Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.
Quinton Heri:
I am totally adverse to exaggerations in favour of LENR, because “hyperboles” can compromise the hard work we are making to reconcile LENR with the mainstream science. Example: suppose you have a pet- cat and you want to show proudly to your friends that your cat is special. If you tell to your friends that your cat is a mice killer, surely you improve his reputation, but if you say that he is a tigers killer, you make him ridiculous. This is the equipollent of saying the E-Cat caused the fall of oil price. To say that the fall of the oil price has been caused by the E-Cat because the publication of the results of the Lugano test has been made just before the price fall is like to say that, since the sun rises in the morning just after the fact you take your breakfast, you suspect the rising sun is caused by the fact you eat your breakfast.
The fall of the oil price has been determined mainly by two factors:
1- geopolitical turmoils, caused by events beyond the limits of diplomacy
2- the discovery in the USA of limitless reserves of hydrocarbons after the utilization of fracking technology: this fact has turned the USA from an oil importer into a potential oil exporter, changing dramatically the ratio between demand and offer of this commodity.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
You said you are sure that LENR are totally strange to the fall of oil price: how do you explain that the fall happened in coincidence with the aftermath of the Lugano test of the independent third party?
If he said so, I am delighted of it. He is my Customer !
Anyway, we have a long road to go through before being satisfied, because until the test on course has not be completed, the risk that the final results will be negative exists.
Warm Regards,
Andrea: congratulations, Tom Darden, the President of Industrial Heat, has said at the ICCF 19 in Padua that thanks to you LENR are arrived to a tip .
Any comment?
No, it has noting to do, because the Rossi-Process was based on thermolysis, while this is a system to make biogas by means of organic matter fermentation. Probably they have discovered a bacterial additive. There is a link to me, though: these scientists are from the University of Catania, where in 1973 I engineered, manufactured and supplied a plant to make energy with the wastes of the hospital of the University, one of the most important of Italy. In those times I worked during the day, while during the night I prepared my exams for the doctorate in Phylosophy; in this sense, between then, when I was 23 years old, and now ( unfortunately already 64) there is not much difference: now I use the day for the R&D on the 1 MW plant and the nights inside the plant ( whae She is calm) to study upon the reconciliations of the Lugano Report with Prof. Norman Cook; he is in Japan, I am in the USA, so when here is night there is day.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I read today on the Internet that in Sicily ( Italy) a group of researchers is making a plant to turn wastes from the orange-treatment facilities into energy: has this to do with your waste-into-oil Rossi process of the late seventies?
If the test at the end of the year will result to be positive, you will have been right.
Warm Regards,
I am thinking to the application of a 1 MW E-Cat to give heating to hospitals: if it will work as I think is working now the plant installed by IH in a factory of their customer, it can save money useful for research in medicine. Did you think about this?
Jordan 10:
Today is stable, we are proceeding our test and R&D work.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
How is going today the 1 MW plant?
Elliott Crain:
Thank you: this is the achievement of my Team.
Let’s wait for the results after the year long operation, though.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
So: the 1 MW plant is made by 30 000 components: stunning! A dramatic evolution respect the tabletop toys we have seen in 25 years of LENR attempts. The New Era really begins !!!
Thanks, Martyn.
Hi Carlo,
It looks like you are stuck on an old comment page/thread.
To see the latest comments go to http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com/?p=853#comments
To see all the sections of the blog go to the top level: http://www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com or just click on the logo/title at the top of this page.
All the best,
Martyn (another avid reader of the JoNP)
Today I haven’t seen any new post … worried for this … so I have decided to send this one.
Hello to everybody and happy to wait with you all good news about E-Cat.
At this point, having seen the long time professors are taking to issue their TP report, I am quite sure that they are going to give us good news. In fact, disclosing negative results and avoiding any disturbance to the energy “business as usual”, would have been much more easy, and fast.
Regards to everybody,
I have just discovered that a Ford Torino car, in 1976, had been outfitted with a Stirling engine. Who knows if Ford still can help with that engine?
Carlo Marcena,
We must put a distinction between the use of DC to operate the reactors and the use of DC in the phase of generation of direct or indirect electric energy. For what concerns the use of DC to operate the reactors, I cannot give information. For what concerns the direct and indirect production of electric energy, we are working on all the options. Interesting comment, though.
I must add that until the end of the validation tests in course, I cannot anticipate positive or negative results.
Warm Regards,
Good morinig to everybody.
I have seen that blog attention is going on E-Cat for electricity generation, related electrical grids, microgrids etc. Nice … it means that E-cat testing and verification activities are proceeding well … Now, just to add another item to the debate, I would like to rise the point of Direct Current (DC): as you know, alternate current AC was chosen more than one century ago because it was easier to generate (alternator much better than “dinamo”), transmit (transformer allowed to increase/decrease voltage, in order to minimise transmission losses) and interrupt (only in these late years circuit breakers for big DC currents are becoming “real”). On the contrary, presently, many loads, generators (e.g. PV, windmills) and storage run on DC current. Moreover, DC grids are easier to deploy and regulate, and may be run at a lower voltage (when compared to an AC grid that is delivering the same power). E-cat could be advantaged by DC medium and micro grids … Opinions on this “DC point”?
I do not understand your calculation. I mean: a 4 kW eCat, coupled with a 30% efficiency Stirling engine, coupled as well to a 90% efficiency electrical generator would yield a net electrical power, ready for an external load P=4*(0,30*0,9-1/6)= 0,41 kW (6=COP), the balance to 4 kW, i.e. 3,59 kW, available as sensible heat. A real astonishing and game changer result!
Apart from this, I share your enthusiasm and AR considerations: testing first, then we see.
Carlo Marcena:
We are interested only to industrial products, ready to be bought at acceptable market price. We are waiting an offer and if it is acceptable we will buy one item and will test it in our laboratories.
Warm Regards,
Good morning.
The information about a 30%efficiency@480C° Stirling engine ready for mass production is very exciting. Thanks, Mr. Chauvin! Coupled with an Hot-Cat, this engine could yield a net electric efficiency η(net)=(0,3-1/cop)>0,1 (cop=6). 1 kW produced by Hot-Cat would be turned into 100 W electric and a lot of useful heat, no external electrical feed: game changing result! This Stirling engine has to be tested with the Hot-Cat, asap!
With my best appreciation for yuor work,
Carlo Marcena:
Thank you very much for your intelligent comment. Yes, you are right, information must be given when it is time. In this moment we have nothing to communicate. I agree with you on the fact that information must be done, but it cannot be bound to time scheduling, it must be a derivative of results performing, otherwise the press conference would become frustrating more than a bar- press conference.
As you correctly say, we are making a very serious and rigorous review of all the data, basing our validation process upon the repetition in different situations of the results, after long run tests, making sophisticated analysis of every step also upon the charges. As soon as we will have consolidated results we will communicate them positive or negative as might they be. We are assessing also all the points regarding the theory at the origin the Rossi effect, searching in the experiments and the charges analysis the confirmation of the initial intuition. This is a long and difficult work, made also with the help of international laboratories and any specific information given at this point would be vain.
Again thank you for your very intelligent comment.
Warm Regards,
Good morning, Mr. Rossi.
As a participant in this blog, in the last three-four months I am facing a situation in which news about E-Cat developments are scarce and somewhat vague. This stance is understandable in your situation, and it is expected to last in the coming 12 months, I think. Just to be more clear, I invite everybody here to compare this technology developments to other situations occurred in the past: can you imagine NASA that is informing everybody in details on its Apollo program, or the US Government informing on the developments of the Manhattan project, or GE giving periodic details about its early Nuclear or, more recently, Turbogas Technologies? Or Microsoft and Apple disclosing sensible details about their developments roadmaps?? Or, etc. So, we have to accept your selective silence as a sign of the seriousness and importance of what you and your group is engaged in. But, just in view and consideration of this importance, don’t you think that a kind of periodical press conference (let’s say every four or six months) would be beneficial to the whole E-Cat related matters?
Francesco Toro:
What we are doing now is the rigorous research and development activity, strictly connected with the validation that is necessary for the development for the E-Cat.
In this very moment I am working in a very delicate and important phase of this validation process, which involves the third indipendent party, now working for the long term analisys of the behaviour of the E-Cat. We will give information of the results, positive or negative as they may be. In this moment I cannot give precise information, totally involved as I am in the making of this extensive work.
Thank you for your constant attention to our endevours.
Warm Regards,
Dear… dear Andrea
i have been away from your tread for reasons that is not appropriate to explain here.
I’m rereading the correspondence to understand the progress that has been made, with a view to a powerful and rapid diffusion of your invention with which you will save both the ecosystem of the world, including our health. Just today I happened to read this article: http://www.ibtimes.com/nuclear-fusion-our-time-scientists-outline-hurdles-potentially-transformative-energy-1410232
Now i don’t know what are forward in the search these USA scientific laboratories, But what remains secure your product that i hope undergoes a exponential acceleration in experimentation and marketing world.
Your fond
Caro, caro Andrea
Sono stato lontano dal tuo tread per ragioni che non è opportuno spiegare qui.
Sto rileggendo la corrispondenza per capire i progressi fatti, in vista di una poderosa e veloce diffusione del tuo ritrovato con il quale salverai l’ecosistema del mondo, compresa la nostra salute.
Proprio oggi mi è capitato di leggere questo articolo: http://www.ibtimes.com/nuclear-fusion-our-time-scientists-outline-hurdles-potentially-transformative-energy-1410232
Ora io non so quanto siano avanti nella ricerca questi USA laboratori scientifici, ma quello sicuro resta il tuo prodotto che io spero subisca una accelerazione esponenziale nella sperimentazione e commercializzazione mondiale.
Tuo affezionato
Dr Rossi
vorrei complimentarmi per l’impegno che sta mettendo nella sua ricerca e non vedo l’ora di poter capire e leggere altre pubblicazioni riguardanti il suo progetto.
Sono 2 anni che seguo(o almeno cerco) il suo lavoro aspettando l’uscita e la produzione definitiva del suo dispositivo,sono solo uno studente, ma sono affascinato da questa sua invenzione/scoperta.
volevo sapere quando termineranno i test e se c’era qualche altro sito dove avere informazioni sui suoi progressi (magari in italiano)
La ringrazio in anticipo per la risposta
Cordiali Saluti
Carlo Roserba.
E buon lavoro/fortuna…..
Dear Mr. Rossi
Thank you for your answer…The champaign is ready on my side now…smile.
First of all, thank you for your sustain.
We are conducting a rigorous program of validation and R&D and only at the end of this cycle of work we will communicate the results. I can only say that I am not here to sharpen the tips of the skyscrapers…
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi
On e-catworld people start to worry about what you are saying over and over again: “I do not know if the results of this work will be positive or negative, as I said many times we will share the information about the results at the end of this cycle of work”
Please, people like myself believe in you and in the success of e-cat. You are the only person who is not supposed to be un-convinced. I don’t want to push you, but is there a reason, why you keep saying, that you are not sure about the results?
Thanks for an answer….in the name of your fans.
Gianvico Pirazzini architect:
Thank you, very interesting,
Warm Regards,
It is important for the future of the E-Cat to control the evolutions in the energy market. Here is the link of the last report of the “International Energy Agency” that illustated how the shockwaves of rising United States (US) shale gas and light tight oil and Canadian oil sands production are reaching virtually all recesses of the global oil market.
The world of oil market is changed in few years.
To Chadow and all others trying to help in finding a good technology to convert E-Cat generated heat into electricity. Apart from cost, technologies under investigation should guarantee an electrical efficiency η high enough to produce electricity both to feed the E-Cat and an external electrical load. Just to help in the search, I think that a [η-1/cop > 0,05 (at least)] rule, where cop=6, should be imposed to all conversion technologies proposed for the E-Cat.
Thank you, we’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi and company:
Rather than a sterling engine design, has anyone considered an r34 heat pump? Do to the low boiling point of r34, a man in alaska (chena hot springs)has built a turbine capitalizing on heat from the sun on a black r34 holding tank. This seems ideal for low temperature ecat.
The technology is simple and could easily be built with minimum expense.
As a side note for the future, this could be serviced by heating an A/C technicians!
Arch. Gianvico Pirazzini
Thank you, interesting
Warm regards
Dear Dr Rossi, did you see this? It is the updated Ragone diagram, based on
the article of the indipendent third party that made the test of the Hot Cat in
March, published on Arxive ( “Indication of anomalous heat energy production in
a reactor device containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder”)
Paul Calvo:
Thank you, interesting.
Warm Regards,
Hi Dr Rossi,
Pentagon Awards Massive $7 billion deal to supply energy “from renewable and alternative energy production facilities that are designed, financed, constructed, operated and maintained by private sector entities.
Question please: Johnson Controls _ is this the new partner )
All the best,
Hi Dr Rossi,
Johnson Controls _ the new partner )
All the best
Carlo Marcena:
Thank you for your effort, but this is not a product than we can consider reliable and mature.
Warm Regards,
herein enclosed an interesting paper, though quite theoretical, on Stirling engine potentiality: http://www.electrochemsci.org/papers/vol8/80810772.pdf
Carlo Marcena:
They do not have an industrial product, but a conceptual prototype. Anyway, if they will send us the offer for an industrialized product, we will buy it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr.Rossi,
about Stirling engine manufacturer: have you tried to contact this firm http://www.ripassoenergy.com/index2.html? The 32% efficiency they claim would allow a 15,3% final efficiency (electrical) with an E-Cat working with cop=6. This result would be really important and groundbreaking. Don’t you think?
Have a nice day,
Paulina West:
Thanks to you,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thank you very much for your kind response earlier. I was happy to see you have taken a little time to give interviews here: http://vimeo.com/user11254107
I was making jam the other day and I thought how nice it would be to have an e-cat, because it takes so long to boil 10 gals. of water to put the jars of preserves in. I think the ecat will help to preserve food in the home very easily. And perhaps the water will be a new beauty secret also, with a few rose petals and herbs. 😉
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you for reminding that today is the 126th birthday of Erwin Schroedinger.
Warm Regards,
Andrea, Readers,
Today is Erwin Schrodinger’s 126th birthday. He is being honored by GOOGLE with a cartoon doodle.
See http://www.google.com
Dr. Schrodinger would be pleased to know his thought experiment is now
Joseph Fine
Dr. Joseph Fine:
Very interesting. Of course the E-Cat is a cousin of Schroedinger cat! By the way: as it will turn out when the scientific principle of our effect will be made public, the E-Cat respects perfectly the well known Physics laws and most accredited theories. I mean: there is no need of any “new physics”, everything is well contained in the well known Physics: therefore of course, as I said, the E-Cat is a cousin of the Schroedinger cat! Read the last edition of the book of Norman D. Cook…
Warm Regards,
Prof. Joseph Fine:
Very interesting. Of course the E-Cat is a cousin of Schroedinger cat! By the way: as it will turn out when the scientific principle of our effect will be made public, the E-Cat respects perfectly the well known Physics laws and most accredited theories. I mean: there is no need of any “new physics”, everything is well contained in the well known Physics: therefore of course, as I said, the E-Cat is a cousin of the Schroedinger cat! Read the last edition of the book of Norman D. Cook…
Warm Regards,