United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    probably it would be important having an Electromagnetic Intensity (EMF) meter and a Geiger counter near the Ecat SSM, to have evidences that no energy is being transmitted wirelessly and that no radiation is being produced or absorbed.



  • Due Diligence Guy

    Dr. Andrea Rossi,

    1) Your streaming demonstration shows a new, currently untapped, energy source and a device with an infinite COP– this is a significant achievement that deserves major recognition.

    2) Based on your own comments and the analysis of others it appears that the device being demonstrated is producing approximately 1 to 2 watts of electrical power. While this level of output power is noteworthy, it is significantly lower than the “Max Operational Power” of the “SKLep-SSM-12V-10W” device presented in your datasheet.

    Question: Since end-user viability of the 10w SSM device is heavily dependent on the characteristics as described by the Spec Sheet, do you plan, in the near term, to stream a device functioning at the level of “Max Operational Power”?

    Sincerely, Due Diligence Guy

  • Jean Dupont

    Dr Rossi,
    The live streaming of the Ecat SSM is perfect. The Ecat incapsulated in the lamp surrounded by plexyglas screens is totally visible and it is clearly disconnected from any possible power source, while a battery would be out of service within a couple of days, the consume is zero W and the light is there: whatever the power of it, you reached infinite energy. Now you have to make more powerful assemblies, but it is just a matter of quantity of modules.
    I was sceptic, now I am enchanted. I also understand your minimalist approach: you are justly acting with caution to avoid to raise powerful hostilities before you find the necessary partnership: am I correct ?
    God bless you and your team,
    Jean Dupont

  • Yuri

    Pekka Janhunen,
    I mean the photonic power emitted by the lamp: luminosity,
    Best, Yuri

  • Yuri:
    A small clarification, if I may ask. When you wrote “luminosity between 1 and 2 watts”, did you mean the photonic power emitted by the lamp, or the electric power consumed by it?

  • Andrea Rossi

    All I can say is this: whatever the Wattage of the light source, the COP of the Ecat SKLep SSM is given by the ratio between the Wattage of the light and the consume, therefore:
    Light Watts= x > 0
    Consume of the Ecat SKLep SSM = 0
    As a conseuence of these data, we have:
    Coefficient of Performance- COP- = x/0 = infinite
    All the rest is irrelevant to me, because multiplying the units of an assembly we can obtain as much Watts of power as we need: and this is exactly what we are doing now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Carlotta Visconti:
    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I hope so,
    Warm Regards,

  • Yuri

    Dr Rossi,
    My team analyzed carefully your lamp shown in the Ecat SSM video and we found evidence that the light source can be only where is the most luminous part of the lamp, exactly at the center of the lamp itself. We calculated that the luminosity is between 1 and 2 Watts.
    All the best,

  • Albert

    I’m still hoping that one fine day I will be opening my front door for the delivery of my order of several E-Cat SKLep SSM units. Is there any hope for this year?

  • Carlotta Visconti

    Dr Rossi,
    I think the video of the Ecat in self sustaining mode will become historic. Only, you should be more aggressive in the introducing phase.
    I agree with the reader that said you are a bit too much minimalist about your achievement.
    Good luck to you and your brave team,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    I already followed your suggestion, on March 17th we will receive the new watch with the seconds display,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Enzo Amato:
    On March 17 will arrive the new Watch with the count of the seconds,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We bought yesterday a watch that corresponds to the suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • Maico

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    I think this digital watch might be fine




  • Enzo Amato

    Finalmente un o stream che poco induce a sospetti.
    Eppure secondo me, da avvocato del diavolo, manca ancora una cosa. L’orologio dovrebbe mostrare anche i secondi. Mostrando solo i minuti potrebbe essere possibile sostituire una eventuale batteria nell’involucro della lampada tra due minuti diversi e nessuno se ne accorgerebbe.
    Con una batteria 18650 da 3Ah e un LED molto luminoso da ~50 mA nella lampada questo sarebbe necessario ogni paio di giorni.


    Finally, a stream that little induces suspicion.
    Yet in my devil’s advocate opinion, one thing is still missing. The clock should also show seconds. By showing only minutes it might be possible to replace a possible battery in the lamp housing between two different minutes and no one would notice this.
    With a 3Ah 18650 battery and a very bright ~50 mA LED in the lamp this would be needed necessary every a couple of days.

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    as a clock you could use an android smartphone with a clock and timer app, there are so many, if you don’t find one that does everything you could use two apps at the same time by dividing the screen in two

  • Andrea Rossi

    Physics Researcher:
    Warm Regards,

  • Physics Researcher

    Hi Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the remarkable stats on Researchgate. I read all your papers.
    About the streaming of the Ecat in self sustaining mode, I suppose the led is positioned at the center of the lamp’s shell, where we can observe a strong luninosity, correct ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    In this moment our IT guy has informed me that the streaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM has been restarted, after one hour of fight…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    Thank you for your insight ,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi.

    Yet another SKLep SSM application

    Consider Outdoor LED Displays – especially remote locations, running 24/7.

    An Outdoor LED Display requires 750W per square meter (m2).

    For a one m2 Outdoor Display, 8 100W SKLep SSM units would be needed.

    8 100W SKLep SSM units would cost about $2,000USD.

    For a lifetime of 100,000 hours, the 1 m2 Outdoor LED sign would consume 75,000 kW-hrs of energy.

    At a supplied cost of $0.20USD per kW-hr, the Grid electrical cost would be about $15,000USD over the 100,000 hour operating time.

    In addition to the cost of the electricity, additional costs would be incurred if the electrical supplier had to run power lines, such as in a remote highway display.

    The costs would increase linearly with the Outdoor LED display area (m2).


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    I have been informed now that we have technical streaming problems – while the Ecat SKLep SSM is working perfectly, you have my word – and our IT guy is working hard to fix the Youtube streaming issues.
    He told me it will take about 1 hour of work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dr Rossi,
    With respect to the watch/timer– Amazon has count up/countdown clocks that have {days, hours, minutes & seconds}. One example, search for:

    “BESTLED Red Days Countdown Clock 10 Digits Count up 10000 Days Hours Minutes Seconds LED Large Digital Countdown Clock IR Remote Control Aluminum Case”

    It counts up to 10,000 days (after that you could manually insert an additional leading digit or two 😉 ).

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    Add other loads, make heat with a resistance, and if you do not need heat, make cold using the heat…plus infinite possibilities.
    Thank you for your kind support
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dear Andrea,

    My congratulations on the livestream of the e-cat SKLep SSM to you and your team. Hopefully, it will result in many pre-orders
    to reach the 1.0 million.

    If I connect the SKLep to my power network, it will start when an allowed load is present. When the capacity is only 40% of the SKLep, I understood that the remaining 60% could theoretical delivered to the grid, which is not allowed at the time.
    But I hope this will be allowed after a successful product introduction of the SKLep. The SKLep will then be used to produce energy for the grid and avoid a part of electricity usage produced with CO2 emissions.

    I can disconnect the loads from the grid and use a proper SKLep power for each load which has to be connected. The loads are then separated from the grid.

    Do you have another idea to avoid transferring power to the grid?

    With my best regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    He does not…
    We will resolve the issue, I like the idea very much,
    Warm Regards,

  • Gavino Mamia

    Dr. Rossi
    look for the model of the watch you already own or contact the seller, he probably also has the model that’s right for you

  • Andrea Rossi

    Searched, found nothing useful.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    We must use a led because we cannot change lamp and the leds we use can sustain 100000 hours. This is why we consider 1 W as the power , even if it is much more “ictu oculi”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea, if you Google “display digitali personalizzati” you can find a solution for the clock.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    if you Google “display digitali personalizzati” you can find a solution for the clock.
    Regards, Giuseppe

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea, well done the live streaming, but a particular could be improved: The idea to use a led as load, is right for an high visibility light production, but it is a technology that can deliver some kind of light also with very very poor power, I am confident that at least the more expert visitors would appreciate instead a naked small incandescent lamp with nothing around it, a simple lamp let say of 5W 12V could be better.

    Best regards
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    1. I am not able to answer
    2. Same as above: I am ignorant of the matter
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is a led lamp,
    Warm Regards,

  • Raul

    What is the light source?

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I saw a video on electric space propulsion engines. Examples are:
    Ion Propulsion – Rocketdyne 6.9 kW – Thrust 235 mN, power requirement of 6,900W electrical, Specific Impulse of >4,100 sec.
    Hall Thruster – Rocketdyne XR-5 – Thrust 290 mN, power requirement of 4,500W, 200VDC to 400VDC input power; Specific Impulse of up to 1,790 sec.

    1. Is there any theoretical limitation why SKLep SSM technology would not work in a space environment, assuming a properly sealed enclosure?
    2. Given the two sample systems, is SKLep SSM technology more applicable to one compared to the other?

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    I am again here today, this time with the stats of your publications found on your profile in
    Total Readings: 127000 ( more than the 99% of 15 millions publications on Researchgate )
    Reccomendations: 8933 ( more than 99% of 15 millions publications on Researchgate )
    Citations + Mentions 71
    Research Interest Score: 2310 ( more than 99% of 15 millions publications on Researchgate )
    Most Readings Geographic Areas: USA, Europe
    Most Readings by Cathegories: Electronic Engineering, Theoretical Physics, Chemical Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
    Most Readings by Seniority: Professors, PhD Students, Researchers, CEO, Seniors
    And counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    I prefer not to put more things around the Ecat, to avoid that the usual idiot fantasizes about it. As everybody can see, we made a setup wherein the Ecat is totally isolated, seat upon a plexyglas table , everything around is totally translucent, with nothing else around with exception of the clock that has not links with the Ecat, as if the Ecat is suspended in the void space.
    The suggestion of Gavino Mamia is intelligent: we need a watch with date, time with also the running seconds, an additional luxury could be the days elapsed from the starting day; the watch must be connected, by the one we have now, by a USB to the same computer the cameras are connected with, again ,to be idiot proof; the dimensions must be moreless 4″ x 2″ ( 10 cm x 5 cm ) to fit well in the view of the camera, must be flat, to be clearly exposed to the top view camera, and must be illuminated, to be clearly readable also in the dark. We are searching, but didn’t yet find an acceptable solution.
    Links to suggestions will be very, very welcome. Price is not an issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    is $50 million enough to fill the gap of missing orders? The E-CAT must finally hit the market – NOW!

    Best regards

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    meanwhile you are looking for a digital clock with seconds, you could put an analog clock on the wall behind the Ecat which usually also has seconds.
    Regards, Giuseppe

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Corrections done,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    we are looking for a watch with the seconds too and the number of days …do you have suggestions ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our great Team !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nils Fryklund:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Nils Fryklund

    Dear Andrea!
    Congratulations to the SSM-goal and your hard work.
    I hope that the world will wake up at last!
    Best regards
    Nils Fryklund

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