Open letter to Andrea Rossi about the semptember 27 Latina test of the Ecat

Maico Marzocchi
Expert Responsible for validation of the Latina test

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Dear Dr Rossi,
More and more often on JONP, I see questions addressed to you about the types of loads that the E-Cat is able to “manage”.
Regarding this “topic” I believe I can provide some very important indications.
Thanks to the integration and demo of the E-Cat EV on my Twizy, I had the opportunity to use, under its control, on September 6 and 7, 2024, a 3kW E-Cat.
Much has been said and written about the demonstration at the Latina racetrack on September 27, 2024, as has also been done about the test on the roller

bench on September 7, 2024 (8 hours of testing at the same power used in the Latina demonstration of the E-Cat EV).
Much less has been written/said about the tests carried out by Us on September 6, 2024 in my Box, while we “integrated” the E-Cat into my Twizy to carry

out, the following day, the test on the roller bench (in those 2 days the Ecat always remained under my “control/sight”, and on the night of September 6,

at the end of the joint activity, in preparation for the test on the “rollers”, it remained closed in my box inside the Twizy).
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