that an individual who is legally prohibited from driving an automobile (i.e., license suspended) may operate a Class I or Class II eBike as they are not considered motor vehicles.
A Class I or II eBike may have up to a 750-Watt motor and are limited by design to a speed of 20 mph. They typically have a range of 20 – 25 miles. Recharging typically takes 3 – 4 hours.
If the battery system of the eBike was replaced by eCat technology, the range and operating time would be virtually unlimited. Or, it could eliminate the need to obtaining remote site charging – just park the eBike and it recharges the onboard batteries.
If we assume a speed of 20 mph and a maximum range of 20 miles, we have an operating time of 1 hour. Assuming a parked time of 8 hours (a trip to the workplace, work 8 hours, and a return trip), then the eCat power of 100W will provide sufficient energy.
There are about a million eBikes sold each year.
There are about 1.5 million persons arrested for Driving Under the Influence each year. If convicted, they often have their driving privileges suspended. This might allow them to get transportation to/from work.
My opinion is that in a system, like the one of the Universe, the TPT can be overcome only with an original ordered input that can start an eventual series of evolutive events: in the case of the paper you cited, this “spark” is the dV/dT pulsed to the electrons,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Reading the paper
in paragraph 5 we understand in the algorythm of your process there is a reverse difference of Entropy, and this is a fact against the third principle of thermodynamic.
How do you reconcile this ? It is important to know, because the reverse difference of Entropy is the source of the Zero Point Energy.
Congratulations for your work,
All the best,
Mayr Gunter:
Please send us an English translation of your comment,
Warm Reards,
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
Amazon sells detachable batteries for ebikes– e.g., 1000 watts, 48volts. It might be *fun* to
– buy an ebike,
– buy a detachable battery
– make an ecat assembly that would substitute for the detachable battery, and then
– scoot around the area on a ecat-powered bike (if you ever do that, post pictures!).
Additionally, you could buy a simple stationary bike training stand and let the ecat-powered bike motor away indoors, 24/7.
Maybe that could be a fun side-project for one of your energetic assistants?
Best Wishes, WaltC
Guten Tag, Dr.Rossi!
Es ist tatsächlich so, dass ich mit vielen Menschen gesprochen und noch viel mehr Werbung gemacht habe. Nur ist es so, dass Alle einen Beweis sehen wollen. Den Beweis der Funktion ihrer Energy Catalyzer! Aber in Natur, soll heißen, die Leute wollen live dabei sein.
Ich möchte Ihnen ein Angebot machen. Senden Sie mir die am 24.1.2022 bei Ihrer Firma bestellten 5Stück e catsklepssm zu je 249 Dollar. Ich verspreche Ihnen, die Verkaufszahlen werden sich vervielfachen!
Anders kann Ich Ihnen leider nicht helfen!
Über eine Rückmeldung würde ich mich freuen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mayr Günter
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
actually i would expect PR measures to make your product more public.
The ecat is technically ready for the start of production if the aim of one million is reached. So why no aggressive advertisement, videos of your operative ecat? There are enough suggestions mentioned at your blog reader. You have a picture of a 3 KW ecat, so why not a lot of short videos while it produces power for a washing machine, vacuum cleaner, hotplate, electric heating, electric fire, electric kettle, computer, TV, light bulbs, refrigerator and so on? Why no use of fame influencer at youtube..?
You cannot reach your aim whilst no one know your product. And because it is in such a way genius and an unbelievable new kind of power producer you need the proof of much videos and influencers.
Sincerely yours
Steven Nicholes Karels:
60 years since now and again they say that within 20/30 years the nuclear fusion based power generation system will be put at work.
We are working hard to do our best.
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat application
electric snow cat
“Taos Ski Valley Resort in New Mexico wrote in an e-newsletter today that it has deployed the “first, fully electric snowcat in North America.”
For those unfamiliar, a snowcat is a snow groomer that packs snow and improves skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobile trail conditions.
Taos Valley has put a Prinoth Husky eMOTION on its slopes, which is an electric snow groomer with a 180 kW (245 hp) engine and a battery capacity of either 100 or 200 kWh, depending on whether the resort opted for basic or premium. Italy-based Prinoth says on its website that the eMOTION has a run time of up to three hours and a DC fast charging capacity of 100 kW. (Its AC charging capacity is 22 kW.)”
Dear Andrea Rossi,
There is a common saying that fusion power based electrical generation is always 30 years away. It seems that eCat technology mass produced products are always a year away. Can you give your followers some hope that actual mass production will begin within some period of time, say, one year?
Every few months I get a call from a company trying to sell me solar power for my residence and I tell them your technology is “just around the corner”. If I won the lottery, I would fund your program. Unlikely, since I don’t buy lottery tickets.
I truly hope you can bring this technology to market.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat application – powering Robot Dogs
Unitree has a Go2 robot dog that requires 28VDC to 33.6VDC with a peak power of 3,000W. It has a payload rating of 7 kg. The Robot Dog costs about $1,600USD.
It currently uses either an 8,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 2 hours or a 15,000 mA-hr battery with a duration of 4 hours.
The inclusion of an eCat NGU 3 kW power unit would provide an unlimited operating time.
Mr. Yuri
You wrote it exactly right. EV and its test is the best possible.
Warm Regards J.Š.
@Harry, Yuri,
I too agree with you,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your opinion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My suggestion has all the similarities to the lamp demo except there is an actual power measurement of what is going into the display.
The previous lamp-only demo had no means of showing how much power was consumed nor any measurement of the optical power output by the lamp. The clock next to the lamp showed that time was elapsing – it was not a still image.
This arrangement uses off-the-shelf components while still not directly measuring the output of the NGU unit(s). I think you should seriously consider this approach, or something similar to it.
I agree, you are right
Harry. R
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I suggest an alternative to a lamp display.
Assume the following:
1. online continuous display of a countup wall clock – large red or blue LED display with 10,000 day and HR:MM:SS display, with an input voltage of 5VDC. It shows elapsed time since power up. Costs around $155 USD.
2. an inline digital volt and amp display – works on input 5 VDC going to the wall clock. This shows the power going to the wall clock. Costs around $7 USD.
3. a 12VDC to 5 VDC step down dc/dc converter – accepts power from the NGU 10W module(s) and converts it to 5 V power. costs around $10 USD.
4. One (or two) NGU 10W unit powering the dc/dc step down converter.
All on a plexiglass stand with no wires leading to any offscreen device. In a well illuminated room.
In this implementation, there is no direct measurement of the NGU output voltage or current. But the power going to the wall clock is shown.
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
will the demo with the EV respect the same protocol that had been scheduled for the October 2023 test ?
If yes, I think that the streaming with the lamp will be totally useless, an EV that runs for 10 hours leaving at the end of the 10 hours run the battery still full charged is totally convincing, while a streaming that now an again is interrupted by issues totally independent from your control is nonsense.
All the best,
@Jean Paul Renoir,
I agree with your comment,
Maybe, in future,
Warm Regards,
Jean Paul Renoir:
Thank you for your suggestion.
1- yes
2- yes
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I was reading about the new submarines that Italy is preparing to build. I have learned that the best are those powered by nuclear power which have infinite autonomy but which have the big flaw of being very noisy and therefore easily identifiable. On the other hand, those powered by a hybrid Diesel and Electric system can be quieter but with limited autonomy.
I think in this field your Ecat can be a game changer.
Regards, Giuseppe
Dr Rossi,
I am reading a lot of comments suggesting different ways to remake the long life streaming, with a lot of conditions: I suggest you simply not to make any more live streamings for thousands of hours. My suggestion is to make the test with the EV, at the conditions you had decided before the accident that put all on hold: go for a tenth of hours with an EV with its battery perfectly charged (80% of SOC), and after the 10 hours measure the SOC of the battery, that will remain full with 80% of the SOC.
That will not be boring and will be more than enough.
1- are you going to make the EV test streaming within this year ?
2- do you think my suggestion is viable ?
Thank you to publish and read my comment,
Joe Wright:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Thank you for your answer to Sam’s comment od March 3.
I studied carefully the paragraphs 4,5,6 of the paper
and I think I am beginning to understand how can be made the ZPE (Zero Point Energy) by the Ecat
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Mr. Schmidt is right.
Persuading YouTube to allow 100 thousand hours of LiveStream may take 20 years, persuading Microsoft not to force restart Windows PCs may take 30 years, persuading your IT specialist to replace Windows OS with Linux OS may take 5 years.
It is much easier to connect a 100 Watt E-Cat into a 50 Watt brushless electric motor with propeller, place a fluttering ribbon behind the propeller, and after a few weeks of LiveStream broadcasting, everything will be clear.
Alternatively: 10 Watt E-Cat NGU shining onto some 100 Watt photovoltaic panel powering the aforementioned 50 Watt brushless electric motor with propeller (and ribbon).
With Best Regards
Joe Wright
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
why this circumstances with your demos?
Something short would fit better. Operate an electric heater or a electric water kettle with your ecat.
It would be just a few minute video – everyone has a few minutes to view it.
And it is risk-free for you: If your invention is flaky (which i not believe), just show the version of the short video where it works.
The advantage is:
You do not have to invest much time in demos and everyone can see in short time if it works – without to watch and check a video/livestream for hours.
Warm regards
R. Schmidt
1- we are studying this issue
2- you can do it when we will contact you for delivery
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
1- are being
2- which project are you talking about ?
3- the modules are the same
Warm Regards,
Good morning Andrea Rossi,
Your response see Max’s blog February 29:
1/ Does it also mean that the technical problems have been resolved?
2/ Is there a time frame when I can expect the demo version for our project?
3/ Which version of the Ecat units 0.5 kWh or higher is the fastest?
With regards
Il Gatto selvatico che girava… girava …attorno al Fuocherello…e senza pedigree ha fatto un gran bel salto.
Ora e’ diventato una Gran Lince.!!
3kw !!! e senza allacciamento. !!! il sogno di tutti.!!! Incredibile. in cosi poco tempo.!!!
Ma quanti riconoscono la forza ….e l’astuzia di questa bestia??
Complimenti alla Lince piu Intelligente del pianeta.
Gli altri animali …tutti fermi se la guardano increduli .
Il Mondo trattiene il fiato …ed e’ sicuro che prima o poi la Lince diventera’ Un Leone.
Il Re della foresta.
Il mondo Ringrazia la Lince e la Piccola Giungla che gli sta attorno
Fabrizio un contadino di Jesolo Italia 4 Marzo 2024
The wild cat that went around …and around ..the Fire… and without pedigree made a great leap.
Now he has become a Great Lynx.!!
3kw!!! and without connection. !!! everyone’s dream.!!! Incredible. in such a short time.!!!
But how many recognize the strength…and cunning of this beast??
Congratulations to the smartest lynx on the planet.
The other animals… all standing still and looking at it in disbelief.
The World holds its breath…and it is certain that sooner or later the Lynx will become a Lion.
The King of the Forest.
The world thanks the Lynx and the Little Jungle that surrounds it
Fabrizio a farmer from Jesolo Italy
Dear Andrea,
I can see that the product design is approaching the final entry-level model.
1) Can you say anything about whether the power-to-weight ratio will be suitable for continuous drone flight?
2) Can I adjust the order at the time you contact me for delivery, or do I have to keep orders up to date?
Best Regards
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I understand that the NGU 100W units may be ordered with a specified output voltage, such as 12 VDC. May 100W NGU units be ordered with a nominal output voltage of 14 VDC?
This variant would be useful for charging 12 Volt batteries and similar applications.
Thank you for the link; what is derived from the zero point energy in the Ecat can be understood also in paragraphs 4,5,6 of this paper:
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
What is Zero Point Energy?
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
is the paper
still updated to understand how the Ecat NGU works ?
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi, Could the inflation that we are unfortunately seeing in this period, increase the 1 million unit order threshold? thanks